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This is about mastery, inner power, competitive spirit, warrior mindset, energy.

It is not about being a bad person or hurting people.

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Posted (edited)

Wrong message in my opinion, that type of mentality never works out ultimately, it's better to do something out of love for it than for any other selfish motives like competing and ego boost, i always saw Messi as a perfect example of that, he is basically the greatest athlete of all time and the reason why that's so is because he played the sport out of love for it, of course he was competitive too but his main motive was love for the game, not stats, being the best, winning everything, just enjoying himself in the game he loves and making others enjoy it too!

I think that type of mentality is just the best in general, not just in sports, selflessness ALWAYS beats selfishness in the long-term, doing something out of love rather than out of fear.

Edited by strika

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@strika Not at all man. Lots of highly successful people are fueled by Trauma. Selflessness and personal development often kills the ambition of sticking to one thing for decades. Low self-worth, insecurities and hate towards others can make you a phenomenal athlete. 

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I  like what you wrote Strika that of course is my own opinion as for Godhead well yes people can be fueled by trauma etc.  But one has to ponder who inflicted these Traumas in the first place. 

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Do you think Mike Tyson would have been a better athlete if he had been more selfless? Without ego? Not caring about winning?

Not saying this is a healthy approach. But it is well known in psychology that people who achieve extraordinary success are fucked up in some way or another. 

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This is about being masculine but they failed when he said : im single minded then saying im better than everyone.No im just the best, fuck everyone 😂

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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gave me same vibes as this vid


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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, strika said:

Wrong message in my opinion, that type of mentality never works out ultimately, it's better to do something out of love for it than for any other selfish motives like competing and ego boost, i always saw Messi as a perfect example of that, he is basically the greatest athlete of all time and the reason why that's so is because he played the sport out of love for it, of course he was competitive too but his main motive was love for the game, not stats, being the best, winning everything, just enjoying himself in the game he loves and making others enjoy it too!

I think that type of mentality is just the best in general, not just in sports, selflessness ALWAYS beats selfishness in the long-term, doing something out of love rather than out of fear.

Completely Agree! Its not about Good or Bad, its about are You Self/Ego Centered or Inclusive in Nature? These Athletes are are Egoic in Nature!

I played many sports when I was younger, but I got super involved with Tennis, went to high Level Tennis Camps in Florida, I think if I lived in a more Uban Environment I could have done something with it, but I still watch the pro's play, I don't Understand it, the clench their fists on everyshot lol, the big guns win win and win and lose it when they win like its the greatest thing ever, its like a drug addiction, their after that win. To Win someone has to Lose, that means Your celebrating being on top of someone else, that is more like a sickness than anything. 

Its okay to challenge Yourself on many levels, if Messi is playing just for the Luv of the Sport then that is the way it should be, You play because U luv it, the playing of the game and such, yeah I may be a little disappointed when I lose but it won't kill me.  Just watch that new Netflix series on Tennis Players called Break Point, these ppl are dysfunctional to say the least, they put stress upon themselves and I think are living miserable lives all to chase that big "WIn", hypocrisy if you ask me

Sadhguru with an Ex Soccer play from Britain, excellent convo on cheating in sports and what sports is all about!


Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Your perception is either 0/1.

I propose a full-spectrum thinking. (

You can integrate diverse perspectives on your mind.

You can become extreme maniacal, loving, focused, doing things out of love or competition.

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Posted (edited)

One example: Peter Ralston.

Extreme obsession, maniacal, awake, master, writer, fighter.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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Leonardo da Vinci, Feynman, Claude Shannon.

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All you have to do is replace the images and you’ll get the perfect MAGA attack ad…

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7 hours ago, Yimpa said:

All you have to do is replace the images and you’ll get the perfect MAGA attack ad…


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