
Why can't Gurus have sex with their followers?

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2 hours ago, Hojo said:

they probably do. A man can make a woman cum so hard they see God. I had sex with a woman she said she saw static and then turned into a buddhist

What was she on...lol

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2 hours ago, shree said:

@Butters Why can't Gurus have sex with their followers?


Osho: Hold my beer.... ^_^9_9

The more you go to meditation through sex, the less effect sex will have. Meditation will grow from it, and due to growing meditation, a new door will open and sex will wither away. It will not be a sublimation. It will be something like dry leaves falling from a tree. The tree never even knows that the leaves are falling. In the same way, you will never even know that the mechanical urge for sex is leaving. Create meditation from sex; make sex an object of meditation. Treat it like a temple and you will transcend it and be transformed. Then the sex will not be there, but there will be no repression, no sublimation. Sex will simply become irrelevant, insignificant. You have grown beyond him. Now it doesn't make sense to you anymore.


I don't think that Osho had a lot of sex, he didn't seem someone focused in the physical expression 

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5 hours ago, Hojo said:

they probably do. A man can make a woman cum so hard they see God. I had sex with a woman she said she saw static and then turned into a buddhist

Come on bro, be respectful. Its not all about motorboating and wild lust. What about making love?

God is love, not lust. I know, you want to fuck, she wants to fuck, but come on. Your souls deserve better, not being full on beasts.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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On 8/1/2024 at 1:19 PM, Princess Arabia said:

Isn't God everything, so by this definition, dog poop is divine.

No, I wouldn't say this is the right definition, at least how I interpret it. An aspect of God or Source Intelligence as I like to refer to it, is in everything, but dog poop is Gross material, from poop though comes flowers correct? So that is how it sort of works... Funny thing I was just thinking of this very topic today lol, not poop but the word Divine and how it relates to everything else, again as I've described before, everything goes from Subtle to Grossness, what we have on this Earth is various levels of Grossness, poop is much more on the Grossness side than Oxygen, but both are Physical in nature, they have atoms and molecules and such, but Your Thoughts are much more Subtle than Oxygen, and Dreams are more Subtle I would say than thoughts, like the Sub Conscious Mind is more Subtle than Your Conscious Mind and so forth.... 

But what is Divinity on this Earth, Consecration is the act of making something that is Gross in essence into something the is Divine in essence, from Gross to Much More Subtle nature I would say, a high level of Subtleness I guess could be considered Divine in nature, a basically Dead thing become an Alive thing is a simple way to put it.. Everything we can sense with our 5 senses has atoms in it essentially, but not everything we can sense is Alive, so there is a big difference there!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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18 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

No, I wouldn't say this is the right definition, at least how I interpret it. An aspect of God or Source Intelligence as I like to refer to it, is in everything, but dog poop is Gross material, from poop though comes flowers correct? So that is how it sort of works... Funny thing I was just thinking of this very topic today lol, not poop but the word Divine and how it relates to everything else, again as I've described before, everything goes from Subtle to Grossness, what we have on this Earth is various levels of Grossness, poop is much more on the Grossness side than Oxygen, but both are Physical in nature, they have atoms and molecules and such, but Your Thoughts are much more Subtle than Oxygen, and Dreams are more Subtle I would say than thoughts, like the Sub Conscious Mind is more Subtle than Your Conscious Mind and so forth.... 

But what is Divinity on this Earth, Consecration is the act of making something that is Gross in essence into something the is Divine in essence, from Gross to Much More Subtle nature I would say, a high level of Subtleness I guess could be considered Divine in nature, a basically Dead thing become an Alive thing is a simple way to put it.. Everything we can sense with our 5 senses has atoms in it essentially, but not everything we can sense is Alive, so there is a big difference there!

Ok, thank you for the explanation.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Dodo I'm a beast and we loved each other and lusted eachother. Its a powerful combination. What about powerful sexual energy is  disrespectful? You can fuck God realization into someone its how the universe was created. My heart was broken when it ended and she put me on the same spiritual journey. If you dont like the words I am using realize all words mean the same thing you are making up the disrespect in your own mind. If your energy shifts fast enough you can see something and the questions start.

