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Top advice for getting laid -Mega thread

38 posts in this topic

Boys & girls...ladies & gentlemen..let's start a thread about  the top advice for getting laid for both men and If you are a guy and you had success with women .. Then share your advice and what you've learned and how exactly did you succeed in getting laid . And if you are a girl..then do the same with your top advice for other women into how to attract a quality boyfriend. I think its gonna be extremely helpful for everyone here .

I will start by my own advice ..I got laid through approaching a Norwegian girl in my college. My advice is simply this : listen guys ..before you start thinking about getting first need to become a man. Please let me explain what I mean by this . You must first get the hell out of your house jerking off and playing video games nonstop and get your feet wet . Go into the real world. Become a man. Get a job .leave your parent's house and have your own place . Learn life skills .socializing skills . Basically get out of your comfort zone and become a man that is worth his ass. Then you should start approaching girls . And trust me..approaching girls is veeeeery simple . Watch Leo's "how to get laid " part 2 when he teaches how to approach a girl . It does work. It does . I simply applied what Leo said in that video and I got success . I did a "one girl per day challenge ". This Basically means that you MUST approach at least one girl every single day for indefinite amount of time. For Basically until you succeed in attracting a girl . And if you do this enough .I garuntee you that you will get a girlfriend sooner than you ever dreamed of.

Now it's your turn guys and girls  .share your experiences..advices..traps etc 


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Pay 150 euros  dont be cheap 😂

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf lol. Oh you're commenting on a thread of mine. I honestly thought you have put on me on ignore /block .

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@Someone here Its like me commenting on your stuff is best thing that happened to you 😆

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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8 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Someone here Its like me commenting on your stuff is best thing that happened to you 😆


Obviously not. Don't overblow yourself that much . I just know that you generally dont like me so I'm surprised. 

Edited by Someone here

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@Someone here Okay someone who get's laid doesnt look to be liked thats my advice,also i never make it personal because i cant know someone, its the ideas/mindsets i dont like.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I got laid a fuck ton when I consistently went to nightclubs that had really good smoking areas, or had sections where there was no music so you could talk.

These are sociable parts of a club where you don’t have to rely too heavily on something like dancing or non-verbal body language to stand out, because those are not my strengths.

I stayed a 30 second walk away from the entrance to a nightclub with something like this for a couple of years, and I lost count of how many times I got laid there. Logistics and somewhere that it’s super easy for you to meet new people are pretty much the keys to having a lot of casual sex if that’s what you want.

Backpacking in SE Asia has also been pretty great for getting laid. Again, very sociable lifestyle, very easy to meet people and most girls who are backpacking are very chill, pro-hookup and pro casual sex.

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You approach talk and make something happen dont be in mindless conversation figure out logistic and lead

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I share my energy, if she don't like then there is nothing i can do, go fuck herself ; We can't please to everybody.

I like black metal, classical music, food, lame sex and a bit racist jokes lol.  So I get along well with people who are quite energetically "heavy" (an aura a bit dark, magenta...), and I get confused with personalities who are too light and neotenic (aura a bit green, yellow...).

Then, it's about to be to fill oneself energetically by submitting to powerful egregors, that is to say by devoting oneself to visions by work, passion, religion etc. Otherwise you will just be a depressive with nothing to say, you don't will be even able to make money.

There's no learning how to be good with women, you have to be full of energy and find someone who appreciates that energy and wants to receive it. You are automatically sociable and potentially attractive if you are fulfilled at the base. 

i wound't do things to hunt women, i will go to the place where i can give the most and i will automatically find women who like my energies and ofc our common subjects that has bring us to meet.


Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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@Schizophonia Interested to hear more on aura's. I feel it's an underrated aspect of connection between people. How do you read another person's aura and how do you become a aware of your own? Beyond that you seem to have a healthy approach. Can you expound on being fulfilled at the base?

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7 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

@Schizophonia Interested to hear more on aura's. I feel it's an underrated aspect of connection between people. How do you read another person's

Ahah, well it's just a little game.

I associate how i feel with a person with the colors who are linked with theses same feelings in nature. For exemple

Someone with a very light, bubbly energy, who is not interested in sports or rough activities, who likes to dress in a complex and casual way, who is very kind, who is a bit of a coward, who has a liberal streak etc ; It will make me feel a vibrational field that reminds me nature and green color, tree leaves, grass, certain insects, autumn,a deer etc. If it is a similar but less sensitive energy, which is expressed in a more brutal way, then it will be rather "dark green", "moss", "vine", "jungle".

Someone who is very energetic and enterprising, tenacious, very physical, who really likes combat sports, cycling or sports like that, who systematically wear the most comfortable clothes possible etc ; It will make me think of the color red, blood, the sun, pluto, chili pepper, certain insects, then rock, mountains, tundra, summer, meet, an eagle.

Someone also sporty but kinder and more greedy, who likes to make jokes, tease others, likes team sports, having parties, who is liked a little by everyone, generally the most "normies" statistically, who like wearing simple but classy clothes etc ; It will make me think of yellow or orange, the sun, an orange (the fruit), a lemon, citrus fruits and most fruits in general to a lesser extent, the desert, the spring, a fox.

Someone chill, compliant, sweet, profound who don't really like sport except by hygiene, who a great imagination, live a bit in his head and his deliriums, basically live in a kind of slower alternate world wearing an headphone all the time to listen classic music, sad music or phonk, isn't really interesting in clothes except very conscious decision to please etc ; It will make me feel to the color black, the color, purple, the color black, the moon, mercury, cold, winter, night, trees, rose bushes, locusts, a wolf...

