
Increase your chances of getting laid in a night club

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@Something Funny Being a man is a skillset and mindsets combined so in practice is you marketing yourself to why she should sleep with you,so how much you can engage her emotions,how much she is getting "drunk" off of your words and she is realizing you are not just a regular guy that is thinking:how can i get her in bed.But you are geniuenly connecting and displaying yourself the best version of you, so the more you are developed you will display yourself that will have bigger impact inside of her,so if your aim is to get laid you are not hitting anything.By you being self focused(a man) you are developing yourself on so many levels that she is like i must sleep with this guy because when im around him its like im having the best time similar when she wears the dress that makes her feel sexy.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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16 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

So you would prefer to get approached by a guy who is alone at a club?

Why not. Guys with friends usually are not genuinely themselves when they are with women. Meaning, if we happen to hit it off, I'll probably see a different version of him when we're alone and not with his friends. Either way is fine, but alone is not a downfall.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The best way into a girl's pants is as a fake gay.



There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

By you being self focused(a man) you are developing yourself on so many levels that she is like i must sleep with this guy because when im around him its like im having the best time similar when she wears the dress that makes her feel sexy.

I am pretty sure that the guys that have the most sex are not very developed. 

I don't think developing yourself correlates much with becoming more attractive, unless you specifically develop yourself in that direction.

But at this point, you are just focusing all your personal development and spirituality on getting a girl. How is that not a gimmick?


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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Why not. Guys with friends usually are not genuinely themselves when they are with women. Meaning, if we happen to hit it off, I'll probably see a different version of him when we're alone and not with his friends. Either way is fine, but alone is not a downfall.

And yet, you've just said "mic drop" one post ago, like having girl friends is a bad thing and is unattractive.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The best way into a girl's pants is as a fake gay.

You're gay, but she is so special you're willing to make an exception. Just this once.


Females can spot a gay in a heartbeat.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Something Funny said:

And yet, you've just said "mic drop" one post ago, like having girl friends is a bad thing and is unattractive.

No, that was about hot girls with a guy and he's usually gay.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Something Funny Again you are thinking like an average guy its not about sex dude its about your developement(when you become a student of the game ill have to give you 2 h intro into how to become one)

Sex is not special like you said every undeveloped guy gets sex.

You are not developing yourself for a girl you are developing yourself every day for yourself so you can use it to navigate life in a way you are not desperste,needy...

You can use your talking skills to seal the deal at a job,to get promoted,you can use game in everything its just you are so shortsithed that you cant see nothing but a girl and sex thats why you lose.


There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Just now, Princess Arabia said:

No, that was about hot girls with a guy and he's usually gay.

Are you sure that's not insecurity on your part?

Because if he isn't gay and you were attracted to him, you would have to compete with all those hot girls.

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3 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

And yet, you've just said "mic drop" one post ago, like having girl friends is a bad thing and is unattractive.

I never said it was unattractive. I've seen guys hanging out with platonic females, they didn't look more attractive to me but I'm not saying it's unattractive.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Something Funny said:

Are you sure that's not insecurity on your part?

Because if he isn't gay and you were attracted to him, you would have to compete with all those hot girls.

What does insecurity have to do with it. I don't compete for men honey, they compete for me, hello. Men's looks don't attract me, his personality does.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@NoSelfSelf right, and the goals of that "development" is to feel confident, attractive, get more sex, and more money.

You can come up with a bunch of noble stories about it, but in the end it boils down to the same basic needs.

You just think that you need to work really hard to get them.

You need to train martial arts, got to the gym, earn more money, "study game", etc. 

And then you see some random guy who gets all the same basic needs met, with much less effort, thanks to some clever cheese.

So of course you want to call it a gimmick, and act like your approach is superior.

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7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

What does insecurity have to do with it. I don't compete for men honey, they compete for me, hello. Men's looks don't attract me, his personality does.

It's just that in my experience, when people get judgemental of what others are dling, it's vecause they are insecure about it on some level.

You clealrly wanted to put him down for what he is doing by reducing it to "haha, that's gay"

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@Something Funny Goal of development is development itself, you take pleasure in loving yourself every day which you cant if the goal is sex and a woman.Since you dont have game you look it all as outside in vs inside out.

You focused on some other guy like a best gay friend we mentioned here.

Its superior because goal is not sex goal is self love.Your goal is sex and then wondering when you get it why im still the same why i hate myself still.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf I don't see what self love has to do with game.

If goal of development was development by itself than you would live like a monk who doesn't care about women, sex, and career at all.

You wouldn't care about developing talking skills, because wasting time to develop them for their own sake is useless.

And even on a more basic level. If you wanted to develop talking skills just for pragmatic reasons, like getting a job, or something. You would join toastmasters, or work as a salesman, or become some kind human right/environmental activist. 

But you chose game instead. Why? Because you still care about success with women and having sex.

Why only straight men do game for "personal development". Why there are no gay pickup artists, or female pickup artists, or asexual pickup artists?

If it's really such a good tool for developing yourself, as well as for self-love and spirituality, than why doesn't everyone do it?

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Owen keeps attractive young single women as an asset for introducing them to wealthy dudes and getting himself ahead in life, make bizz connections, powerful friends, etc

from a certain coldly utilitarian objectifying POV, attractive young single women are the single most valuable currency in modern society


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@NoSelfSelf I don't see why I should spend thousands of hours on game, when I could just "gimmick" my way into a decent social life, and then spend all that free time and energy doing ACTUAL self-development work.

Actually working on self love


Doing solo retreats

Doing shadow work and healing traumas

Working with a therapist


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1 minute ago, mmKay said:

Owen keeps attractive young single women as an asset for introducing them to wealthy dudes and getting himself ahead in life, make bizz connections, powerful friends, etc

from a certain coldly utilitarian objectifying POV, attractive young single women are the single most valuable currency in modern society


Nah, Owen is just gay.

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@Something Funny Game is not about women and game doesnt need to prove itself to nobody, so if you dont want to learn dont, im not here to change your mind.You think you know it all already so there is no point in answering any of it.But so you know all your meditation will crumble when attractive women passes by so you still gonna be weakling if you dont have game.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

But so you know all your meditation will crumble when attractive women passes by so you still gonna be weakling if you dont have game.


3 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Game is not about women

Those two statements contradict each other.

Clearly you are afraid of "crumbling" and feeling like a weakling, which is why you feel like you need game.

So lets put all this "game flr a higher purpose" stuff aside.

5 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

it.But so you know all your meditation will crumble when attractive women passes by so you still gonna be weakling if you dont have game.

No, I will just admit to myself that I am attracted to her, and that yes, it is about her, and approach her like a normal person. Without all that grand personal development lore behind my actions.

And I will use some ACTUAL self-love to notice that yes, it's scary, and that it's okay, and there is nothing wrong with me feeling this way. Instead of calling myself a weakling.

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