
2024 Opening Ceremony

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What do you guys think of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony?

It seems there is a lot of outrage over it. Although I am not Christian, the fact that they mocked the Last Supper in a country that is 40%-50% Christian seems super disrespectful. It's unfortunate that the whole world was watching this. I can't imagine my kid watching this, grown men with boobs and balls hanging out. Disgusting.

Compared to other opening ceremonies, it was disappointing to watch from France. 

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Vu à quel point ils forçaient pour foutre des urluberlus dé le portage de la flamme, ça pouvait que finir comme ça lol.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Yikes… now I’m wondering if any of the Twelve Apostles were bisexual :$

Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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I am a full-blown leftist but sometimes, even i say: its too much...

What's the point of it? Just shock value? Is pissing off conservatives so important? Does it accomplish anything? 

I mean, I get it when it comes to celebrities like Madona that her public is LGBT+, and religion/Christianism should be a natural enemy of them because of what it did to the LGBT+ and still does...

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2 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

I am a full-blown leftist but sometimes, even i say: its too much...

What's the point of it? Just shock value? Is pissing off conservatives so important? Does it accomplish anything? 

I mean, I get it when it comes to celebrities like Madona that her public is LGBT+, and religion/Christianism should be a natural enemy of them because of what it did to the LGBT+ and still does...

It's not just a matter of being progressive, when it was simply a question of who was going to light the flame, they jumped on a schizophrenic who had made the buzz in a video where he was high on sleeping pills. Absolute nonsense.
There is really a desire to sully, the people who organize all this have a real problem.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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I don’t know man… that shit went kind of hard tbh.  France got the balls to put art out there regardless of whatever religion or ideology people abide by.  Pretty gangster imo.

Did you see the rockband on the castle with all the fire??  Pretty badass.

There’s so many snowflakes out there these days!

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I was shocked to see Celine Dion singing again.

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I don’t get why the elites and their media monkeys insist on forcing transexual stuff and drag queens on everyone at every opportunity.   It’s not even cool.  It just makes me yawn.  They are really out of touch with aesthetic tastes and nature in general.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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5 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@Princess Arabia 

I've forgotten about the Olympics; I don't follow them. I only watched that part because the news informed me about it.

I didn't realize it had started. This post alerted me. Love the Olympics. Can't wait for the track and field events. Love the swimming and gymnastics too.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Then you should be disgusted when religious things are displayed in front of kids in ceremonies, which is more prevalent.

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Does anyone have the actual video of it? They seem to be copyright striking it everywhere and removed the official upload 

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Honestly, who the hell still cares about the Olympics? The whole thing is a cult.

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Im watching a 30 minute video, of the main parts and boy it’s bad. Worst opening ceremony ever. It’s like a d grade art affair. Im all for alternative, artistic shit, but this was low end and cheap.. 

Candace Owen’s is going to be so triggered.. lol. 

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56 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Honestly, who the hell still cares about the Olympics? The whole thing is a cult.

I never watch it, only ever used to like the swimming.. when my city hosted it years ago, i went to Thailand for a holiday. 

Edited by Merkabah Star

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AKA, watching genetic freaks compete for world's biggest freak award.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I myself am not a conservative and consider myself a liberal, but this was just purely disgusting to see. This is when I can really understand conservatives who call this type of stuff "satanism". 

These guys are clearly pushing their agenda down everyone's throats and people are just not going to have it

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What happened to Canadas boat? They were just waving on a beach with surfboards? 😳

the French couldn’t organise a group of farts in a line. 

Edited by Merkabah Star

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