
Jordan Peterson thinks Donald Trump should've got the Nobel Prize

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, questionreality said:

Respect in this context means not to be perceived as someone who he can easily run over, someone who can be unpredictable and can take bold action if needed.

For someone like Putin, it is actually easier to deal with Biden's administration than Trump's - because you actually never know what you can get with Trump, it may backfire at any point.

The number 1 check on Putin is Nato, which Trump wants to dismantle. That's why Putin likes Trump and wants to be on good terms with him... so he can hopefully manipulate (or pay) his dumbass into removing his biggest threat. He doesn't respect him, he is tricking him. The russians celebrated like it was fucking 1999 when Trump was elected. 

The degree of strength or fear the US President's character projects is not a large variable for Putin. There's a limit to how much Putin can overreach, even if the US had a midget hippy for president, he can't be like "Oh, there's a weakling who will let me get away with whatever I want". 


Edited by Joshe

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If you wanted to make a legit case for Trump here, you could say: "We need to elect Trump because Trump is so weak he is unwilling to go to war. We cannot afford to have a strong president against Putin because that will lead to WW3. We are too scared to elect a strong president."

That is the only legit argument here.

But of course right-wingers do not dare make that argument. Instead they have to twist themselves into pretzles about how Trump is so strong while also backing down from Putin.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Why do you think these russians are so happy who won the US election in 2016? Is it because they are hoping and wishing we will prosper under Trump?

I'm interested to know what others make of this. I assume they are happy because Trump will either ruin our position or improve theirs. 


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16 minutes ago, questionreality said:

As in comparison to Kamala Harris LOL? Kamala Harris would be perceived as a joke by Putin, who are you kidding? 

The best defense against Putin is competent leadership that knows how to run an effective administration. Which is what Kamala represents.



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A nobel peace prize for the Abraham Accords but it's probably the case it contributed to more tension between Hamas, Iran and Israel because it didn't directly address the Palestinian conflict and sidelined the Palestinians. Not only that but those that signed off were nations who were not in any conflict with Israel, like Saudi Arabia for instance already had a relationship with Israel. 

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Posted (edited)

36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

When she funds Ukraine with another $100 billion, that will be no joke for Putin.

Putin is not fighting against Kamala in a boxing ring. He is fighting her money and the entire US Defense Department and CIA deep state.

Putin understands this. He is not stupid enough to think that he's at war with Kamala's personality.

@Leo Gura @aurum How come Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was president, but invaded it under Obama (Crimea) and under Biden? 

We have 4 years of sample size of Trump presidency, but for some reason you guys tend to ignore this and come up with your abstract theories 

Also, Trump is more likely to finish the war and have them make peace, rather than have the war prolonged with more lost lives and more American tax dollars going to the war.

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Posted (edited)

7 minutes ago, questionreality said:

@Leo Gura @aurum How come Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was president, but invaded it under Obama (Crimea) and under Biden? 

We have 4 years of sample size of Trump presidency

Because your sample size sucks.

Putin didn't invade Ukraine because he was exhausting all the other options. He was trying to come to some diplomatic arragnment, but those fell through.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Because your sample size sucks.

Putin didn't invade Ukraine because he was exhausting all the other options. He was trying to come to some diplomatic arragnment, but those fell through.

If you think Putin didn't invade Ukraine because of Trump, I am laughing.

I am not saying that was the only reason that he didn't invade Ukraine, but the fact is he didn't.

4 years of sample size is more than good enough, given that the US presidential term is only 4 years, and we need to go off something.

The idea that he was trying to come to some diplomatic arrangement is pure speculation on your part, we don't know this for sure.

You need to give the credit where it's due - while Trump was president there was no wars.


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Posted (edited)

33 minutes ago, questionreality said:

4 years of sample size is more than good enough,

No it isn't.

You are making wildly inappropriate extrapolations from such small data. This is a bastardization of statistical method.

The simple truth is that a war can land on any president's term at any moment for any reason outside his control.

If you think electing an authoritarian is gonna save you from war, you are kidding yourself.

"Let's elect this corrupt emotionally unstable egomaniac who says he will be dictator from day one and has unlimited immunity. He will save us from war."

I mean, this is a joke. Only in a comedy could people take such logic seriously. This is like a Simpson's episode.

Edited by Leo Gura

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What do you think of Elon Musk saying that his trans 'son was dead' and vowed to 'destroy woke mindvirus'.


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@Husseinisdoingfine We already addressed this in the Elon Musk thread:


Edited by Leo Gura

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28 minutes ago, questionreality said:

How come Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was president, but invaded it under Obama (Crimea) and under Biden? 

This is an egregious misattribution of correlation / causation.

That Putin did not launch his full invasion under Trump is more timing than anything else. There was still plenty of conflict that was happening. It could have happened under any administration.

28 minutes ago, questionreality said:

You need to give the credit where it's due - while Trump was president there was no wars.

No wars at all? The world just became a peaceful place because everyone was just so in awe and afraid of Trump?


This is a narcissistic fantasy.

There are wars and conflicts happening all the time, including under the Trump admin. Trump can do nothing to stop them.



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Do you guys think Kamala Harris is actually a decent candidate?

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5 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

What do you think of Elon Musk saying that his trans 'son was dead' and vowed to 'destroy woke mindvirus'.

Elon Musk’s acting is horrendous… someone give that bloke a Golden Raspberry Award.


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34 minutes ago, questionreality said:

The idea that he was trying to come to some diplomatic arrangement is pure speculation on your part, we don't know this for sure.

Putin has said that he has been trying to negotiate with the US and NATO for years, and they kept rebuffing his proposals. 

I don't think Putin is lying about that. NATO just refuses to back off from its own expasion and eventually Putin had enough.

You can blame that on Biden. But again, this means you want a weaker US president. At least admit that.

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Posted (edited)

2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Elon Musk’s acting is horrendous… someone give that bloke a Golden Raspberry Award.

I precieve him as genuine. He's genuine and he wants endless power to actualize his genuine feelings because he thinks his ideas are best.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 minutes ago, destroyx6 said:

Do you guys think Kamala Harris is actually a decent candidate?

That discussion is happening here


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Where are the wise and intelligent conservative people?

They must be suffering with this Trump nightmare 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Posted (edited)

24 minutes ago, Davino said:

Where are the wise and intelligent conservative people?

They must be suffering with this Trump nightmare

There are many Never-Trumpers on YT like Joe Walsh, Joe Scarborough, Rick Wilson, David Frum, Michael Steele, The Bulwark, and more!

Never-Trumpers don't get enough love.

Edited by Leo Gura

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JD Vance and Elon Musk used to be against Trump. The Devil is a sneaky bastard.

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