
What will the future of work look like?

16 posts in this topic

The purpose of work is survival. Back in the day you had to hunt in order to survive. As years went by new professions got created to enhance the rate of survival. 100 years ago most people worked on the farms. They grow vegetables, wheat etc. They worked a lot but at the same time not that much as some peole today. They worked a lot one day, the next day they rested. Ok they had pain in their body for a lot of physical work i get it, its worse. But would i just do farmers work instead of being an average factory worker in china? Where you just work to the point that its not necessary and you just make the employer more rich? No. You will get much more money by doing just farmers work.
Nowadays if you get a job that requires more studies, expertise and also not a lot of people can do that job and people are willing to pay for your job then you get lots of money. Most people get more money than they need for basic survival and needs. And from that money they buy video games, pay for youtubers, movies, onlyfans, sports etc. For this reason for the last years jobs that are unnecessary rised. 
Im not just talking about the entertainment work field that got lots of unnecessary jobs, there are lot of examples. 
In my opinion in the next years as there will be ai automatization people will have the choice to "work" more unnecessary jobs. 
Also i think there will be universal basic income. And in the week we only have to work a few days.
There will be a lot more jobs on climate change.

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On 03/08/2024 at 0:31 PM, ShardMare said:

The purpose of work is survival. Back in the day you had to hunt in order to survive. As years went by new professions got created to enhance the rate of survival. 100 years ago most people worked on the farms. They grow vegetables, wheat etc. They worked a lot but at the same time not that much as some peole today. They worked a lot one day, the next day they rested. Ok they had pain in their body for a lot of physical work i get it, its worse. But would i just do farmers work instead of being an average factory worker in china? Where you just work to the point that its not necessary and you just make the employer more rich? No. You will get much more money by doing just farmers work.
Nowadays if you get a job that requires more studies, expertise and also not a lot of people can do that job and people are willing to pay for your job then you get lots of money. Most people get more money than they need for basic survival and needs. And from that money they buy video games, pay for youtubers, movies, onlyfans, sports etc. For this reason for the last years jobs that are unnecessary rised. 
Im not just talking about the entertainment work field that got lots of unnecessary jobs, there are lot of examples. 
In my opinion in the next years as there will be ai automatization people will have the choice to "work" more unnecessary jobs. 
Also i think there will be universal basic income. And in the week we only have to work a few days.
There will be a lot more jobs on climate change.

I thought this was interesting 


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Purpose, Passion, Identity Driven Business, AI Co-Creation, Garage Polymaths, Neo-Renaissance.

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2 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:

Purpose, Passion, Identity Driven Business, AI Co-Creation, Garage Polymaths, Neo-Renaissance.

Sounds like a pipe dream.

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11 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

Sounds like a pipe dream.

Dream BIG :D 

It is just a perspective.

The deal is that we'll become a intellectual/artistic/spiritual species.

Robots will do all the hard/manual work.

We can choose to do it if we want :D 

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Creativity, Deep Thinking, Full Spectrum Thinking, Spirituality, Co-Creation, Space Exploration.

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Different kinds of jobs will be created.

We don't know what is coming.

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Work has no future

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The future has no future.

Seriously though, no idea on what the future of work is going to be like. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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@Wizardking im watching now for 5 minutes and i was thinking why do people think oh what about my job? You know most jobs are replacable. And also back in the day when bunch of jobs were replaced for example from people working on farms we went to 1 guy doing the wheat harvesting.              I think its the goverments job to make sure people dont die of hunger, they will handle it.  


If the government wont handle it then just wars going to be the solution. People will want to kill the richest people and the people with high status etc. But how will this unfold really i dont know, basic universal income will be here i guess

Edited by ShardMare

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I think we are missing out if we replace all manual labor, it has a value at least in our current biological configuration. I am speaking from experience, I have suffered sever depression for five years and something that helped me out was doing wood crafts and other manual labor at a local reconstructed Viking village. There was also some garden work. I also have fond memories of working half-time a year in a greenhouse, the monotony of tasks have great value for developing concentration, focus and awareness, not to speak about the connection with nature, and led up to some of my first awakening experiences in which no psychedelics were involved.
I would like to see the production of food become somewhat more local (of course not all crops can be grown anywhere, at least right now it does not seem feasible) and I would like to see more young people and more old people activated in these endeavors, instead of being locked up in the school ("prisons") and elderly homes ("prisons").
I envision local communities setting up for example a web-site of work that can be done, and people signing up for the tasks freely. It does not need to be paid work, but could of course include that if for example some extra-ordinary knowledge is required. The thing is, now we more an more can learn precisely what we need via the internet.
Eventually we might grow out of the need for material sustenance, but come that day when it may.

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Most work is actually unnecessary work in terms of direct survival. The necessary work is related to things like food production, building homes and sanitation and health, perhaps education. I can see all of those things being nearly completely automated in future. But that automation then makes maintaining and improving technology itself necessary work.

I for one would love not to work in the conventional sense, and just follow my interests and if it provides others value then good. A lot of people will want to work for any number reasons, to keep themselves occupied, for cameraderie, for a sense of achievement, and so on - they should be allowed to and jobs should be available for them.  Others may choose not to contribute to society at large at all, but they should still be allowed to survive without struggle and live a reasonable life, so UBI will suit those people. At the moment those sets of people are often seen as spongers and freeloaders, when in fact they may provide value in other ways than "work". For example you might be looking after an elderly family member, but it currently doesn't get recognised by society at all, why not get paid UBI for it?

So the future will be much more flexible in terms of work and whether you work at all. But as long as capitalism sticks around in its current form it will suck as many people as it can into work, because investments require a return and that means people's time and effort.


57% paranoid

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On 10/08/2024 at 11:40 AM, LastThursday said:

At the moment those sets of people are often seen as spongers and freeloaders, when in fact they may provide value in other ways than "work". For example you might be looking after an elderly family member, but it currently doesn't get recognised by society at all, why not get paid UBI for it?

So the future will be much more flexible in terms of work and whether you work at all. But as long as capitalism sticks around in its current form it will suck as many people as it can into work, because investments require a return and that means people's time and effort.

This is a good point, that there are social values that people typically don't get paid for but are important for a healthy society, like for example looking after relatives, especially older family members. A family unit combines the resources of multiple people which could ease the burden of the government to take care of needy people (besides being better for the mental well-being of needy people)

Edited by Basman

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Its hard to say exactly what the future will hold but there will likely be a decrease in available jobs due to automation as technology improves. In the book "Homo Deus" by Yuval Noah Harari, he points out that people will probably experience multiple industry shifts throughout their lifetime due to automation. Long-term job certainty might erode to the point where things like UBI becomes a serious talking point politically.

The silver-lining of an increasingly uncertain job market is that you might as well just go for the thing you are the most passionate about. Then you are at least doing something you like and you have the motivation to become excellent at a skill. Today it is easy to trade passion for money and security but if the security is out then you might as well become a seamstress for porcelain dolls or whatever. Or run one of those enchanted forest fairy shops for women who had an unhappy childhood.


Edited by Basman

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