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Peter ralston thoughts on "toad juice" 5meo

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Love to hear peoples perspectives on this.  Ralston is saying direct consciousness can only be done by YOU and 5meo or other psychedelics change your experience but do not produce Enlightenment  

Thoughts?  Especially from those who have experience with psychedelics. Do you think he's right? Wrong?  

If you have done 5meo, do you now consider yourself to be enlightened? Tell the truth 

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I agree but taking 'magic pills' pave the road so to speak for that inner awareness to happen.

Psychedelics usually are a stepping stone because at some point you realize the transformation or awakening has to come from the ultimate source of creation, and not any manifestation of this source (psychedelics, meditation, 'awakenings transmissions', or any kind of external tools created by this source). 

However, is in the process of using this tools that a certain seeking is happening. Once the seeking is ON the only thing we must do is to not stop until the goal desired happens. How we get there doesn´t matter.

Psychedelics can not be used as magic pills because you can not be in trip mode every waking hour. 

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He is smug and wrong.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Javfly33 Peak experiences regardless of catalyst aren’t meant to last all the time. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

@Javfly33 Peak experiences regardless of catalyst aren’t meant to last all the time. 

@Thought Art It depends on your measurement of what it means 'peak'.

Definetely you can not be walking around 24/7 on an ecstatic peak acid state. 

Yet I know some 'peaks' where you are completely functional and your body/mind is stable to handle it yet you are feeling quite 'up there' so to speak 😎 

Edited by Javfly33

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It's not so simple as to say the use of 5meo guarantees enlightenment, because that's obviously not the case if you look at the multitudes who've used it. It'd be more accurate to say that using 5meo replicates very significant states of meditation, even leading up to nirvikalpa samadhi.

We could switch up the framing and ask if the ability to consistently reach nirvikalpa samadhi in meditation increases the likelihood of attaining enlightenment. The built-in ego purification mechanism activated by a state of that magnitude can most certainly improve the odds and the ease by which enlightenment can be attained.

I've heard of enlightenment being compared to an accident. It's said that you can't deliberately achieve it, but by way of practices like meditation and 5meo, you can make yourself more accident-prone. So it's a loose 1:1 connection, though it perhaps couldn't be said that the practices are directly causal. In that very specific sense, I guess Peter Ralston would be correct. Though I'm not sure he's looking at it with that kind of nuance.

As a disclaimer, I'm definitely not enlightened. But I believe I've witnessed clear signs of improved accident-proneness after heavy intentional use of 5meo and meditation, so I feel somewhat confident in my claims.

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Drinking toad juice can result in enlightenment but the toad juice didn't cause the enlightenment, you did. That's what I got from what he said. The toad juice doesn't have any special power on it's own. Alcohol cannot make you drunk by sitting on a shelf, that is not where the power lies, it's in the drinking of it that gets you drunk, so it's within you. Ever felt drunk from no sleep, ever felt happy for no reason, ever felt hungry after you just ate, ever felt horny after you just came. 

What I'm saying is it's not in those things and anything can produce a certain state because it's within you, the power is within you, so toad juice has no power. That's what I got from the video. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Leo Gura 

Can it be the reason of ralstons position that he is already conscious of it and therefore psychedelics cannot effecteffectpart of the psychedelic  experience but can change what is experienced when other users who aren't consciconscio god all the time are conscious of it during the trip and from this stems the discrepency? 

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I don’t understand. Maybe I’m wrong but isn’t Peter aware that while he was contemplating/training, he affected his brain and new connections were made within his own brain which eventually lead to all his insights ? 

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12 minutes ago, thierry said:

I don’t understand. Maybe I’m wrong but isn’t Peter aware that while he was contemplating/training, he affected his brain and new connections were made within his own brain which eventually lead to all his insights ? 

Obviously you're correct that brain chemistry plays a significant role in spiritual transformation, even if the origins of spirituality extend beyond biology. It's Ken Wilber's notion of "transcend and include". I've been seeing a ton of people who have formed a type of disconnect between their spiritual life and gross reality. They seem to think about it as if the two were entirely independent of one another.

I'm not familiar enough with Ralston to know if that's what he's actually doing here, it's just something I've noticed that kind of maps on to this particular video.

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7 hours ago, Starlight321 said:

@Leo Gura 

Can it be the reason of ralstons position that he is already conscious of it and therefore psychedelics cannot effecteffectpart of the psychedelic  experience but can change what is experienced when other users who aren't consciconscio god all the time are conscious of it during the trip and from this stems the discrepency? 

