Leo Gura

Jordan Peterson v Actualized.org?

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I am doing a lot of understanding of human behavior and survival. Profound videoes coming soon on that.

I can't express how grateful I am to you man. Your practical content is very useful for folks like me who don't aspire to high levels of god realization, at least yet. I've been listening to all your political videos since you started the Spiral Dynamics series, and I feel like I'm integrating green very slowly but surely. Without you, I think I would have spent my whole life trapped in the blue/orange labyrinth. I can now see clearly all the orange/blue bullshit, without dismissing the good things they have. 

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@Leo Gura I don't think you should pass up on any big opportunities. There is sooooooo much more to your teachings than god-realization. That I love about your teachings the most is what you emphasize: survival, corruption, bias, so on. Talk about how you integrate everything and how your approach is unique. Meet the podcaster where they are at and start from how you can help them, like I know you can. If they need help understanding dating talk about dating, if they need help with masculinity talk about masculinity, if they need help with systems thinking talk about system thinking. Make them talk about what an impact you've had on them for the rest of their lives. You are the greatest philosopher of all time, act the part.

Edited by martins name

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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if this is still on the table then heck yeah ! I like Jordan's content but would be curious to see you guys discuss the things you mutually disagree on. 

Also @Leo Gura it would be interesting for you to get on Modern Wisdom, Chris is looking for new people all the time as well. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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1 hour ago, Alex4 said:

I can't express how grateful I am to you man. Your practical content is very useful for folks like me who don't aspire to high levels of god realization, at least yet. I've been listening to all your political videos since you started the Spiral Dynamics series, and I feel like I'm integrating green very slowly but surely. Without you, I think I would have spent my whole life trapped in the blue/orange labyrinth. I can now see clearly all the orange/blue bullshit, without dismissing the good things they have. 


Much more coming soon.

1 hour ago, martins name said:

@Leo Gura I don't think you should pass up on any big opportunities. There is sooooooo much more to your teachings than god-realization. That I love about your teachings the most is what you emphasize: survival, corruption, bias, so on. Talk about how you integrate everything and how your approach is unique. Meet the podcaster where they are at and start from how you can help them, like I know you can. If they need help understanding dating talk about dating, if they need help with masculinity talk about masculinity, if they need help with systems thinking talk about system thinking. Make them talk about what an impact you've had on them for the rest of their lives. You are the greatest philosopher of all time, act the part.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 hours ago, Bandman said:

Holy shit dude. Big up for writing this out. Cant believe you continued doing all those drugs. 

TBH at some point I knew I was going to end up in hell, but I thought it shouldnt be possible, it shouldnt be a possibility if Im God I can goto hell, so I would take psychedelics and set the intention to delete all the hell realms lol! Didnt work

That period of my life was so so so unstable, I was doing ketamine, psychedelics, alcohol, and cociane at periods for nearly a year every day. Id wake up meditate, do a line of ket and a glass of rum lol

I seriously regret doing all this, I completely ruined 2-3 years of my life, and have put myself through unimaginable pain and trauma, simply down to be de-stablized, and seriously frustrated/pissed off with the whole game of life. I think I maybe listened to a few wrong voices in my head lol! Probably demonic voices. 

I had schizophrenia/demonic voices for ages, I couldnt leave the house or socialize with anyone for over a year. 

The good news is, you have to try pretty hard to get to hell. TBH If I hadnt have already had God-realisaiton experiences, there is 0% chance I would have gone so far not even 10%. Those God experience were essentially hijacked by my ego to think it could do what it wanted with 0 repercussions. 


Edited by bambi

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12 hours ago, bambi said:

Yes it bothered me too since a kid, I was indoctrinated by an Islamic scholar regarding eternal hells (i wasnt personally muslim), but it put a deep fear in me. Also my dad died from a heroin overdose and this deeply scared me on where he would end up. We used to do Islamic saence etc to try and figure out what happened to him lol!

I was always subconciously terrofied of hell, thats probably why I ended up there. And for the first part of this year I wasnt sure I could heal, I had literally torn my chakras, not blocked, torn them. The channels and wires were torn and shredded, and Ive basically spent most waking moments of 2024 telling myself 'God can heal anything, Love heals all, if it has a beginning it has an end' Thats basically been my mantra.

