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Exstrospective and introspective development

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Reflecting on it recently I’m starting to see that any kind of social anxiety whether that be from talking to strangers, speaking in public, hitting on someone attractive, it’s really down to a feeling of separateness 

The greater the feeling of separateness, the greater the anxiety. So I believe connectedness with others comes from having a well developed exstrospective side

This I believe is the trap of being too introspective at the expense of your exstrospective side. Yes, you may have the divine consciousness in relation to your own inner world, very content and happy alone in solitude, but amongst others, there’s a disconnect 

Of course vice versa if you have an underdeveloped introspective side then you will struggle to be alone in solitude with your thoughts and emotions so they both should be developed for you to be a well rounded, mature and spiritual being. It’s all one in the end - the outer and inner world must meet. There’s no separateness. You are one with yourself and one with others 

I’ve found that LSD really has helped me connect with my exstrospective side - to feel more connected with the outwardly experiences. This is what my 30s is really going to be about now. Developing this as I already have a well developed introspective side.

Good to hear perspectives on this 

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