Of course.

But also, he hasn't done it so he's just speculating.

And calling it "toad juice" reveals his contempt and disrespect for this magical chemical. It's like spitting in God's face. A disappointing move for one of Ralston's intelligence.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course.

But also, he hasn't done it so he's just speculating.

And calling it "toad juice" reveals his contempt and disrespect for this magical chemical. It's like spitting in God's face. A disappointing move for one of Ralston's intelligence.

If you can make it real that Ralston will one day take 5 Meo with you, that would maybe the most profound thing.

It's not out of this world. Even Eckart Tolle tried LSD( who convicted him on that??) and Peter Ralston took psychedelics in his youth.

Edited by OBEler

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One juice a day keeps the ego away

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

If you can make it real that Ralston will one day take 5 Meo

He refuses it.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

I’m beginning to think that without experiencing a breakthrough with 5-MeO-DMT, one can’t fully grasp the potential of consciousness. This applies even to spiritual gurus who, thanks to exceptional genetics, have achieved a certain level of spiritual realization. But without a 5-MeO breakthrough, does that realization even compare?

Personally, I don’t consider my everyday state of consciousness to be different from the average person’s. And certainly not on the level of Peter Ralston's. But I’ve experienced deep breakthroughs on 5-MeO-DMT—states of consciousness that no amount of meditation can reach, regardless of genetic gifts.

So, yes, I feel confident in saying that I’ve been in more radical states than even Peter Ralston/Sadhguru/Osho/Ken Wilber/Rupert Spira/Mooji, as arrogant as that may sound.

And I know this because they haven't broken through on the "toad juice". It's really just that simple.

Edited by Yali

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24 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

I’m beginning to think that without experiencing a breakthrough with 5-MeO-DMT, one can’t fully grasp the potential of consciousness. This applies even to spiritual gurus who, thanks to exceptional genetics, have achieved a certain level of spiritual realization. But without a 5-MeO breakthrough, does that realization even compare?

Personally, I don’t consider my everyday state of consciousness to be different from the average person’s, but I’ve experienced deep breakthroughs on 5-MeO-DMT—states of consciousness that no amount of meditation can reach, regardless of genetic gifts.

So, yes, I feel confident in saying that I’ve been in more radical states than even Peter Ralston/Sadhguru/Osho/Ken Wilber/Rupert Spira/Mooji, as arrogant as that may sound.

And I know this because they haven't broken through on the "toad juice". It's really just that simple.

An argument can be made that 5meo is capable of pushing someone past what they could ever reach naturally, at least in terms of singular ultra-deep states. I guess it'd be somewhat analogous to a weight lifter using steroids, where their natural hormonal limit is surpassed and they can become much larger and stronger than was previously possible.

Personally though, I wouldn't doubt that the natural limit is still profound beyond comprehension, and perhaps all that's needed for an enlightened human life.

Edited by What Am I

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Psychedelics, including 5-meo, gives you an experience which the next day becomes a memory.    It's not a substitute for meditation or the focused concentration needed for awakening.  Psychedelics can help in healing, or releasing the samskaras - the purification of the mind.  The plant diet, the way it is practiced in the Amazon, is really an extended meditation combined with detoxing the body through purging, which is practiced before taking Ayahuasca.          

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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29 minutes ago, What Am I said:

I wouldn't doubt that the natural limit is still profound beyond comprehension,

yea but to what degree is the question? @What Am I

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

But also, he hasn't done it so he's just speculating.

Not speculation. Two experiences is a belief.

"5-MeO makes me more conscious" perpetuates that exact belief.

5-MeO might temporarily remove the belief, which in turn creates beliefs about the experience like "it made me more conscious", which is just the perpetuation of the same belief. When someone who does a bunch of psychedelics comes up to Ralston and tells him that, he can see that the belief is still operating just from that statement.

You don't need a psychedelic experience to undo the belief precisely because the belief isn't true in the first place. It's not something he can only claim after having hundreds of psychedelic experiences because it is absolutely true, which means the belief can be falsified from anywhere, with or without psychedelics. That is what it means for something to be absolutely true. It requires no relative parameters.

You don't need psychedelics to realize that Santa doesn't exist precisely because Santa does not exist. The only reason you would need something to realize a truth is precisely because the truth does not exist right now. That is why you need it. That is why you need psychedelics. That is why you need higher states of consciousness.

Describe a thought.

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