My precursor into hell was

1) Severe drug abuse in my 20s, cocaine combined with porn./escorts/sex alcohol for years. Think 3 day no sleep benders, with $1000 of cocaine and 3-4 litres of vodka. Every weekend for years

2) At age 30 I had a breakdown, something broke inside of me, and I was completely fucked

3) I started sobreity and celibacy, and did deep spirtual work, including many vipassana retreats etc etc.

4) Started to recover and feel good, started hitting Jhanas etc in meditation

5) started to have Godrealisatiion experiences on pscyhedelics, and also the solipsism perspective

6) Started drinking doing cocaine and escorts etc, deep relapse

7) Pain started to come strong, daily nightmares being eaten alive by dogs etc

8) Started to have icnredibly dark psychedelic experiences, the ones where you die into the void, where happening, but the context was now dieing and reborn into hell

9) my resenentments greww exponetially and started taking psychedelics to challenge God about the crazines

10) divide between me and God and mind grew

11) Doubled down on cocaine and alcohol

12) Started having vivid dreams being told Im going to hell

13) My waking life was total pain from moment waking, during sleep, and then awakening

14) My forehead chakra and all the wires in my head were totally torn, uttrly shattered the forehead chakra, totaly destroyed, felt beyond repair

15) Finish a 5 day cocaine bender, and got the message from mind if I do another line or drink, Im not coming back

16) Go full sober and celibate

17) 2 months into sobriety, where everyday I wake up and put all my attention onto the 12/10 pain in my forehead and pray these broken wires will heal, can feal them trying to reconnect and rebuild, but its broken

18) Decide to man up and take heroic doses of psychedelics

19) Have the lived experience in full real time of being sent to hell on psilocybin trips -> by far most traumatic experiences of my life, will have PTSD for long time

20) Have LSD experiences of hour long immersions of being in demonic hell realms, followed by this whole realms being destroyed infront of me, and then being taken to a white light of God, in wich I begged for mercy

21) 19 and 20 were repeated several times.

22) Cant handle another being sent to hell experience so stop psilocybin

23) Remain sober, meditating, doing 12 step meetings

24) The LSD/Psilocybin brighht white light experiences at least showed me the negativity in my mind 'fuck you God' 'I hate you God' 'burn in hell forever', this type of voices

25) My forehead chakra is slowly healing,

26) Had some nicer LSD experience, broke through to Love and other temporary nice experience

27) Out of hell and now in purgatory, what a relief, what a relief, im never going back, never

28) My forehead seriously concerns me, cannot find anyone anywhere who knows about this damage, using AI find some esotoric literautre that describes severe severe rare cases of 'short circtuiing' a chakra when deep spirtiual transgressions are done

29) typing this post!


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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12 hours ago, bambi said:

. Also my dad died from a heroin overdose and this deeply scared me on where he would end up. We used to do Islamic saence etc to try and figure out what happened to him lol! 

I had schizophrenia/demonic voices for ages, I couldnt leave the house or socialize with anyone for over a year. 

Sounds like a bloodline issue. Your cleansing and repentance is for the entire bloodline. The process of deliverance and awakening is not just for you, but it would deliver the entire bloodline from hell aswell. That's why those issues are on your shoulders. 

I'm just guessing tho. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On 2024. 07. 27. at 11:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

Why do you think JP is so confident God exists? It's because he took high doses of mushrooms.

I can help him make sense of his experiences.

Naaah, Jordan is way too invested in maintaining his christian and non-new agey image.

Your stuff will be categorized as new age and he will definitely debate you on solipsism and won't just let you to lay it out without any pushback.

You will be debated and your ideas will be hardcore scrutinized on the go and I don't think you have a good skillset to deal with that.

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19 minutes ago, zurew said:

he will definitely debate you on solipsism

I wasn't planning to bring that up. He would blow a gasket. Haha.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  please more practical videos on survival. Will your future YouTube videos help me to better survive and possibly thrive in life ? as I wouldn't be able to afford your new course . Even tough the key to success of my life lies in my  hands. These self help courses (less costly ones) which I have taken before and the books which I have bought can give me guidances which ultimately I have to customise for my life. Thanks.


