
You are maybe 5% as productive as you could be.

22 posts in this topic

First get to some solid level where every day involves you doing a good amount of working out + progress + planning. Then go from being solid for 2 weeks or so to superhuman.

Forums are destroying your mental health. Junk food is destroying your mental clarity.

Anxiety is also draining your brain points. If you don't do the most important thing first thing in the morning or close to it, then you're going to feel really bad when you're working out AKA running and you're craving doing the actual work, or you're doing some other thing and can't get to the actual work and you're feeling bad. You want to avoid that. If that important work is done at the start of the day, then you avoid the enormous/paralyzing guilt about not starting.

How do you get to the solid level? You ask yourself if you did the work today when it comes to working out, meditation etc. and just say yes or no. Objectively. No "well I somewhat tried but maybe tomorrow." since that's a simple no in the system you should be thinking under.

"Jesus in His love and mercy for me let me know who He really was. He is God who is born to be the Man, Jesus. Jesus was specifically born so that He could die because God is eternal and He cannot die, He had no beginning and He has no end. We have been separated from a relationship with God because of our sin."

This person here is misguided, but at least not a repressed sadistic killer trying to let out his frustrations by attempting murder through psychological torture the way that is characteristic specifically of the decrepit and completely incurable of those who believe in non-duality and Christianity. But don't be fooled, man is sinless by default. You are thrown into this reality without being told anything, that much can never be taken away by any ideologue.

Number of people baited into going all-out aggressive against me out of the blue due to this sig: 3

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Posted (edited)

......and then you die. Great points, BTW.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Good points but this forum is actually helping me in a lot of ways, better than spending time on Instagram. 

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You're wrong..

I am actually 6% as productive as I could be :P 

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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On 7/22/2024 at 3:14 AM, Realms of Wonder said:

You're wrong..

I am actually 6% as productive as I could be :P 

Thank god I said "maybe." Man that was close.

"Jesus in His love and mercy for me let me know who He really was. He is God who is born to be the Man, Jesus. Jesus was specifically born so that He could die because God is eternal and He cannot die, He had no beginning and He has no end. We have been separated from a relationship with God because of our sin."

This person here is misguided, but at least not a repressed sadistic killer trying to let out his frustrations by attempting murder through psychological torture the way that is characteristic specifically of the decrepit and completely incurable of those who believe in non-duality and Christianity. But don't be fooled, man is sinless by default. You are thrown into this reality without being told anything, that much can never be taken away by any ideologue.

Number of people baited into going all-out aggressive against me out of the blue due to this sig: 3

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10 hours ago, numbersinarow said:

Thank god I said "maybe." Man that was close.


Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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9 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

Do not overestimate me. 

I usually overestimate my potential. I am learning to humble myself. 

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On 21/07/2024 at 10:37 PM, Princess Arabia said:

......and then you die. Great points, BTW.

@Princess ArabiaHey I have seen you have this sort of “Nothing really matters” attitude. I am not saying there anything wrong with it, or that you do in-fact have it, but if you do; how do you get things done? Like if at the end you just die, then why do anything at all? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, HMD said:

@Princess ArabiaHey I have seen you have this sort of “Nothing really matters” attitude. I am not saying there anything wrong with it, or that you do in-fact have it, but if you do; how do you get things done? Like if at the end you just die, then why do anything at all? 

This attitude is ideal for performance and productivity I'd say.

Life is a silly game with serious rules.

Leo says to take things 'seriously'. I think you should absolutely take your daily performance, overall strategy and progress very seriously- but infuse it with an existential humour and equanimity towards all.

Screwing up your face like Goggins and huffing and puffing is mostly energy wasted spent overcoming our own self generated resistance anyway.

Edited by quantumspiral

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My goal is to be 0% productive. Don't produce anything. Let Reality produce whatever it wants and be a mere channel.

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, RedLine said:

Let Reality produce whatever it wants and be a mere channel.

Just don’t be glued to channel 69 for too long. 

If your remote isn’t working, simply change the batteries. 

Edited by Yimpa

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, HMD said:

@Princess ArabiaHey I have seen you have this sort of “Nothing really matters” attitude. I am not saying there anything wrong with it, or that you do in-fact have it, but if you do; how do you get things done? Like if at the end you just die, then why do anything at all? 

How is "and then you die" a nothing really matters attitude. You guys have totally misunderstood me. By the questions you've asked me it's obvious I'm being totally misunderstood. You die right? How is that a nothing matters attitude. Why do anything at all? Why not. Let me tell you what my way of looking at the world has done.

Now, I stress less, I'm not uptight. I'm more forgiving. More understandable and worry less. More compassionate and worry free. I enjoy nature more. I get less angry and confrontational. I don't see as much problems, I focus on solutions. I suffer less. (different from physical pain), even then I make light of physical pain because I know it's not forever. I'm less judgemental and more empathetic even though I was always empathetic. I'm more curious about life and existence. I'm in awe of the beauty of existence and I'm in love with nature. I mean I could go on. 

