
Why Awakening can not be communicated...

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Since Awakening is what you Are, since Reality is You, literally, then how you are going to transmit this to other persons? Is impossible...

An enlightened being is bound to never be understood. Good news is he doesn't need other people to understand him because Awakening means complete satisfaction in your own loneliness. 

Thats why Enlightened masters create meditation processes and things like that. The spiritual process does not necesarily Awaken, but It creates an atmosphere of Focus and commitment that something wants to be discovered.


Thats why Adiyogui said, if we look at the human body there are 112 ways to realize the ultimate. But if you want to use just any thing to Awaken there are ways as number of Atoms in the Existence.

Anything can be the trigger for the ultimate. Whether one is "listening" closely for that trigger is another story...

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Transmiting to other person is deception ,so you dont see it for yourself one is never looking to transmit it its an individual "journey".

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Good news is he doesn't need other people to understand him

This is awakening in a nutshell. Even the act of trying to explain it is not it. It cannot be put in to words nor it should be. Being is the only explanation.


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This video is a good description. Like the guy says, you can't sustain that intensity for long or you'll burn out. do you remember that , sellingwaterbytheriver? We had a conversation about this. 

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You can communicate, just not directly with human language; it has its limitations.

Sometimes that's a purpose of "elevated" art forms,


If you can communicate with your whole beingness, anyone/ anything that is truly open will be in communion with you. It is inescapable, really.

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We cannot communicate it because we have had experiences of opening, of the veils falling, brief and incomplete. If we had moments of enlightenment every two or 3 days, on a regular basis, with meditation, we could talk about it more clearly. After an opening moment, even 2 seconds, the expression is fluid. After a few days, it closes.

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