Leo Gura

Jordan Peterson v Actualized.org?

309 posts in this topic

Well of course we'd watch it. Would be pretty good for your business that's for sure.

Hopefully his team catches the email and considers you. 🤞

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

What will they even discuss? Leo will simply say he experienced god through psychedelics and Jordan will say how do you know it wasn’t a chemically induced illusion.

Yeah I thought about that too. But even if Peterson would be open to the possibility that higher truths can be experienced through psychedelics which it seems like - I saw a clip on Youtube - it's not certain that Leos experience was interpreted in the right way and Leos claims are so outrageous on top of that. And Leo doesnt really have an intellectual reputation which would be especially important in a conversation like this to make Leo seem a little more grounded. But also JP seems to be a serious thinker in certain aspects and he seems to have a soft spot for God which he needed to surpress to a large extend because of his intellectual persona. I think it's very hard to judge whether or not this conversation will be good.

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Why do you think JP is so confident God exists? It's because he took high doses of mushrooms.

I can help him make sense of his experiences.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Why do you think JP is so confident God exists? It's because he took high doses of mushrooms.

I can help him make sense of his experiences.

How do you know he took mushrooms?

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6 minutes ago, Alex4 said:

How do you know he took mushrooms?

He talks about this alot: 


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6 minutes ago, Alex4 said:

How do you know he took mushrooms?

6 minutes ago, Alex4 said:

How do you know he took mushrooms?

JP talked about it oftentimes on YT.

Self-love is the force behind every decision you make.

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21 hours ago, Max_V said:

Why do you think debating is an unhealthy habit on YT? I feel like quite a lot can be achieved if people argue in good faith.

That's called a serious conversation.

A debate is a competition in arguing and making the other person look bad. Debaters don't want to expose the truth, They want to rise victorious.


"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@Leo Gura I would love to see you having more interviews and interactions with others. Who is on the other end, I think, is for you to decide.

I'm going to start with a macro view and then narrow it down till JP. I'm gonna be honest here, I think your past interviews, both with Curt and Charlie, could have gone much better than they actually did. Maybe I'm used to your solo formats with their high quality and standards, which hardly happen in a two-way conversation. I find that you may lack experience in such style and that there's still a lot of work for you to do to arrive at the quality or potential I know you have. I'm sure you can blow away any committed person in a one-on-one scenario, but that is not what has happened. What has usually happened? Interesting conversations that go back and forth, with rough beginnings, slow acclimatization, and radical claims that put off the audience unaware of your work. In this sense, I expect a more calibrated and personal Leo in an interview, one that connects with the other person, opens up, and establishes a good flow, which wisely guides the conversation and deconstructs paradigms one by one, not choking the neophyte with truth.

Having said this, I'm enthusiastic about the chosen topic: God. Really looking forward to it. As you know, it's not about the truth but about delivering Truth, and this is probably what will make the difference in the interview. I don't know what will be your approach or your ice-breaking tools, but my opinion is that you'll have to meet JP where he's at and guide him level by level towards the point where you can drop your atomic bombs. Working inside others' paradigms will signify less initial truthfulness and accuracy, but you gotta warm and juicy up that pussy, or it's gonna be rough af again. In this sense, I recommend you study deeply Christianity and JP's spiritual worldview. Plus, having a fifth sense to know when to strike and when to let go, and to understand the waves that come and go in all conversations on top of the psychological barriers and purging that may happen for both of you in order to rise to the occasion. I believe an acute understanding of Comparative Religion and Christian Mysticism is going to be crucial for unlocking his mind to the Realization that actually Christian Saints like Meister Eckhart, St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Ávila, St. Hildegard of Bingen, and Thomas Merton, among many others, are talking about very similar things: God is Infinite, God is Love, God is deathless, Christ Consciousness. To make JP comprehend within his own tradition the cracks that lead to the actual God, as is the case with all religions. So that instead of deconstructing all his mind, we can find God hidden inside his self, which has gone unrecognized. Moreover, to give him tools and a vision for its full actualization, leading to the eventual collapse of his worldview, ego, and, God willing, to his God Realization.

That's my feedback and how I would frame this interview if it were to ever happen.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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@LSD-Rumi From Wikipedia: "Debate is a process that involves formal discourse, discussion, and oral addresses on a particular topic or collection of topics, often with a moderator and an audience."

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6 hours ago, Raze said:

What will they even discuss? Leo will simply say he experienced god through psychedelics and Jordan will say how do you know it wasn’t a chemically induced illusion.

Pretty much this.

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2 minutes ago, Nemra said:

I worry that your haters will start to get more serious.



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Interesting, I never knew Peterson took psychedelics. @Leo Gura is this why you considered an interview with him, would you not have bothered otherwise?

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Why do you think JP is so confident God exists? It's because he took high doses of mushrooms.

I can help him make sense of his experiences.

to be fair he argued confidently for the existence of god before his psychedelic trip

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Will it be face to face or online?

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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3 minutes ago, Davino said:

Will it be face to face or online?

Would also like to see them go toe-to-toe in the ring!


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On 7/26/2024 at 0:59 AM, Leo Gura said:

Anyone here interested in a conversation between me and Jordan Peterson?

That might be in the cards. I sent him an email.

Fuck yeah

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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I mean if it’s just your typical condescending vibe where you think because you tripped a bunch and connected to god, whatever words you want to use for that, and you’re just going to go in and have some sort of debate where you think you know more than him about what is true because you’ve changed your state more often using dmt, then no, but if you actually want to have a discussion where you want to learn something from him and vice versa then maybe it could be interesting. 

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Would love it! Please make it happen if it's at all possible. 

Another cool convo could be you and Michael Sartain. Different type of content but he's a smart guy who lives in Vegas so would be an interesting convo. 

Edited by LordFall

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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