
Which book of Ken Wilber is worth reading the most?

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I dont read a ton so I when I read I want to get the most out of it. So if you would could only read one book from Ken Wilber which would it be?

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Sex, Ecology and Spirituality is peak Ken Wilber and his magnum opus. It definitely needs some time to work through, but its very rewarding. 

I found No Boundary his most enjoyable and more easy to read, which focusses on psychology and self-actualization, but is much more narrower in scope.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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In order of reading from easiest to hardest:

  1. A Theory of Everything
  2. Integral Spirituality
  3. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality

At that point you've got the gist and understanding the deeper nuances of his perspective. 

From there I'd recommend reading, "The Listening Society," by Hanzi Freinacht, then Gregg Henriques book, "A New Synthesis for Solving the Problem of Psychology," and finally, "The Romance of Reality," by Bobby Azarian. Reason being is that they are a more updated version of a lot of Wilber covers, and also a bit more grounded. I think Wilber runs away with stuff a bit too much despite being an absolutely necessary read.

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Has anybody read religion of tomorrow by ken Wilber ? Leo said it is in his top 5 books so I want to read it. 

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@integration journeyYeah, it's a must read if you are serious about spirituality - especially mysticism. There's a lot of important details of the dysfunctions and pathologies of the higher states/stages. 

Edited by jakee

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Great that religion of tomorrow is available on Audible. 

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Brief History of Everything is a royal slugfest man - one of the densest reads ever --- Ken is known to have refined himself better in further works -- I hear a lot of good things about the Sex , Spirit & Ecology one


Edited by KoryKat

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