
Why PORN is GOOD ( in my humble opinion)

85 posts in this topic

He dissect that paper here. Check the description to se all the papers he quotes.


8 hours ago, mattm33 said:

What do nofappers think about studies like this? I have always heard it was unhealthy to keep it bottled up. I don't know if that's actually true though. Try being married with newborn kids. Porn and masturbation is not only good, it's necessary for your sanity. I think it depends more on the type of porn you're watching and maybe how often. There is lots of good amateur couples porn where people aren't just being exploited or paid to fake it.


Edited by RedLine

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10 hours ago, mattm33 said:

. Porn and masturbation is not only good, it's necessary for your sanity.


Those who report intentional exposure to pornography, irrespective of source, are significantly more likely to cross-sectionally report delinquent behavior and substance use in the previous year. Further, online seekers versus offline seekers are more likely to report clinical features associated with depression and lower levels of emotional bonding with their caregiver.


Compared to non-pornographic Internet site users, infrequent pornographic Internet site users were twice as likely to have abnormal conduct problems; frequent pornographic Internet site users were significantly more likely to have abnormal conduct problems. Thus, both infrequent and frequent pornographic Internet site use are prevalent and significantly associated with social maladjustment among Greek adolescents.


After adjusting for demographics, Pornography (SEMB) users, compared to nonusers, reported greater depressive symptoms, poorer quality of life, more mental- and physical-health diminished days, and lower health status.


Conclusion: Addictive masturbation, often accompanied by a dependency on cyber-pornography, has been seen to play a role in the etiology of certain types of erectile dysfunction or coital anejaculation.


More specifically, couples, where no one used, reported more relationship satisfaction than those couples that had individual users. This is consistent with the previous research (Cooper et al., 1999; Manning, 2006), demonstrating that the solitary use of SEM results in negative consequences.


Results: We found a significant negative association between reported pornography hours per week and gray matter volume in the right caudate (P < .001, corrected for multiple comparisons) as well as with functional activity during a sexual cue-reactivity paradigm in the left putamen (P < .001). Functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was negatively associated with hours of pornography consumption.


Results showed that problematic pornography use was linked to more upward body comparison, which in turn was related to negative body image, and ultimately, increased severity of eating disorder symptoms. Anxiety and depression moderated the association between male body image and eating disorder symptoms.


Higher CYPAT scores indicating problematic online pornography consumption resulted in a higher probability of ED, while controlling for covariates.


We examined whether the consumption of pornography affects romantic relationships, with the expectation that higher levels of pornography consumption would correspond to weakened commitment in young adult romantic relationships. Study 1 (n = 367) found that higher pornography consumption was related to lower commitment, and Study 2 (n = 34) replicated this finding using observational data. Study 3 (n = 20) participants were randomly assigned to either refrain from viewing pornography or to a self-control task. Those who continued using pornography reported lower levels of commitment than control participants. In Study 4 (n = 67), participants consuming higher levels of pornography flirted more with an extradyadic partner during an online chat. Study 5 (n = 240) found that pornography consumption was positively related to infidelity and this association was mediated by commitment.


Introduction: Previous research on cognitive functions in Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) and problematic pornography use (PPU) reported inconsistent findings and mostly included sexual pictures in the used tasks. The role of general executive functions and cognitive competences (without the presence of appetitive stimuli) in the context of PPU is largely unexplored.

Results: The results show heightened impulsivity (urgency and deficits in perseverance) in individuals with high PPU, but no differences regarding performance in the CLT and executive function tasks.


Findings revealed that both frequency of pornography use and problematic pornography use were related to greater gender role conflict, more avoidant and anxious attachment styles, poorer relationship quality, and less sexual satisfaction.


Edited by Raze

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10 hours ago, RedLine said:

He dissect that paper here. Check the description to se all the papers he quotes.



This was the conclusion of the updated study he is citing? So maybe not cancer stopping, but still beneficial? Also, I could've told that survey exactly how often I was having orgasms between the ages of 20 and 29. I know my routine and not much has changed.

5. Conclusions

This large prospective study provides the strongest evidence to date of a beneficial role of ejaculation in prevention of PCa, a disease for which relatively little is understood about etiology generally and knowledge of modifiable risk factors is particularly scant. The results are robust to adjustment for many dietary, lifestyle, and screening behaviors, but additional work on the underlying biological mechanisms should be undertaken to corroborate these findings given the potential for residual confounding. More frequent ejaculation in the absence of risky sexual behaviors could represent an important means of reducing the profound medical costs and physical and psychological side effects of unnecessary diagnosis and treatment of low-risk tumors, even though it appears to be less strongly associated with aggressive disease.

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9 hours ago, Raze said:

I don't really disagree with most of that. I've noticed some of the negative effects of too much porn consumption at certain points in my life. When I said "It's necessary for your sanity" I was trying to be amusing and hyperbolic I guess. I meant it in the context of going from a situation where you are having sex at least once a day. To having a newborn, no time or energy, sex is temporarily off the table and you aren't even aware of the concept of something like nofap. Or maybe at certain points in your life when you are more focused on school or career. In my anecdotal evidence, moderate viewing of non abusive porn can be a good outlet temporarily. I do not agree that porn viewing leads to infidelity at least for me. I wouldn't cheat in the first place but if anything having porn as an option for when she is unavailable makes it even less likely. Sorry I am a poor communicator.

Edited by mattm33

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