
Why infinity is so terrifying ?

83 posts in this topic

Don't go by rumors. We may postulate, given some creative freedom (conjecture), that it's true already. And you're fine. See? Neither is it relative. So horror or fear doesn't apply here, so to speak. I'm not talking about psychedelic states. Should make a distinction between what's existential and what's mentally produced activity; the latter is what fear is about, and with enough consciousness, it can be decreased and stopped.

Why would you be afraid of the truth if it's always been the case and, to get poetic, it is you already? So again, taking what you've heard on faith is not going to serve you. That way, you create certain expectations that aren't based on what's real, but add on to it. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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See you all in hell!


I AM reborn

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I'm terrified of the fucking horrible shit it means to be human. It seems like a joke, 99.999% move like puppets, on impulse. terrified after millennia of psychopath wars, slavery, hatred, pain, illness, implanted in their genetic memory, in their karma. I hope those stories are true that say that if you advance spiritually, you restart in a non-human form, because most of the human possibilities are deception, fear and confusion disguised as evasion activities.

One the one hand, I get you.100%. It's impossible to not see all this s***.

On the other hand, you might see things differently when you fall in love. Fear, deception and confusion are transformed into something else.

It's crazy how one single encounter can change so much.

Edited by theleelajoker

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