
Elon's Musk self-reflection ability Doesn't Exist

22 posts in this topic

10 minutes ago, Jade123 said:

   Let's be honest, 'she' is saying that now, until 'she' experiences the side effects of puberty and hormone blockers, and the medical complications of gender surgery if she had that, which I think more likely she'd change her tune if that happens. I get the intuitive feeling that this really is more ideologically driven and group think from social media than gender dysphoria and a way to get back at 'her' father Elon Musk, unless she has gone to therapy for a couple of years and they found that he is actually a 'she', in a different body, hence actual gender dysphoria. Just the social media stuff I am more skeptical of this being genuine gender dysphoria and not a way to get even against the father.

   I can also agree that Elon as a father figure and role modal isn't a healthy one, given the memoir written about him and Elon's own upbringing and how his own father treated him. I expected some dysfunction already from those accounting of his upbringing.

I don't know the process she went through. She says she is happy about it though, she doesn't regret it. You are anticipating some negative results that haven't happened and may not happen, and not considering the positive ones, she's living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Your intuitive feelings mean nothing, you are not in her head. Trans people are not pushed as much as it's said they are. If it felt better for her to live her life as, let's say a man with some feminine traits, that is what she would do, like many men do, and with less social repercussion in their lives for that. But that's not what she has opted to do. Are you in her head to say she is wrong? No. Just, let her be. You have no base to say what you say.

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It's actually pretty functional compared to people who celebrate child murder against a philosopher who supports russia, then turn around and say there is 0 double standard against russia and israel.

Literal NPCs who think the US would let itself lose the psy-op war. It has simply won it so hard that your mind isn't able to perceive it.

The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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