
I feel more comfortable running as a Democrat but I have more republican views

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Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, Raze said:

You’d feel the same way if you walked in on your parents going at it but conservatives are A-ok with that 

No. A kid told me X is gay (he's actually bi). I asked what does that mean? The kid said the same way you look at girls he looks at boys. The former (having crushes on girls) is not intrusive. The latter shook me to my core. 

Edited by gambler

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Posted (edited)

22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Why does it matter?

@Leo Gura Religious reasons. Also, though there are literally hormones inside the male and female body which make them attracted to the opposite sex. 

When people are pure there hormones stay the same when the LGBTQ community starts to influence or force others to become gay the hormones inside their body change and they become unpure and can never go back.

This is a huge reason why it is so important. 

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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There is a deeper understanding.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I feel it is better for same sex couples, marriages and the LGBTQ community as a whole to not be allowed that way nobody risked getting negatively influenced by the LGBTQ community. 

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Clarence Thomas would like the supreme court to reconsider overturning same sex marriage. 

If the courts could overturn it, it would be better for everyone in society.  

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When homosexuality is recognized and accepted widely in society it harms and hurts many people in society.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There is a deeper understanding.

Ain’t no way. Homosexuality is seen as inseparable from the modern day liberal culture. If you accept homosexuality, it follows that this anchors modern liberal culture more and more. But this culture is perceived as emboldening hedonism because that is believed to be the manifestation of its schemas. And sustaining a hedonistic culture is problematic because no one wants their kids to be more incapable of delaying gratification which can lead to having a higher probability of being drug addicted and possibly being homeless; hitting it raw and contracting STDs; hanging with the wrong crowd and being a criminal; having children out of wedlock and being absent or a poor parent; not being productive members of society and having poor mental health; not wanting to have families or being incapable of a lasting marriage which is seen as non beneficial to the well-being of most people—these are problems that conservative parents don’t want. They want to ensure the survival and well-being of their kids so that is why they want to revive or protect what they perceive to be the moral and social fabric of their society from things that threaten or gets in the way of it. 

If this isn’t it, then I’m really curious to know what it is. 

Edited by gambler

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is a deeper understanding.

Is it the fear of unknown consequences from the perpetual leniency of allowing change? Like in the future, because we keep allowing change, people will progress technology in more intrusive ways? Like we already don’t really do anything for victims of revenge porn, in that sense we already live in a technological dystopia. But with the continued progress, acceptance of homosexuality is perceived as a threat because it’s believed to be one more change towards some other dystopia? 

Edited by gambler

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@NightHawkBuzz fundamentally, society doesn't accept LGBTQ by default because it's just a knee jerk reaction of the collective and therefore individual unconscious survival agenda.

It's a social survival game of gossiping and demonizing and marginalizing to promote the survival, fitness and evolution of the species.

People being judgemental and unwelcoming to LGBTQ is similar to when women consistently reject weak beta males. They are unconsciously but effectively weeding them out of the gene pool. They are punishing bad survival traits.

It's akin to momma bird not feeding the weaker unfit chick and letting it die. But instead of withholding nourishment the unconscious technique is to ostrasize and reject them, avoiding proliferation of LGBTQ tendencies in society

People also unconsciously are afraid that these ideas will become mainstream, that their children will become gay and their bloodline and genes will vanish from the gene pool because their children won't procreate . Which may actually happen for some people, who knows. 

So it's just collective survival games, but survival doesn't f"ck around and takes it's job dead serious.

These are the main reasons. Most other are  backwards - rationalizations, ideology, ego, circular logic, knee jerk reactions, strawmans, scapegoating , one's owns insecurities and projections, etc


Funny enough even chatGPT is wrong on the core of this issue because it's too PC, and Claude won't even comment 

chatGPT says the main reason is culture, religion ( protecting the traditional  family) , social constructs. It literally told me that elites use social discrimination as a way of maintaining their control and and avoiding their power being challenged lmao

Embracing and not demonizing LGBTQ requieres breaking out of unconscious instinctual survival programming, while being aware of where it can go too far or crate needless confusion

Why do most men instinctually get an emotion of repulsion if they were to see two men kissing? Why are men made fun of if they don't have a GF or dont get laid often?

