Ralston's Final Awakening?

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@Breakingthewall I am not sure I fully understand your metaphysics. 

What do you mean the whole manifestation reaching unity? 

Is this rooted in a sort of materialism?

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Existence can't cease, because it exists. Cessation implies a limit: existence can't exist, it's limited to don't exist. Absence of limitations implies that bot are, but existence eats the inexistence, one instant of existence is the eternity, because inexistence is nothing. 

Perhaps, a note here is that this post is making gross metaphysical assumptions. It’s equating “existence” with the gross waking state. 

There are states where the gross state ceases to exist. But, this, as you are saying is not non-existence. Its existence in a boundless empty state. 

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16 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Breakingthewall I am not sure I fully understand your metaphysics. 

What do you mean the whole manifestation reaching unity? 

Is this rooted in a sort of materialism?

Materialism is real, reality creates itself in holons, particles that mesh together forming more complex particles. each of these particles is the manifested absolute total.

You, as a human, are the result of perfectly organized holons at a level that is difficult to imagine. In turn you are a holon, a particle that forms something bigger. This entire universe in turn is a holon in motion, in evolution, which in turn is part of another, etc.

There is a constant movement towards unity, towards organization in patterns of greater complexity and, as leo would say, a higher level of consciousness. I don't think the dimension of this is conceivable by a human mind. It would be said that this movement, this push towards unity, will reach an inescapable end: unity. Once unity is achieved, all manifest reality will de facto be a single being, and the cosmic cycle will have been completed.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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10 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Perhaps, a note here is that this post is making gross metaphysical assumptions. It’s equating “existence” with the gross waking state. 

There are states where the gross state ceases to exist. But, this, as you are saying is not non-existence. Its existence in a boundless empty state. 

Existence is existence, in any state. Are you talking seriously or just trying something personal?

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

It will be different than what you expect it to be. Else, it would have already happened.

You will loose nothing in terms of appreciation, splendour, marvel, love and joy. Life truly becomes a celebration, and fear is gone.

You will only just loose an illusion that was never true in the first place. And that illusion IS the suffering, IS the contraction, IS the separation.

This reminds me of a segment from this Daniel Schmidt interview below.

For myself and many others, the question of what it's like to cross that bridge and what it'll be like afterward almost becomes a barrier to doing what's needed to actually get there. It's helpful to see it spoken of in positive terms, when it's usually spoken of ominously, as if you'll be stripped bare in a negative sense.


Edited by What Am I

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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Existence is existence, in any state. Are you talking seriously or just trying something personal?

I am referring to Javgly’s post. Saying that exactly.

not your post was making assumptions the other one you talked about. 

I sense I triggered you but I was critiquing Javfly’s post in agreement with you while making some finer and important metaphysical distinctions.

Edited by Thought Art

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3 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I am referring to Javgly’s post. Saying that exactly.

not your post was making assumptions the other one you talked about 

Ok ok I misunderstood, yes the article says that everyone really want to cease of existing because any existence is a chain, and that's not real. Existence in fact is perceived as absolute freedom due the absence of limits. The limits are a creation, illusory as they say, if the perception is free , existence is perceived as absolute freedom and absolute joy

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@Breakingthewall Yes, and this post of Javfly is confusing existence with the Gross Waking State. Assuming states of non-being/ void are not existence. But, they are just different states of mind. 

It also assumes all seeking is seeking this void. This is false. Void mysticism is only a particular type of mysticism. According to Ken Wilbur’s work there are many types of mysticism, and mystical experiences. Of course, many of these being mystical gross states.

Edited by Thought Art

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2 hours ago, puporing said:

It's another level of consciousness you can reach. The Kingdom of heaven is you. 

Okay. And you also claim that:

1) This level of consciousness is the highest that can be reached

2) This level of consciousness is permanent once achieved

3) No one else presently has achieved this level of consciousness

4) This was the level of consciousness that the historical Jesus inhabited

5) You also have achieved this level of consciousness

6) We can only access this level of consciousness if we follow your or Jesus’s teachings

Is that all correct?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum Aw come on, man. You really want to deconstruct their beliefs? Is it worth it in this case? Their signature says they're the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't think you'll be able to pop them out of that opinion lol.

But I admit, it'll be interesting to see.

Edited by What Am I

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12 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

also assumes all seeking is seeking this void

In my experience the void is just the previous step before the real opening. The void is limited, because it doesn't include the full. In fact in some point you perceive the reality, then yourself, and inherently void, every form is nothing, just emptiness. It's not easy to stand this realization without trying any evasion. If you accept yourself as absolute void, then the absolute opens. 

Let's say that you have cleaned your interior of everything, there is nothing left, reality manifests itself as an empty hologram, mere appearance, which hides a total emptiness. this is terrifying. then something opens, the sacred source manifests, your heart opens and from it flows the substance of reality, and this substance encompasses the unlimited expanse of the void. At one point you are looking at the totality, and suddenly, you are that. That's the realization that has to be just under the surface to make the real change, the end of the sadness, the lack. 

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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

guess I am my own problem, I'm a trickster that wants to be both relative and absolute simultaneously.

Of course. Who wants to give up anything? for what reason? you can have both. We have to savor the relative, the touch of the air, the vision of colors, movement, sex, the sensation of having a body, and also the beauty of the mind, the pleasure of understanding and communication. the beauty of the heart, the connection with other humans. All this does not take away the possibility of opening your being to the absolute as much as possible. They are not excuses or evasion, they are life, they are sacred, absolute. We do not have to renounce them, on the contrary, it is in them where the character of existence is recognized, also in pain and sadness.but we have to put before the openess, at least me. Life pass, the absolute remains. 

