Leo Gura

Jordan Peterson v Actualized.org?

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2 hours ago, Staples said:

I would be more worried about his audience or mainstream people finding your work, not understanding it and bringing you trouble.

Yeah, I guess like bringing Satan to whoop his ass.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Moutushi said:

@Princess Arabia Mikhaila Peterson

I guess his wife. I'll Google.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Moutushi said:

@Princess Arabia Mikhaila Peterson

Oh his daughter.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I really hope it will go similar to that debate between Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Žižek, it was very productive.




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@Leo Gura Are you wanting to talk to more people because you're about to launch a new course?

I've enjoyed watching the TOE episode and I'd like to see you talk to more people for sure, dont get me wrong. Just thought this is a good marketing idea, a little sneaky but in a good healthier than normal way.

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A sublime idea. Well the idea is pretty straightforward but the fact you’ve tried to make some headway on the idea is sublime. A discussion, a conversation far outweighs a debate. Provided he is open to your ideas, listens, and contemplates what you propose to him, or it will be difficult to avoid debate, or you outright telling him how it is as you do in many of your videos. If he is stubborn then I would see this difficult to avoid in a long discussion. But would be fantastic viewing for sure.

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39 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Lol you guys are f u n n y......

In think Jordan Peterson would be a Starcraft 1 enjoyer. 8)

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i hope this interview will happen just for Actulized.org , Peterson not cool anymore

Edited by royce

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Anyone here interested in a conversation between me and Jordan Peterson?

That might be in the cards. I sent him an email.

I would like to see that, But even tho you both disagree on politics you both will agree on more i would think

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I like this idea a lot! Looking forward to it. I'm curious to how will Leo tell Peterson that god is absolutely everything, including murder, rape, war, nuclear bombs etc. Will Peterson be able to stomach that? Will Leo show how radical spirituality and awakening is? 

Edited by Eskilon

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Be prepared that he might slide off on a tangent to draw god into social constructs, and religion's impact on society, the functioning of the state or home as he sees it. I would, and he's better at vocalizing his entire worldview into conversations than I am.

Just so you don't get blindsided, maybe have a few ideas on how to draw it back to the topic when he does.

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@Leo Gura Are you anti-debate? It seems like a crazy position to me. How can you be confident you know something if you avoid debates? The point of a debate is to see perspectives and arguments you haven't thought of. It is like learning surgery on your own with no one to point out your mistakes. It is like writing mathematical proofs and getting no feedback. It is like doing a scientific study, writing a report on it, and then never getting peer review. You can't be confident if you haven't tested a position in the intellectual space. This isn't about absolute truth, this is relative truth.

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lol, I wonder how he'd react to this comment you made about him the other day:

"When I die, I will put all my money into a foundation that will, each year, hand out the Biggest Bullshitter prize.

Jordan Peterson will receive a retroactive award."

Personally I don't think Peterson will interview Leo. I think people give him too much credit for how open minded/brave he actually is. I think he'd take one look at Leo's work and then shy away.

Maybe back when he wasn't as famous he'd be more inclined to but he's got a lot more on the line now, then again these types of conversations are his entire gig anyway. I don't know, I think we forget how radical this stuff is for a new comer. It takes great levels of open mindedness for a newbie to even get through Leo's videos without turning them off.

That's what my dad done when I showed him Leo's videos on understanding politics and he's been working in it his whole life, I thought that was hilarious, he talks such a big talk but couldn't even get through a few hours of YouTube content.


Edited by Francis777

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4 hours ago, Vibes said:

Are you wanting to talk to more people because you're about to launch a new course?

No. It has nothing to do with that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Would love to see a discussion between you and Peterson


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Do what works

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5 hours ago, gambler said:

dude where is @Danioover9000 how did we make it to page 4 without him making a remark 

Leo has vexed her.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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