Edited by Hojo

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Sex is a complicated matter, always on the fine line of being something negative, since it has several layers of implications. It seems that for sex not to be surrounded by shit, the galaxy has to be aligned 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Why not?

The biggest thing that comes to mind is the power dynamic. 

Similar to why its illegal for therapists to have sex with their clients until two years after the termination of the therapeutic relationship.


Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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4 hours ago, Hojo said:

@Dodo I'm a beast and we loved each other and lusted eachother. Its a powerful combination. What about powerful sexual energy is  disrespectful? You can fuck God realization into someone its how the universe was created. My heart was broken when it ended and she put me on the same spiritual journey. If you dont like the words I am using realize all words mean the same thing you are making up the disrespect in your own mind. If your energy shifts fast enough you can see something and the questions start.

Bro xD how the universe was created? Hol uup! 

I understand your language very well, but let me mention that the beast must die.

You didnt fuck god realisation into her, altho saying that makes your ego feel massively big. You gave her an orgasm. Nothing her vibrator cant give her even better! Lemme turn down the ego valve a biit.

But man, I have my own naughty beast to tame, i see you have your hands full too! Just try not to corrupt innocent minds with such language.

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodo who do you think you are to tell me how to manage my ego. I can do it to you if you let me

Edited by Hojo

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9 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

What was she on...lol

I read from Rick Strassman that DMT can be released from sex.

Edited by gambler

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22 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Dodo who do you think you are to tell me how to manage my ego. I can do it to you if you let me

Im definitely not who I think I am, so its irrelevant who I think I am. 🤔 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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9 hours ago, Dodo said:

Im definitely not who I think I am, so its irrelevant who I think I am. 🤔 

How many spiritual seekers does it take to change a light bulb? One to change it, and an infinite amount to question ; Who is the I that changes it? 

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6 minutes ago, Butters said:

How many spiritual seekers does it take to change a light bulb? One to change it, and an infinite amount to question ; Who is the I that changes it? 

So pretty much none 😆 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Some people say a shared orgasm or a spiritual bliss experience are the highest states there are. (I'm not sure what high means but)

Pick up your kid, your partner, or the person you love the most in the world, and tell them how you feel about them while you hold each other.

Now magnify that to the entire room, the world, your emotions, everything you are, were, have ever been or ever will be. Every animal, every surface, every thought, every action/reaction <----- If you can hold this state for long enough, opinions vary some say weeks, some say less or more, you will experience infinite, unconditional love because you will have no condition to experience it. I don't want to bias it more than that, only to say that a physical orgasm doesn't come close.

Any Guru who hasn't had an infinite love awakening can't put this into perspective for you, but hopefully, I got a bit closer.

Edited by BlueOak

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A guru has sex with the entire hall of people all at once when he merges his heart with all of them in his infinite love conciousness and becomes one with them. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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4 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

A guru has sex with the entire hall of people all at once when he merges his heart of all of them in his infinite love conciousness and becomes one with them. 

This would be conditional and limited to that condition, or whatever condition was put on it. 

Unconditional love requires nothing at all but love. No action, reaction, it doesn't require sex, or merging, or anything.

If anyone wants to try it, start at the beginning of this thread try to love every word said, and every tone, and every poster, when you get one you find hard, you'll see your own conditions staring you in the face.

Edited by BlueOak

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1 minute ago, BlueOak said:

This would be conditional and limited to that condition, or whatever condition was put on it. 

Unconditional love requires nothing at all but love. No action, reaction, it doesn't require sex, or merging, or anything.

If anyone wants to try it, start at the beginning of this thread try to love every word said, and every tone, and every poster, when you get one you find hard, you'll see your own conditions staring you in the face.

Love is merging and love is sexual union. Those things are synonymous. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Just now, Salvijus said:

Love is merging and love is sexual union. Those things are synonymous. 

That is your condition. When you don't have it anymore you'll be able to love a rock, the sky, these words, the person you hate, the stars, everything you are.

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