What we have to do to open ourself to the absolute is to want it, and therefore eliminate the obstacles that prevent that opening, free your mind and your heart. Don't reject anything , be one with the now, immerse yourself in the now and merge with it. It's not about stop thinking, it's about stopping controlling , stopping to be separated and let the reality opens. It's extremely difficult to me, a big effort. Usually I need some drug and a lot of meditation to remove the barriers, in normal state there is always some veil , but life without openness is shit. Openess is necessary, more than anything else. It's better die tomorrow in total openenss than live 50 years closed 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, What Am I said:

@aurum Aw come on, man. You really want to deconstruct their beliefs? Is it worth it in this case? Their signature says they're the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't think you'll be able to pop them out of that opinion lol.

But I admit, it'll be interesting to see.

I’m not looking to pop them out of anything.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Contraction is something strange, a maneuver of the mind that occurs in the human condition, it is like being closed in on yourself. We put an energy of desire and rejection before the flow of reality, like bridles on a horse, we have reality subject to our control, our identity. We have to let go of that bridle, relax our guard, our control. All of us have been afraid and fear has become part of us, it comes in our genes. fear of dying, of pain, of rejection, of losing what you have, who you love. terror. We have to look at it in the face, be aware of it, accept it, try to overcome it. Openness involves letting everything go, seeing everything as secondary, even the life. We could loose the life in 5 minutes. Then it's very important to be able to open it, not waiting, not in the future, has to be now. The mind has to be focused in that, meditation has to become a main activity, be comfortable with ourself, abandon the evasion. Btw I'm talking to myself in 90%, not giving advices. A lot of work is needed, of detachment from the mind, be aware of the contraction, of the suffering. As waterriver said, suffering is the contraction. I confused with pain, that's different. Suffering the vibration of the mind that has fear as it's basis. It's like a shell over our heart made of control, that creates an image of a self that moves in time. That's false , we are just floating in infinity, control is a fantasy, must be absolutely relaxed. Then the being expands and flows free. It is to stop looking at life with fear, smile at it, and give yourself to it. trust yourself as existence. difficult because life is partly a struggle, this is why contraction exists. It is a difficult art to balance the two sides. 

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6 hours ago, aurum said:

Okay. And you also claim that:

1) This level of consciousness is the highest that can be reached

2) This level of consciousness is permanent once achieved

3) No one else presently has achieved this level of consciousness

4) This was the level of consciousness that the historical Jesus inhabited

5) You also have achieved this level of consciousness

6) We can only access this level of consciousness if we follow your or Jesus’s teachings

Is that all correct?

1) While having a body yes. There will be some limitations just because I still have a body as well, because you cannot literally become the whole thing/remain in the highest states while here it's bigger than the "universe". But other than that yes you can experience what it'll be like after you leave the body. 

2) Basically, unless you didn't get there all the way and have some sort of ego backlash.

3) There's another being I have no contact with currently referenced in my signature, so I cannot confirm how he managed to reach here.

4-6) Correct.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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8 hours ago, Thought Art said:


@puporing I was reading Ken Wilbur’s book “Finding Radical Wholeness”. He says sometimes people at the ethnocentric (identifying with a particular subgroup, ie Christianity)  egocentric (I, Me, My) and and mythic literal (taking accounts or ideas around figures like Christ literally) 

Depending on our level of growing up, how we interpret awakenings and spiritual experiences differs. Your level of waking up and growing up equates spiritual intelligence. 

He said, it’s common for people at these stages of cognitive and ego development to after some deep awakenings think they are Jesus Christ. I only say this because I thought it was an interesting point. As soon as I read this in the book I thought of you. 

Awakening and heaven is not something owned by a particular person (Christ) myth (Christ as Son of God and only prophet) and group (Christians).

Awakening, truth, God, Unity, Love, Oneness are universal aspects of all humans. Awakening doesn’t belong to any particular subgroup or magical individual. 

I also wonder if your relationship with Christ is related to you still be at the magical stage of development. I don’t have the integral meta theory model in front of me right now, but believing some supernatural being has powers is part of this lower level of cognitive development. Lower doesn’t mean worse, just means less whole.


Neither Ken Wilber nor you are close to my level of consciousness so of course it's easy to just dismiss me like most people do. This is extremely common to dismiss Christ consciousness even followers and teachers of Christ will do it they have no ability to recognize him if he returned. Even while Jesus was here only John the Baptist seemed to recognize him maybe a few others but it sounded like his followers didn't fully understand/recognize him. It really is quite far away from people in this world and so there will be hardly anyone here who can recognize it as it being a "real state". You have to already have reached a lot of Light in yourself to recognize it.

I have never claimed that I own this level of consciousness, the reason I am even sharing about it is in the hopes that more people could reach it. But Christ teachings fills a lot of gaps that other teachers are not currently able to fill hence it's still of importance to refer to his teachings.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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On 8/1/2024 at 10:29 PM, Leo Gura said:

I understand your disappointment. I felt it when you first gaslit me about the unreality of Alien Consciousness. So I guess now we understand each other ;)

You portrayed alien Consciousness in a false way.  Infinite Consciousness is not human and it will blow your doors off.  I never disagreed with that. It's just the way you portrayed it - as if it was anything different than infinity.  If you think Infinity has anything human in it you are seriously mistaken.  What you call Alien I call infinity.  And if you want to call it alien - well hell, I'll say, what were you waiting on....

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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32 minutes ago, puporing said:

I have never claimed that I own this level of consciousness, the reason I am even sharing about it is in the hopes that more people could reach it.

I think i have debunked this already. Believing your claims is of no help to reach the conciousness you're talking about. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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