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Heavy metals in the vaccines but "they are safe"

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I've looked for the articles dated priour to 2020 by the keywords "vaccines heavy metals".
This is from  "United Kingdom National Health Service"


Notice that it's a government organisation which aren't, or shouldn't be like those uneducated flat-earthers who even dare to raise a question about the recent vacciness.
And - for 70 years.  On the website they still say, however: "yeah, but it's still safe. Small amount - no problem"

@Leo Gura you were the one who's detoxicated himselves from the heavy metals as well as claimed that "no amount of any heavy metal in any kind of food" and by extention, treatment or medicine injected, "is  safe". Right?


What's intereting, among those results in general, more so among the ones of 2020-24, there will  be  "fact checks" here and there that will claim "ahhhhh, no, it's a conspiracy theory! No metals are present in vaccines". Are they fact-checks or the sources of the conspirasy-theories rather? 

Edited by rnd

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