For the same reason you feel the emotion of jealousy if you see your woman laughing with another man and for the same reason someones puke gives you emotions of repugnance : unconscious instinctual survival mechanisms

When contemplating human problems, the answers are mostly  survival or ego

Edited by mmKay

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@mmKay In response to weeding out genes, with homosexuality, homosexuals don’t procreate. If they do, that’s seen as them doing the right thing.  People who are bi procreating isn’t seen as bad either, it’s seen as them doing the right thing. So weeding out their genes can’t be it. The right thing to do here means it’s ideal for people to find fulfillment in having a child but it’s not coming from a paranoia that the species will go extinct otherwise. 

Consider that this statement is a truthful statement: They don’t want to weed out their genes, they want them to behave appropriately for the greater good. In which case they can spread their genes all they want, whereas if they continue being homosexual, they would never spread their genes. 

If this isn’t what you meant, and it’s just about survival of the species from everyone procreating, this is absolutely not relevant to anyone demonizing homosexuality today. No one is coming at it from this angle. Not even from a subconscious level. 

When gays tell you that they are born that way, we believe them. Similarly conservatives should be believed when they tell you it’s not about some sub conscious primitive fear of the survival of the species from a small % not procreating. 

Edited by gambler

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@NightHawkBuzz, there is no need to continue proselytizing. We get that you don't accept or, dare I say, hate them.

Edited by Nemra

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is a deeper understanding.

I assume this person is heavily brainwashed and all their family and friends probably feel the same way he does. For him to change might be like someone trying to leave Scientology. So just survival? What's deeper than that?

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41 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@NightHawkBuzz, there is no need to continue proselytizing. We get that you don't accept or, dare I say, hate them.

@Nemra Okay good I am extremely passionate it about this issue and I have strong feelings on it so I wanna make sure I'm clear. 

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

@Leo Gura Religious reasons. Also, though there are literally hormones inside the male and female body which make them attracted to the opposite sex. 

When people are pure there hormones stay the same when the LGBTQ community starts to influence or force others to become gay the hormones inside their body change and they become unpure and can never go back.

This is a huge reason why it is so important. 

What religion? Who is teaching you these things? Why does it matter it it's not normal? How is it hurting anyone? Why do we need to put a stop to it? How is it hurting society? Straight people can be turned gay but gay people can't be turned straight? What if they go to confessional and repent?

You keep stating what you believe. Over and over... I am not asking you what. I am asking you why? I am assuming your answer will be "my father and/or preacher told me and I believed them and never looked into it or questioned it further." "Also I met a pushy gay person once so that proves it."

Edited by mattm33

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You’re not going to change his mind so rather than looping can we go back to discussing the conversation Leo sparked. 

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12 minutes ago, gambler said:

You’re not going to change his mind so rather than looping can we go back to discussing the conversation Leo sparked. 

You guys want to wax philosophical. I don't want to imagine possible answers. I want real answers from the person in front of me.

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1 minute ago, mattm33 said:

You guys want to wax philosophical. I don't want to imagine possible answers. I want real answers from the person in front of me.

They’ve been going at it with this guy for nearly a month with the same thing you’re doing. You’re wasting your time friend. 

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Imagine a straight person not wanting to have a child, or maybe he/she wants to do other things in life or doesn't give utmost importance to it. How would a traditionalist react to it?

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30 minutes ago, gambler said:

They’ve been going at it with this guy for nearly a month with the same thing you’re doing. You’re wasting your time friend. 

How do you get through to someone like this I wonder? I've been thinking about this and have no good answers. I've know people like this in my own life but they would never have a serious discussion about it. Which is why I thought this was an interesting opportunity. The conversation always breaks down at why. I assume because they literally don't know why themselves.

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