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Differences between Pleasure and Well-Being

3 posts in this topic


  • Short term gratification
  • Empty in substance, but addictive
  • Produced by crude biological mechanisms to assure actions (sex, eating, sleeping, etc...)

Overall effect in the human being: enslaving



  • The actions that produce it not necessarily provide instant gratification
  • Needs sometimes sacrifice of short-term pleasures.
  • Not addictive, but naturally our Beings seek it.

Overall effect in the human being: liberating


Feel free to add more. And maybe share with us an example in an area of your real life, with the difference of focusing one day in Pleasure, and other day in Well-Being. What difference makes in your life. 



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Well-being often requires discipline, effort, planning, time - pleasure is more easily accessible.

You can more easily partake in pleasurable activities with others, like playing games. Actions leading to well-being are an acquired taste and often require solitude, so it can not as easily be shared or communicated.

Pleasure is mentally exhausting, well-being is mentally vitalizing.


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15 minutes ago, QVx said:

I’ll use the example of weight lifting in my life.

It initially started off as a well being practice to help me get into shape and build body confidence when I was younger.

Then I became obsessed with it and it turned into a pleasure as addiction to look a certain way took over and well being evaporated.

Only very recently have I seen through the veil and the detrimental impact it had for many years. Now it has finally returned to wellbeing.

A beautiful but painful circular motion. 

That is a good example, it's interesting how the same activity can lead to pleasure or well-being depending on your motivations and overall approach.

I think it's good to go through such transitions from well-being to pleasure and back, it makes the differences more clear.

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