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Personal fear

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Hello everyone!

Last year, I had a trip on MDMA while I was in my living room. Every time I looked in a corner, I imagined spider webs and insects forming. However, these were purely hallucinations. They didn’t exist in reality because when I approached them, they disappeared.

Also before that I watched Leo's solipsism video, which he later deleted.

These two events have made me extremely fearful and stressed. My life has become ten times worse than before. I used to be brave, open-minded, and eager to explore the world and reality. Now, I am terrified because if life is a dream and physical reality is just an illusion, I fear I might unintentionally harm myself, even physically. I am afraid that I might "imagine" or "dream" that I explode, stop my heart, or experience other harmful scenarios. For the first time in my life, I am questioning my mental sanity. I feel okay when I remain ignorant and immerse myself in practical and survival activities. It has been more than a year since these events, but I used to wonder, contemplate, and think about life and reality every day. It was my greatest passion. Now, I fight to stay ignorant because I am unsure how much control I have over this "dream" if I truly open my mind. As Leo said in one of his posts on Instagram, if I were truly open-minded, I might start seeing demons in my room. I believed him, so I put effort into staying close-minded.

I don’t really know how to frame reality in a healthy way now. I don’t know how much I can change or destroy reality and myself if all of the world is infinite imagination. How do I integrate this paradigm?

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Watch thought watch reaction to thought.

Treat brain like its a computer.

You are getting scared of a chat bot you subconscious created.

Dont react to a thought its not real. Reacting negatively lowers your vibration and that makes God look like it has less vibe.

You are in a simulation and its controlled by your body.

There is a video playing and there is a narration of whats going on in reality you arent either of these. You are the viewer you react to what is happening your vibe as a viewer gets lower the simulation responds to this because you are viewing the simulation through the filter of your mood.

Your mind is just filtering ideas that you react too. You reacting to it is saying thats me. Just let it the chat bot play.

Edited by Hojo

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21 hours ago, deamordeamar said:

Hello everyone!

Last year, I had a trip on MDMA while I was in my living room. Every time I looked in a corner, I imagined spider webs and insects forming. However, these were purely hallucinations. They didn’t exist in reality because when I approached them, they disappeared.

Also before that I watched Leo's solipsism video, which he later deleted.

These two events have made me extremely fearful and stressed. My life has become ten times worse than before. I used to be brave, open-minded, and eager to explore the world and reality. Now, I am terrified because if life is a dream and physical reality is just an illusion, I fear I might unintentionally harm myself, even physically. I am afraid that I might "imagine" or "dream" that I explode, stop my heart, or experience other harmful scenarios. For the first time in my life, I am questioning my mental sanity. I feel okay when I remain ignorant and immerse myself in practical and survival activities. It has been more than a year since these events, but I used to wonder, contemplate, and think about life and reality every day. It was my greatest passion. Now, I fight to stay ignorant because I am unsure how much control I have over this "dream" if I truly open my mind. As Leo said in one of his posts on Instagram, if I were truly open-minded, I might start seeing demons in my room. I believed him, so I put effort into staying close-minded.

I don’t really know how to frame reality in a healthy way now. I don’t know how much I can change or destroy reality and myself if all of the world is infinite imagination. How do I integrate this paradigm?

This is the problem with Leo's approach, all one has to do is look at Leo himself and see if it works? It doesn't seem to be working for him, he seems miserable, unhealthy and angry or very emotional, so that is the result for the most part generally if people follow his ways... I follow mostly Sadhguru's ways, I do research others, they have similar programs but his seems to speak to me in a way, and his methods and techniques work and are very effective.. I would say generally for the masses, is basic programs (Isha Kriya, and Inner Engineering programs) are Bliss based programs, you start from where you are at, not this Absolutists, solipsism approach which I think is very disempowering and will lead you to what You are going thru...With Sadhguru, he teaches you on many levels, but in essence and imo you learn how to not activate the Stress Response Fight or Flight response in your system, you become naturally Peaceful and Happy, and even Blissful for no reason, then from this baseline point you begin to explore more Potential in Life and go from there... Try it first with Isha Kriya, its free and easy 12 min practice... 


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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