
The end of infinity

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Maybe some of you have heard of the classical theistic proof of God that was formulated by Aristotle, Aquinas, and a bunch of other philosophers. It goes like this in its simplest form:

1) There is stuff

2) Stuff came from somewhere

3) What it came from is God

Now, by the way, try your best to disprove this argument-- I don't think it can be done, even though I made up the most basic and bordering on stupid formulation of the argument (but it is genius in its stupidity). But the key oversight is that all this stuff here, also know as creation, consciousness, or reality, doesn't have a source beyond it, and really God is the creation and the creator.

The essence of this argument is a causal chain: a -> b -> c ; etc. The point is that there must be something at the end of that chain that is sourcing it. But what is it? The laws of nature, some material thing? Of course not. The source is the entire causal chain and its beginning and end; in other words, it is infinity. Reality is groundless, but at the same time it is grounded and it is the ground.

Now let us apply this thinking to awakening. Where is the end of awakening, or does it continue infinitely? Is the realization that it goes infinitely the awakening?

It seems that there could be a final insight, a final awakening that brings together all the others into a superposition, almost like when all the buildings fold into one another in the movie "Inception." The end of infinity.

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1 hour ago, AtmanIsBrahman said:

Now let us apply this thinking to awakening. Where is the end of awakening, or does it continue infinitely? Is the realization that it goes infinitely the awakening?

I'd say that there is only one real awakening, open the current experience and realizing the absolute infinity, the reality looking itself in the face. The absolute light of existence, the open heart of the unlimited.

Then you can try a lot to perceive what the hell is happening and what is going to happen next. I guess that it's possible see it very deep, but one thing is essential to me: if I lost the perception of what I am, I get lost in the mind, so it's better don't try to understand unless you are really open to the absolute, and that doesn't happen continuously, you have to do first one moment, then you lose it, then again, etc, until you intuit it more and more time. It's a delicate issue, the mind creates lot of blockages .

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2 hours ago, AtmanIsBrahman said:

1) There is stuff - Assumes form

2) Stuff came from somewhere - Assumes space

3) What it came from is God - Assumes origin

Existence is. You can navigate it anyhow. Questions presume answers and create their strange looped paradigm within Infinity. Infinity is infinite, it includes all perspectives and the freedom of their non-assumption and non-existence in all superpositions. What final awakening could there be? There's always more, there's stuff you don't know that you don't know. You can awaken to the possibility and explore forever, maybe that's the insight you're looking for. Perhaps you're looking the other way towards absolute nothingness, it exists so much, that it doesn't and so it becomes a non-existent void that collapses back to infinity in no time :D

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