
Biden dropping out

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We just need to get Biden to the finish line… so close…. Don’t give up!


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1 hour ago, DocWatts said:

On a tangential note - I'm still scratching my head as to how Trump supporters manage to find thier way to a conscious politics forum, and that they expect their posts to be taken seriously...

I'm not really a Trump supporter, there are some good qualities in him but i don't really have any qualities that i share with him.

I'm only pro-Trump because i'm anti-Biden, i'm basically a reverse version of this forum.

Also about this forum being conscious politics...

This forum is the best forum i have seen and it's better at politics than most forums but it's still pretty bad considering how good it could actually be.

It only focuses on literal politics and never goes outside the box.

Only goes outside the box when it's anti-Trump/anti-anything right releated, as we have seen a couple of days ago when at least half of the people were calling the most obvious assassination attempt "a staged PR attempt to get the perfect story and the perfect picture", it was a beautiful moment that exposed the level of consciousness of the "conscious" politics on this forum. Same goes for that Leo blog post on The Art of Devil, i was laughing at the irony of that post, but it is what it is, i believe in the next decade or so if this forum exists people will be more openminded and less tribal, very often reading these conscious politics threads is like reading a sports thread.

Btw checkout Aaron Abke, he is an example of a spiritual teacher who shares similar views that i do when it comes to all this stuff, he has a youtube channel where he has a podcast called The Great Awakening, i would consider this to be a better example of conscious politics.

Also i find him more trustworthy too because he integrates God, he walks the talk, he is high vibrational unlike Leo, Leo understand God at a high level but doesn't integrate the lessons and when he tries he tries to integrate them with his mind which can't be done which is the reason why he is relatively low vibrational which is why he just like most of this forum is more mind orianted and can't talk about politics without brainstorming the politics, this is why even tho psychedelics are fine they won't get you to God, they will just show him to you, other alternatives are better, psychedelics won't raise you vibration and keep it high, neither will brainstorming and honestly neither will meditation necessarily, even tho it's better than the other 2.

Here is the link for the podcast if anyone is interested:

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13 minutes ago, aurum said:

World changing events like the holocaust? I guess you would consider that a miracle too by your definition.

You are supporting the right’s narrative that trump is some kind of god-appointed savior. Which is absurd.

Well by event i meant a moment, not necessarily a long period, i wouldn't call a period a miracle, but Hitler surviving assassination is a miracle that if it hadn't happen would prevent holocaust from happening.

I don't see Trump as a god-appointed savior, i see Trump tilting his head as a planned head-tilt made by God which would change the course of the future, for better or worse.

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Btw to comment on the topic itself, if i was pro-blue i would want Biden to stay, getting him out now would be a mistake, as long as he is alive he is the better option to win over Trump, if he was to be replaced Trump would win 100%, as of now democrats still have a chance but i do think Trump wins either way and also there could be a couple of more assassination attempts on Trump this year, maybe with different styles but i think he will prevail and stay alive and win. But even when he wins the world will be overall fucked, it will be just less fucked than if Biden wins. Also we could see a transition of the planet from 3D to 5D in the next 15 years, i personally believe it will happen.

Edited by strika

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1 minute ago, strika said:

Btw to comment on the topic itself, if i was pro-blue i would want Biden to stay, getting him out now would be a mistake, as long as he is alive he is the better option to win over Trump, if he was to be replaced Trump would win 100%, as of now democrats still have a chance but i do think Trump wins either way and also there could be a couple of more assassination attempts on Trump this year, maybe with different styles but i think he will prevail and stay alive and win.

   I agree keep Biden hanging in there, he needs to last past 4 months, he CANNOT AFFORD to back out right now! We need Biden more than ever to just hang in there!

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4 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

You tagged me with my quote without saying anything so i didn't understand.

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11 minutes ago, strika said:

Well by event i meant a moment, not necessarily a long period, i wouldn't call a period a miracle, but Hitler surviving assassination is a miracle that if it hadn't happen would prevent holocaust from happening.

I don't see Trump as a god-appointed savior, i see Trump tilting his head as a planned head-tilt made by God which would change the course of the future, for better or worse.

Then your definition of miracle is pointless and not worth discussing.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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10 minutes ago, aurum said:

Then your definition of miracle is pointless and not worth discussing.

Not pointless, if i called everything a miracle then it would be, but it's hard to discuss it for sure, it's one of those nondual topics that cant really be wrapped with words.

Edited by strika

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@strika Ask yourself this question: 

Would the most devilish devils on the right open their doors to you and your sentiments on this topic?

The answer is of course, yes, unless you're gay, not white, or not Christian. 

If you find your ideas one-sidedly praised by the most devilish of devils, this is your clue that you may have inadvertently deviated from the good path.

Edited by Joshe

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Trump is dangerous because he wants to stop the USA from giving funds to Ukraine. And he wants to isolate America somehow. He's basically against healthy globalism. I'm not for Klaus Schwab policies or the George Soros types, but Trump is — indeed — dangerous. Do you guys know that if America stops offering military aid to Ukraine or Europe, Germany will have to arm itself? Do you guys know how dangerous a military Germany can get nowadays? Because Germany has the best engineers and architects in the world. The moment Germany becomes a military power, they'll have opinions.

