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I had another dream. And this dream is more adventurous than the other. While it is not "really" good , I'm glad that I am with someone I know. But, with the exception of someone I know that I didn't like. Why is he with me? Why is he still in my dream? I do not like it at all. I wish I can disassociate and be the farthest away from him ever again. And before that I saw this guy and these people in the military. Idk.

And I still dream of somewhat like a survival. Like some people are being sent in the sea. And it was close to land and there was a beach/ a lagoon. And one guy was so prepared that he had a tent as big as a real house. And was ready to assemble it somewhere. He had good energy/ spirit. And I saw others (Africans) that are a really good swimmers. I saw two guys who are too fast in swimming. And my dream was still somewhat scary looking. As if in danger. Idk. 

And I don't wanna hv anything to do with that guy anymore. 

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I dream of octopuses. Land octopus. 


It has been planted. 

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I took this video in 2020 , when everything was still fine. B612_20241009_122024_817.jpg

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This is when I realized that a camera , or opening my covering for my front camera will actually keep me safe. Prior to this, I had always been conscious about privacy. And about not being seen. But this time,* December 10, 2022 I realized that keeping the camera on is what would keep me safe. 

I should probably have a lot of social media too. If I don't share it I will lose it. 

And on December 24th , I am all gone. 


*Idk , there are actually two dates on it. December 10 & February 7 2022. 

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There had been a lot of time when I don't share my footage and then it was lost. Like when someone had asked you for it that's actually from god. I had a little regret. But maybe it was not meant to be shared anyway. (My pov.)

Only the things that I shared on WhatsApp was left. A lot was gone . Idk. And I forgot my password a lot. If it wasn't stolen I would still be able to keep it. There are many things in my Samsung that are not in anywhere else. Including all of my artworks. I have took a picture of everything towards the end. 

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Who do you think is my enemy? 

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There was a travel luggage that I have scribbled on a lot in 2013, it had a lot of memories , that too was gone. But everyone's else's was still there. Only mine. I have written a lot of lovely things on it. Even though the luggage itself is not pretty but I like it. Because I have put my traces in it. 

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17 hours ago, Sabth said:

This is when I realized that a camera , or opening my covering for my front camera will actually keep me safe. Prior to this, I had always been conscious about privacy. And about not being seen. But this time,* December 10, 2022 I realized that keeping the camera on is what would keep me safe. 

I should probably have a lot of social media too. If I don't share it I will lose it. 

And on December 24th , I am all gone. 


*Idk , there are actually two dates on it. December 10 & February 7 2022. 

I HATED where I am now. I don’t meant to say that someone can take my pictures and then uploading it in social media. I hated it so much. Mo one can take my pictures. If anything , let it be from me. And I dream about copyrights. A smart and rich person know what’s theirs. Not being all over the places. I had always been a clean (& tidy) person even as a child. I keep all of my possessions very well. And I keep everything. I have things that are from my childhood until adulthood. The same way that it is , mentally. I never forget myself while others may do. Forget themselves or their younger self. Like leaving behind their past memories. I don’t. I could live my three year old self as if it was yesterday, back then. I had always been clean, & tidy. And I like aesthetic. I do not like junks. Or keeping it or buying it. If my sister’s /brother’s all had a diary, mine was the only one who is still in perfect/good conditions. Even after more than a decade. Because I am not a destroyer. And probably because of my good nature. I DONT KNOW. I KEEP THINGS AS IT IS. If I were to have a profession back then I would probably be an archaeologist or a conservationist. I hate the term destruction. But well, it might be my sins. That things happened the way it does.. 

*no. No one can take a picture of me.

*i like to preserve things. 

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Who do you think is my enemies? 

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Yesterday, in the middle of the night, suddenly the lights turned off. It's blackout and a thunder followed through. And for the first time ever I sleep with the yellow lights off. And I think my eyes are seeing things. And I don't do anything to it. Usually I would be scared. But yesterday I was already sleeping. And my eyes are too tired that I just let it be black out. And I rest my eyes after a long time. 

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Some drink smells like cigarette. 

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Not only that I am not rich but I've been robbed

.. xx

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I felt like it's too bad or hard to cut myself off from my fam because we have built so much things together. It was hard. I don't wanna lose my connection. It felt really weird. Really really weird.

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But it was them who killed me. While hoping for a good relationship. Of course , you wouldn't get it. 

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They wouldn’t even let me have my phone. 
For over a month. 45days? And when I’m back it was all stolen.

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My cousins appeared in my dream a lot these few days, and I do not like it. If I had ditch my mom it would means her family too. And them having access to me? I don't like it. 

Anyway, my oldest sister , a few days ago, sent me a cake. And in the past, she is the ones who ignored me . Too. When I told in the group that I've been robbed.. but they ignored me. So I don't accept her cake or messages. Once it's done it's done . You can't mistreat me once and expect me to be good in other times. It's done. 

So I wouldn't eat her things too the same way that I wouldn't eat my mom's friends cake. It could even be like a bribery. I wouldn't take it. 

But anyway, yesterday, I feel like I am already being passed to some other. I don't like it. I mean, in my dream, it was other people. Not the same people who always appeared in my dreams. It used to be pretty consistent. Idk. Like my circle.. it felt like we are close together. But now,.  

Idk. You got these lower cousins in your dream. Disturbing you. Or before this, it would have been a little normal. But I have let them go/throw them away even before they mistreated me. They are my mom's family and they are related , so it's all of em. Four suspect , five six seven eight. And my oldest sister and youngest bro even though they are not here , my sister ditched me in the WhatsApp group. She didn't care. When I said my things had been stolen. My youngest , he's with her. Somewhere far away. He's under her care. So I won't be too serious with him but , I'm prepared on having him be on the person I'm against. Too. And let's see who is the thief. 

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