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I'm highly skeptical that this will ever happen, but if it does, the second it drops I would stop literally ANYTHING to watch it asap. And honestly Leo, I'd be just as curious to see you interview Sam Harris, Alex O'Connor, various New Age figures and, fuck, even Richard Dawkins etc.

I think one of the problems, for me, is that your work kind of just sits there in a vacuum. I believe you have more than reached the intellectual maturity to really put your work as a philosopher and mystic out there, in the public discourse, by discussing it with these well-known intellectuals. And I'm sure that, by having an actual world-class "But Leo..." at your disposal to challenge you, it would do nothing but mature your philosophy further.

Despite these people not being nearly as "enlightened" as you, surely the top human beings of this time in terms of pure raw intelligence and culture will have something to offer you and us all.

Edited by kylan11

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1 hour ago, kylan11 said:

I think one of the problems, for me, is that your work kind of just sits there in a vacuum. I believe you have more than reached the intellectual maturity to really put your work as a philosopher and mystic out there, in the public discourse, by discussing it with these well-known intellectuals. 

Leo should come down from the Mountain and return to the Market:P


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:


Yeah, that's why he constantly attacks and stalks me here on the forum and think I have man or sex issues because of his past and experiences with escorts and hedonistic lifestyle. Doesn't realize that it's the clients who are usually the fucked up ones, except for a few and street walkers, the girls are just trying to make a living. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I wasn't planning to bring that up. He would blow a gasket. Haha.

Please bring that up! I am looking forward to

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19 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:


Leo: There is no difference between you and this Pepsi bottle.

JP: But Leo.....

Do not fail yourself in remembering that: You are a God!

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28 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yeah, that's why he constantly attacks and stalks me here on the forum and think I have man or sex issues because of his past and experiences with escorts and hedonistic lifestyle. Doesn't realize that it's the clients who are usually the fucked up ones, except for a few and street walkers, the girls are just trying to make a living. 

LOL what do you mean attacks and stalks you, we've spoken like 3 times in my life, all brief interactions.

What have my past sexual escapades got to do with you or my interactions with you??! What another strange post of yours. I have highlighted your blatant obvious insecurity around men in some of your posts, but anyone can see that a mile away, how does this relate to my sexuality though? Deeply confuzzled

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4 minutes ago, bambi said:

LOL what do you mean attacks and stalks you, we've spoken like 3 times in my life, all brief interactions.

What have my past sexual escapades got to do with you or my interactions with you??! What another strange post of yours. I have highlighted your blatant obvious insecurity around men in some of your posts, but anyone can see that a mile away, how does this relate to my sexuality though? Deeply confuzzled

I didn't just get that out from my ass. I'll just leave this alone. Also don't assume everybody sees what you see in other people. We are all looking through our own lens and veils. Even the "only 3 brief interactions" that you said, isn't so; but who feels like digging up past baggage. It's way more than that.

Love you Bambi.


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Princess Arabia said:

I didn't just get that out from my ass. I'll just leave this alone. Also don't assume everybody sees what you see in other people. We are all looking through our own lens and veils. 

Love you Bambi.


Love you too.

Dont mistake my direct or confrontational style to be personal to you, I can be like this with everyone - apologies if Ive been overly direct or confrontational with you. Also I can go through phases of making a concious effort to call people out on their posturing and spiritual bypassing if it seems they arent speaking from experience or simply regurjitating spiritual rhetoric to sound knowledgable - rather then doing the work and getting the insights.

Of course you might respond that 'doing the work' is just another idea and illusion, its all just appearences and happenings in this moment or something of the sort, this is a deep spiritual bypass to me, and thats why I challenge it


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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I have highlighted your blatant obvious insecurity around men

This is just so way out there and have never heard this statement in my whole entire life from anybody, my own thoughts, men or even act as such. But I will leave you in your fantasy world and let you have the idea of me and the image you see alone.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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