Edited by eTorro

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5 hours ago, bambi said:

LOL are you serious with this types of posts? Do you believe in satan etc?

Man, you beliving Leo Belive in Satan is a clear sign you are not following some of his most Deep Material like the video "What is the Devil" hehe

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8 minutes ago, eTorro said:

Trump is dangerous because he wants to stop the USA from giving funds to Ukraine. And he wants to isolate America somehow. He's basically against healthy globalism. I'm not for Klaus Schwab policies or the George Soros types, but Trump is — indeed — dangerous. Do you guys know that if America stops offering military aid to Ukraine or Europe, Germany will have to arm itself? Do you guys know how dangerous a military Germany can get nowadays? Because Germany has the best engineers and architects in the world. The moment Germany becomes a military power, they'll have opinions.

Germany has a lot of issues that we don't need to get into but if they do rearm, they'll have opinions like France and the UK, except slightly weaker because they won't have nukes. No way they start a nuclear program, their whole system is based on exports of manufactured goods and US will punish them very severely 

Edited by nerdspeak

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10 minutes ago, eTorro said:

Trump is dangerous because he wants to stop the USA from giving funds to Ukraine. 

- he never said he would do that

- that doesn’t make him dangerous, if anything funding a proxy war towards a nuclear power is what is dangerous 

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12 minutes ago, Joshe said:

@strika Ask yourself this question: 

Would the most devilish devils on the right open their doors to you and your sentiments on this topic? 

The answer is of course, yes, unless you're gay, not white, or not Christian. 

If you find your ideas one-sidedly supported by the most devilish of devils, this is your clue that you may have inadvertently deviated from the good path.

They wouldn't because if i was talking to them i would start my explanation of Trump's miracle by saying that the type of God they think of doesn't actually exist and that most of religions are just a big misunderstanding.

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8 minutes ago, nerdspeak said:

No way they start a nuclear program, their whole system is based on exports of manufactured goods and US will punish them very severely 

They don't have to start a nuclear program to be dangerous and challenge the United States militarily. Because, believe it or not, Germany is dangerously close to arming itself nowadays. Germany's military is dangerously lethal. I'm very concerned.  

Germany vows to make its military 'the backbone of defense in Europe'

Things are serious.

The European Union is an economic superpower. Europe has the best mechanical engineers in the world. I seriously hope America will not elect Trump and continue to lead the world as it did until today. If that won't be the case in the future, Europe will have to lead. 

Edited by eTorro
To remove an empty row.

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27 minutes ago, strika said:

They wouldn't because if i was talking to them i would start my explanation of Trump's miracle by saying that the type of God they think of doesn't actually exist and that most of religions are just a big misunderstanding.

😂 I know you wouldn't be allowed around them for long but they would, at first, welcome you with open arms. You'd be kicked out soon after. 

Go on a right wing Youtube channel right now and say something like "Trump's head turn was an act of divine intervention by God" and see how well-received your sentiment is.

You realize this sentiment is the dominant sentiment being held by Christians/evangelicals who seek to make everyone else believe their falsehoods, right? This sentiment is being used in furtherance of evil and you are like, "hey, they are totally right if you just think about it..divine intervention guys... Evil? What evil. It's all God, which is all Love!!!!". 

IDK, to me, this seems like it would be a clue. You could say a blind squirrel can still find a nut or a broken clock is right twice per day, but these might be ego tricks to allow you to side with the devil. Could be. Just sayin'. 

Edited by Joshe

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If I catch you saying something like this again, I am banning you.

I've had enough of your nonsense.

Why would you threaten to ban someone (@Danioover9000) just for that? This is truly a disgusting move that no one would dare to do in real life.

You are also inconsistent, you spend your time saying that everything is God's will but when it is Trump who dodges a bullet a few centimeters away you mysteriously go back to being a atheist fanatic to the point of threatening someone with ban.

If personal development does not push you to be joyful and tolerant, to know how to take breaks, then by definition it is useless, It's just savior syndrome. (being stuck in the projection)

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Excellent vid from AOC with a reality check on replacing Biden at the 11th hour.


Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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27 minutes ago, Joshe said:

😂 I know you wouldn't be allowed around them for long but they would, at first, welcome you with open arms. You'd be kicked out soon after. 

Go on a right wing Youtube channel right now and say something like "Trump's head turn was an act of divine intervention by God" and see how well-received your sentiment is.

You realize this sentiment is the dominant sentiment being held by Christians/evangelicals who seek to make everyone else believe their falsehoods, right? This sentiment is being used in furtherance of evil and you are like, "hey, they are totally right if you just think about it..divine intervention guys... Evil? What evil. It's all God, which is all Love!!!!". 

IDK, to me, this seems like it would be a clue. You could say a blind squirrel can still find a nut or a broken clock is right twice per day, but these might be ego tricks to allow you to side with the devil. Could be. Just sayin'. 

That's why i wouldn't post that in such comment section or anywhere right releated, that's why i posted it on this forum where people will get what i mean. I haven't yet called this a miracle anywhere else and wouldn't because it would be misunderstood, unless i wrote it on another spiritual forum/channel.

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