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The fear of not being able to breath, can it be trascended?

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I think this is one of the final frontiers before complete liberation beyond the dream. 


When I do yoga bandhas which you are supposed to hold the breathing, I go back to source, I stay that void nothingness trying to overpower any thought that might arise about 'needing to breath', until.... an explosion of fear-burning sensation in my chest happens and I automatically breath again. 

Is not a physical sensation, is literally the feeling of FEAR and Terror the body has. Is an automatic response built into the system.


Edited by Javfly33

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I find you can prolong the period needed between breaths by relaxing the entire body into that feeling. It is incredible that at any moment throughout the day, you could slow your breathing to one good, long breath, every minute or even longer.

When you slow your breath, you become aware of the possibility of pranic breathing. That is, that you are always breathing prana, even when you are not breathing air.

Prana is Intelligent Energy. It is the self-organizing, life-creating force that encompasses everything. It is Free Energy, everywhere around us and within our body; it is drawn into the heart; the heart of the Earth, the heart of the Sun, the heart of the galaxy, and released again back into the ether, just like the breath.

When you are slowing the rate of your breath from the usual rate, something profound is happening at the cellular level. You become aware of the habitual need to breathe, and simultaneously you become aware of an energy source from within that alleviates this need, nourishing your cells, without breathing air. You open up to this energy, the body relaxes, and your awareness expands.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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