
Text game tips

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@Chadders I dont see where im projecting? im just saying you are too consired about what you should have done based on her reactions vs you thinking whats best for you,thats a sign you see value more in her than yourself, im reading what im seeing and unpacking whats behind it.

You are hiding behind texting game its all the same how you over text is how you should be in real life its all about you if you can talk in real life you can talk over text.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf I said projecting because you’re assuming I’m low self esteem. You still have to learn the techniques with the text game. 

Im not hiding behind text game because I prefer to meet the people f2f . As mentioned at the beginning of the thread I second guess the text game. I really don’t need advice on inner game that is always a work in progress. I have other bullshit that needs figuring out with my career, business etc

more practical advice I am after but I appreciate the comments. Obviously I just need to trial and error into this to understand the procedure. I do have some theories actually  

I’ll figure it out with time no problem. 

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@Chadders Okay then you sound like it by the way you are talking.

So life changer for you is to sent voice messages and video messages you dont even need to text people...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

So life changer for you is to sent voice messages and video messages you dont even need to text people...

Well I’m showing vulnerability by discussing about something I am not so great at. A lot of men over exaggerate how good they are with women. Having a gf doesn’t make you good at hitting on women successfully. Actually few guys are good at that

I find that women don’t like voice/video messages 

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