
Trump says you won't have to vote anymore after this election: it'll be fixed!

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7 minutes ago, Raze said:

That’s not how that works. The President can’t replace them all

He doesn't need to replace all, just enough of the top ones.

He will for sure replace the entire executive cabinet and all top military advisors. You have no idea how serious that is. They will all be corrupt MAGA lunatics.


and even the ones that do get replaced have power limitations through congress. 

There will be zero limitations from Congress. Congress will rubberstamp all of Trump's bullshit. We already saw this.

You guys don't understand how power works. This is not a game.

Edited by Leo Gura

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

He doesn't need to replace all, just enough of the top ones.

He will for sure replace the entire executive cabinet and all top military advisors. You have no idea how serious that is. They will all be corrupt MAGA lunatics.

There will be zero limitations from Congress. Congress will rubberstamp all of Trump's bullshit. We already saw this.

You guys don't understand how power works. This is not a game.

We all need to buy some heavy duty weaponry in case a MAGA led government takes over the country and intrudes upon our freedoms and destroys our entire justice system.

Edited by Hardkill

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36 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

We all need to buy some heavy duty weaponry in case a MAGA led government takes over the country and intrudes upon our freedoms and destroys our entire justice system.

Go get laid and then tell me how you feel about this. Just once

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50 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

We all need to buy some heavy duty weaponry in case a MAGA led government takes over the country and intrudes upon our freedoms and destroys our entire justice system.

You wouldn’t last a week 

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I have a unique understanding of what authoritarian leadership is simply by having lived with severe OCD for over a decade. Let me tell you, your entire world becomes HELL when OCD is your Supreme Leader.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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WTF? He's teasing them the Christofaxism they want.

I thought he would pretend otherwise during the campaign.

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Taking anything that Trumps says seriously is a lie!

Don’t believe this lie!

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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4 hours ago, Hardkill said:

We all need to buy some heavy duty weaponry in case a MAGA led government takes over the country and intrudes upon our freedoms and destroys our entire justice system.


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What more can really be said at this point. If you're still supporting this man then you're on the wrong side of history. The choice is clear. Democracy or Fascism. 

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This perspective might be of some help for those of us who have family members or acquaintances in our social circles that are thinking about voting for Trump (rather than his hardcore supporters, who are a lost cause at this point). Thinking in particular of the 'Trump is the lesser of two evils' crowd because of [insert culture was issue here]. (And yes, these people do exist).

As the election looms and as more stories like this come out, it's to be expected that more right-leaning and conservative people in our families and social circles will downplay and excuse this behavior. Don't let them.

Bring this shit up, make them talk about it, try to justify it. While it's not worth arguing with online trolls, social shame from people one knows and potentially cares about in real life can be a powerful tool. In other words, do what you can to make the Trump supporters in your life feel embarrassed and ashamed for supporting a hateful, dangerous bigot who's trying to end American democracy. 

Hitler was largely brought to power with the support of 'little Nazis' - people who didn't wear swastikas, and weren't out in the streets beating people up. Rather, they were mostly ordinary people who were willing to downplay and excuse the Nazis monstrous behavior, because they benefited in some way by throwing their lot in with vengeful nationalists.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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10 hours ago, Hardkill said:

We all need to buy some heavy duty weaponry in case a MAGA led government takes over the country and intrudes upon our freedoms and destroys our entire justice system.

I don't like guns, but with all the crazy shit that's gone down since the Trump presidency I've been wondering if I needed to arm myself. I'm concerned with poverty and crime going up, violent protests, looting, etc. When I lived in San Diego, my friend lived in an area where BLM protests turned into absolute mayhem. Conservatives flocked to the streets with guns, claiming to protect businesses from looting. Some people burned down a bank. At one point my friend became concerned for his life and sat on his couch with his assault rifle pointed at the door in case someone tried to force their way in. Ever since then I'm I'm just like, damn, maybe I need to be prepared for the worst

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Well finally he's making the point for me I guess, so there's that. I don't have to shout into the void over and over to highlight what is happening to America and most of the world. 

Now people can see the choice they can make it, which is all I can really ask for.

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I really wonder what the future of the Republican party holds post-Trump. His VP pick Vance is just as socially awkward and out of touch as DeSantis. No one has proven that they can out-Trump Trump and reach his level of moxie and charisma. Aside from him who is unapologetically himself, Republicans leaders just come across as off-putting, delusional, and weird.

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So him not wanting democracy gets him half the population vote? Half of the population wants a dictatorship? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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33 minutes ago, integral said:

Half of the population wants a dictatorship?

I don't think half the population even know what a dictatorship is.

They just believe trump's lies and they'll follow him even if he walks them off a cliff,.

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1 hour ago, integral said:

Half of the population wants a dictatorship?

Half the population doesn't know who the vice president is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Guys stop behaving like Devils, it's clear that he meant that the christians who usually don't vote, are needed this time and won't be needed next time because by then he believes the "Issues will be fixed" or Republicans will win easily without needing theirs votes. 

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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Still a wild thing to say whether you frame it that way or not.

People must vote in democracy unless they just want a big daddy strongman like trump to rule their lives and do everything for them. 

if a democrat told people they wouldn’t have to vote anymore people would lose their minds and fairly so. Such a stupid thing to say anyway.

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8 hours ago, integral said:

Half of the population wants a dictatorship?

More like  almost half of the population thinks that a noble king is better than the corrupt and evil deepstate .

Imagine having all the beliefs MAGA has about the deepstate about vaccines, about rigged election about sacrificing kids for ritual about raping people and kids, about poisioning the food , the air, the water, about hiding technology that could cure cancer etc and having Trump the savior who can single handedly  go against and fix all of that.

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11 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

Guys stop behaving like Devils, it's clear that he meant that the christians who usually don't vote, are needed this time and won't be needed next time because by then he believes the "Issues will be fixed" or Republicans will win easily without needing theirs votes. 

None of this make any sense in the context of democracy. What kind of possible issues being fixed could make it so , that republicans won't need the votes of christians in the future ? There is no reason for republicans to discourage potiential voters from voting for them in the future.

Thats like saying "You won't need to vote for me in the future, so that democrats will have more chance to win future elections and completely destroy what I built up and what I achieved as a president"

From the MAGA's pov, thats like saying "give more power to the deepstate in future elections"

Edited by zurew

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