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Crystal CLUurMind

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Im watchin a tv show where the guys like, "clear your mind" to the other person...

Clear your mind, clear your mind...

Everythings about this clear your mind mantra.

Forget about clear your mind , let me introduce the focus on sound in your mind.

Focus on your temple lobes, and dont get carried away thinking of each one individually... if you feel like it leans to one side thats fine. If you can keep the focus in the center somehow, thats even better.

Theres a wacky wacky world of sound going on, that you would otherwise overshoot on a drug, as its promoted to visualness; Instead you have to overwhelm your ownself w/ sound that you generate yourself. Youll know its right if its like a "Ping!... Pong!" -  Type've sound, like a pinball thats bouncing around... You ever hear Super mario when he jumps and makes a little sound?.. Its kindve like that sound, but bouncing off of things... Ive never gone beyond pinball lvl so to speak, but it sortve happen spontaneously after youve really marinated in sound... It has to fully encapsulate the mind. It starts out around the temples, and can fill out the rest of the hemispheres. It helps to put on one of those low HZ cosmic frequencies (the sound in your head should be high though)... the louder the better. and let that marinate into your own sense of frequency and it should happen once you take the headphones off or pause the sound. Iuno why it has to be a low frequency to amplify the high frequency, but its just what ive always done. Anyway, thats all.

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