You don't see me up here posting problems and how this and that isn't working out and how I need help with this and that because I trust life. I know it's got my back. I'm not all up in my own world and trying to manipulate life to fit into my own agenda because I know it ain't about me. I'm being lived. I don't worship false idols like money, cars, jewelry etc. and I'm not materialistic. I go about life as if it's not who I am because things are forever changing and I'm not any of that. Yes, things happen, yes, bad situations occur, yes I may get angry, yes I may become sad and whatever else negative but I don't stay there, it's short lived.

I TRUST, I TRUST, I TRUST. Not faith, but trust, there's a difference. I do things now with ease and not with friction because I understand that life is living me. Whatever misfortune come my way, I don't look at it as my misfortune and something happened to me, I see it as energetic and where I place my attention is where I place my energy so I focus on how I'd like it to turn out and it always does. So, even though I may seem nihilistic to all you all, none of you really know how to live, how powerful you are and that there is no one there that's doing anything. It's all energy and you can manipulate that energy how you want it to go because life is magical and it's all you. When I say it's all you, I don't mean in a solipsic sense, but nothing on the outside matters because there's no outside world. Your world is inside of you. THIS IS WHAT IT DOESN'T MATTER means when I say it. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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55 minutes ago, quantumspiral said:

This attitude is ideal for performance and productivity I'd say.

Life is a silly game with serious rules.

Leo says to take things 'seriously'. I think you should absolutely take your daily performance, overall strategy and progress very seriously- but infuse it with an existential humour and equanimity towards all.

Screwing up your face like Goggins and huffing and puffing is mostly energy wasted spent overcoming our own self generated resistance anyway.

I see you get it. They think I'm being nihilistic or whatever when I speak how I speak; but I see it as them being nihilistic. Having all sorts of problems with the world, not liking themselves and what's going on in the world. Trying to change shit all the time, hating their lives and always trying to get something as if something is wrong with the way things are. That's nihilism to me. 

Know thyself....

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Today's culture is so obsessed with productivity. I don't think farmers during the middle ages had anxiety about whether or not they where productive enough. Makes you questioning how much of the things we think we should accomplish via productivity are actually genuinely important if you have to make yourself do them as opposed to feeling naturally compelled to.

We live in the most prosperous and comfortable age in human history and I think we are just kind of looking for problems to solve to keep ourselves busy a lot of the time or we feel shame about not being productive enough for cultural reasons.

That said, if you wish to be more productive, the best thing you can do is get rid of your phone/computer. Or at least find ways to block your wifi and apps. Social media and the internet are the biggest sources of distraction in our modern world.

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On 7/26/2024 at 0:05 AM, Basman said:

Today's culture is so obsessed with productivity. I don't think farmers during the middle ages had anxiety about whether or not they where productive enough. Makes you questioning how much of the things we think we should accomplish via productivity are actually genuinely important if you have to make yourself do them as opposed to feeling naturally compelled to.

We live in the most prosperous and comfortable age in human history and I think we are just kind of looking for problems to solve to keep ourselves busy a lot of the time or we feel shame about not being productive enough for cultural reasons.

That said, if you wish to be more productive, the best thing you can do is get rid of your phone/computer. Or at least find ways to block your wifi and apps. Social media and the internet are the biggest sources of distraction in our modern world.

I'm not talking about it in the way I used to when I was stage orange.

In a chess game, there can always be CORRECT ACTIONS which lead to winning, recommended by the strongest engine, and there can be bad moves. Imagine an artificial intelligence which could guide you like this but through life. You can currently take actions which align with what it would hypothetically recommend, or you can not, regardless of other people's unhealthy obsessions or society's false ideas.

It is also good not to lose sight of how a productive person could solve actual problems of which there are many, not just small scale invented problems.

"Jesus in His love and mercy for me let me know who He really was. He is God who is born to be the Man, Jesus. Jesus was specifically born so that He could die because God is eternal and He cannot die, He had no beginning and He has no end. We have been separated from a relationship with God because of our sin."

This person here is misguided, but at least not a repressed sadistic killer trying to let out his frustrations by attempting murder through psychological torture the way that is characteristic specifically of the decrepit and completely incurable of those who believe in non-duality and Christianity. But don't be fooled, man is sinless by default. You are thrown into this reality without being told anything, that much can never be taken away by any ideologue.

Number of people baited into going all-out aggressive against me out of the blue due to this sig: 3

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For my main desktop for work I have a time tracker that tracks activity on all my apps and I use that to push myself to do more work during the day and to compact everything into a smaller schedule.

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Posted (edited)

50 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

@Princess Arabia according to you which are the top 5 books for achieving success


Success is relative. It depends on what your goal is. You can succeed in being a miserable person if that's your goal. People are successful in different segments of their lives. Is the billionaire successful if he's miserable and want to die because he's not happy; or is the poor man unsuccessful if he's content and peaceful while he's poor. Specifics are needed here.


Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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