
Islamic quotes about GOD

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Commentary on Allah (God):


Imam Ali: He is but his isness is not from anything, He exists but his existence has not come from non existence, He is with everything but not in a way that is equal to them and He is not like anything but not in a way that is separate from them; He is Doer but not that he does anything and not that he uses any tools, He was Seer before there was any creation to be seen, He was One and Alone before there was anyone and anything that he would love or feel lonely from nothing existing.


Imam Ali: Oneness is one that you don't imagine God.


Imam Reza: First step towards worshipping God is knowing him and the ground of knowing his divine highness is knowing that he is one and his Oneness system is denying limitations from him; because intellects admit that any creature (created creation) is limited.


Imam Ali: Allah means a deity that the creations are amazed about him and take refuge to him, the one who's covered from the eyes and cannot be contained in imagination.


Imam Ali: Praise be to God who is first before any first and who is last after any last and because of him being first he must have no beginning and because of him being last he must have no end.


Imam Ali: He will never be destroyed and he always was; before everything he was without having a beginning and after everything he will be without having an end; He is the beginning of every beginning and the end of every end.


Imam Baqer: Almighty God was and there was nothing except him; He was a light without darkness, He was truthful without any lies, He was wise without any ignorance, He was alive without any death; Here and now he still is like this and forever will be.


Imam Sadiq: God is a knowledge that no ignorance is in it, a life that no death is with it, and a light that no darkness is in it.


Imam Kazem: God is not a living thing that life happened to him but he is alive by nature.


Imam Baqer: Allah means a deity that all creations are amazed at what it is and how it is.


Imam Kazem: Allah is dominant over every little and huge thing.


Imam Ali: God gives you news and signs but not with tongue, and he hears but not with ears and tools of hearing, He talks but not by pronouncing anything, Knows everything but not with help of memory, if he wills for anything to be he says be and it will be but his saying is not with any sound that ears would hear but it is his deed.


Imam Kazem: Objects are manifested by his will and desire, without any speech being spoken or any thought being thought.


Prophet Muhammad: If you knew God the way He deserves to be known you would have walked on oceans and with your prayers the mountains would be shaken.


Imam Ali: Little knowledge of God would make you detached from the world.


Imam Ali: He who knows the greatness of God would not look to himself as great because the greatness of those who know God lies in their humbleness in front of God.


Imam Ali: The most knowledgeable people about God are the ones who are most praying for help from Him.


Hakim Ferdowsi: He is superior than imagination and thought and guessing, He isn't like anything in the world.


Rumi: If my existential wheel stops from circulation he who circulates the sphere of existence will also circulate me.


Shah Nematallah Vali: As they unveild the veils and showed themselves to us we saw that Beloved, Lover and Love are one being.


Hafiz: Hafiz you are your own veil get out of yourself.


Shams Tabrizi: Only if you deny yourself you'll find him (God).


Saadi: All humans are limbs of one body

In creation they are all from one gem (essence)

If life brings pain to one limb

All the other limbs would also be in pain


This topic may be updated later.


Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Seyyed Hussein Nasr's talk on youtube named "in the beginning was consciousness" was pretty good. 


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Wonderful trying to describe what cannot be described. 

Every religion has the opportunity to become the best in the world, but most people forget the spiritual part within each, and choose to take pleasure in the egoic parts of it.

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16 hours ago, Atb210201 said:

Allah is dominant over every little and huge thing.


I AM reborn

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When you know yourself your "I" ness vanishes, and you know that you and Allah are one and the same


God sleeps in the rock, dream in the plant, stirs in the animal and awake in the man


How can't the heart travel to god when it's chained by its desires?


Ibn Arabi 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Heaven is hidden behind things we hate, Hell is hidden behind things we love.



I see a pupil in every sky

I see a sky in every pupil

You who see two in one

Unlike you I see one in two




And if he (God) closes every door and path upon you

He will show you a hidden door that nobody is aware of




Tears are prayers too, they travel to God when you can't find the words.



I said to God I will not die before I know you. God replied, He who knows me never dies.



Be silent, only the hand of God can remove the burdens of your heart.



I closed my mouth and spoke to you in a hundred silent ways.



Only from the heart you can touch the sky.



Our death is our wedding with eternity.



Love is when God says to you I have created everything for you.

And you say, I have left everything for you.



When the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray.



These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.



Once dust, you're now spirit, once ignorant, now wise. He who has led you so far, will guide you further.



The world is a mountain, in which your words are echoed back to you.



The closer I get the more I see how far I am.



Wisdom is knowing what to ignore.





Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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To Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Encompassing and All-Knowing.
(Quran 2:115)


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Mystic who's aware of the mystery of knowledge

Is selfless from himself and is with God

Negate yourself and prove Truth's existence

This is the meaning of لا اله الی الله

Sheykh Abu saeed Abul Kheir

Edited by Atb210201

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Behave in this present world as if you had to live forever, and behave in the future world as if you had to die tomorrow



Sink your existence in the ground of darkness, because if the seed is not buried, it does not produce in abundance.

Ibn Atâillâh 


Leave the things of which you doubt for the things in which there is no doubt,


Edited by Breakingthewall

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My student is the one

Who stands next to hell

Whoever is sent to hell grabs their hand

And send them to heaven instead of himself

And he himself goes to hell instead of them


Bayazid Bastami

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Heart is deserving to be at your service

Although I'm not deserving of you

I've become alien to all the world

Till my heart is familiar with you

However much persecution you may do to me I consent to it

I take your persecution with my heart and soul

In your love would not avoid persecution

One who's heart is overtaken by you

"You means God"



Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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The fabric of the possible realm is all connected to each other

One makes a whole world happy who makes one heart happy

Saeb Tabrizi

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How sweet is selflessness

If it's poison or it's sweet

Both are sweet for me in loving you

I'm not me anymore

I've come out of myself to reach you

To be in love

"You means God"


Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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I have found being somebody in being nobody

So I lost my somebodiness in being nobody


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Open the eye of your heart then you can see the soul

And you will see what can't be seen

Hatef Esfehani

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All the particles of the Universe from within

Are telling you everyday and every night

We are listening and watching and conscious

And we are silent with those who are not permitted to hear us


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If you split the heart of any particle

You will see a burning light inside of it

Hatef Esfehani

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