5 Meo Retreats - Recommendations

3 posts in this topic

Hi everyone,

It’s been almost two years since I’ve used N,N DMT, 30 trips of varying dosages, and have spent this time grounding my experience within the relative day to day.

I’m finally ready to return to DMT in order to gain a new perspective, however I’m more conscious of how I will approach it this time.

I’m looking exclusively at use 5 Meo and MALT this time around with a focus on fewer higher quality trips with much longer breaks for integration.

I’ve always wanted to do a retreat as well so it would be nice to combine these two aspects together for my first experience with 5 Meo.

Can anyone recommend an affordable, no more than £2k, 5 Meo retreat?

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I have to chime in and clear up the language here regarding psychedelics because I see this happening all over the place and this post is the lucky winner.

It's inaccurate and misleading, and potentially dangerous, to refer to 5-MeO-DMT as 5-MeO, and to refer to 5-MeO-MALT as MALT. 

Additionally, these are not two "different types of 5-MeO" as some people seem to think. DMT and MALT are parent compounds, which can have a substitution at the 5 position with a MethOxy group, hence 5-MeO-_______

I wish you the best in finding high quality facilitation in your area.

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2 hours ago, halfknots said:

I have to chime in and clear up the language here regarding psychedelics because I see this happening all over the place and this post is the lucky winner.

It's inaccurate and misleading, and potentially dangerous, to refer to 5-MeO-DMT as 5-MeO, and to refer to 5-MeO-MALT as MALT. 

Additionally, these are not two "different types of 5-MeO" as some people seem to think. DMT and MALT are parent compounds, which can have a substitution at the 5 position with a MethOxy group, hence 5-MeO-_______

I wish you the best in finding high quality facilitation in your area.

Good distinction to raise; laziness of language on my part.

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