Someone a bit slow, chill, but strong, who love sports like rugby. In general pretty nice and greedy, who knows how to get dressed well and eat well. Not very particularly enterprising or intellectual, or with a weaker involvement. Like wearing a hat and the beard ; It will make me think the the color brown, the earth, the forest, chestnuts, walnuts, nuts in general, a wild boar.

And so on.

8 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

how do you become a aware of your own?

Everybody is your mirror, you can perceive something because you brain can and the most some neural pathways are used by your brain the most it will influence what you can perceive.

So it's very simple, what you can perceive in others is you, and the most you perceive it the most it's you :)

8 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

Can you expound on being fulfilled at the base?

If you devote yourself (be yin) to something and like that, the energy of the plot will increase your nervous energy in the long/medium term and this will make you naturally dominant and therefore attractive to others  and especially women.
The more you devote yourself to something that fundamentally threatens your ego and atrophies it, the more it will make you energetically powerful. A very high energy state is a kind of constant euphoria where all the senses and your mental flow are amplified, your voice becomes deep and powerful and you become naturally talkative. It can also be more primitive and hostile energies, but it can also attract.
If you are empty because without purpose, well you will seem empty and/or particularly autistic ; You will end up without money and women.

In general, even if it becomes a bit more perched, the more you're feminine, yin, the more you will naturally be yang, in other words having a gf, friends houses, cars and power in general.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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On 8/3/2024 at 9:48 PM, Schizophonia said:

I share my energy, if she don't like then there is nothing i can do, go fuck herself ; We can't please to everybody.

her reaction.jpg Reaction.gif

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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On 3. 8. 2024 at 8:53 AM, NoSelfSelf said:

Pay 150 euros  dont be cheap 😂

That's way too much. In Eastern Europe, you pay half of that, drinks included 😁

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On 04/08/2024 at 10:51 AM, Schizophonia said:

Ahah, well it's just a little game.

I associate how i feel with a person with the colors who are linked with theses same feelings in nature. For exemple

Someone with a very light, bubbly energy, who is not interested in sports or rough activities, who likes to dress in a complex and casual way, who is very kind, who is a bit of a coward, who has a liberal streak etc ; It will make me feel a vibrational field that reminds me nature and green color, tree leaves, grass, certain insects, autumn,a deer etc. If it is a similar but less sensitive energy, which is expressed in a more brutal way, then it will be rather "dark green", "moss", "vine", "jungle".

Someone who is very energetic and enterprising, tenacious, very physical, who really likes combat sports, cycling or sports like that, who systematically wear the most comfortable clothes possible etc ; It will make me think of the color red, blood, the sun, pluto, chili pepper, certain insects, then rock, mountains, tundra, summer, meet, an eagle.

Someone also sporty but kinder and more greedy, who likes to make jokes, tease others, likes team sports, having parties, who is liked a little by everyone, generally the most "normies" statistically, who like wearing simple but classy clothes etc ; It will make me think of yellow or orange, the sun, an orange (the fruit), a lemon, citrus fruits and most fruits in general to a lesser extent, the desert, the spring, a fox.

Someone chill, compliant, sweet, profound who don't really like sport except by hygiene, who a great imagination, live a bit in his head and his deliriums, basically live in a kind of slower alternate world wearing an headphone all the time to listen classic music, sad music or phonk, isn't really interesting in clothes except very conscious decision to please etc ; It will make me feel to the color black, the color, purple, the color black, the moon, mercury, cold, winter, night, trees, rose bushes, locusts, a wolf...

Someone a bit slow, chill, but strong, who love sports like rugby. In general pretty nice and greedy, who knows how to get dressed well and eat well. Not very particularly enterprising or intellectual, or with a weaker involvement. Like wearing a hat and the beard ; It will make me think the the color brown, the earth, the forest, chestnuts, walnuts, nuts in general, a wild boar.

And so on.

Everybody is your mirror, you can perceive something because you brain can and the most some neural pathways are used by your brain the most it will influence what you can perceive.

So it's very simple, what you can perceive in others is you, and the most you perceive it the most it's you :)

If you devote yourself (be yin) to something and like that, the energy of the plot will increase your nervous energy in the long/medium term and this will make you naturally dominant and therefore attractive to others  and especially women.
The more you devote yourself to something that fundamentally threatens your ego and atrophies it, the more it will make you energetically powerful. A very high energy state is a kind of constant euphoria where all the senses and your mental flow are amplified, your voice becomes deep and powerful and you become naturally talkative. It can also be more primitive and hostile energies, but it can also attract.
If you are empty because without purpose, well you will seem empty and/or particularly autistic ; You will end up without money and women.

In general, even if it becomes a bit more perched, the more you're feminine, yin, the more you will naturally be yang, in other words having a gf, friends houses, cars and power in general.

Thanks dude. One of the most helpful pieces of insights I have received on this forum.

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As a female, my advice 'to get laid' (I hate this expression, it devalues sex like nothing else) is to have no intention to get laid, but instead being genuinely curious about the other person. What seems to 'work' is attunement, empathy, playfulness, cheerfulness, great listening skills, on one hand, and femininity, positive attitude to your own body and sexuality, and a sense of self, on the other. Good sense of humor and openness are very helpful as well. What I've found, men (and people in general) like to be heared and seen, and appreciated, and, after some time, challenged. Most men I've met, tend to keep their wall up (whatever it means for the particular person), so they often get caught by surprise that there's actually a back door to their protection. Since I love exploring the mind, the soul, and the body of the other, it all comes quite naturally, at least it used to when I was still dating. It's like a dance - synchronizing with your (potential) partner, following their lead and leading (inviting) when needed. 

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23 minutes ago, DianaFr said:

It's like a dance - synchronizing with your (potential) partner, following their lead and leading (inviting) when needed. 


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