Spiritual Warfare

What are the actual benefits to NoFap?

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Alright brothers I will share my 100% honest and real experience with No Fap aka Semen Retention.

About 5 years ago I was going through a very dark phase of my life. I was lonely and not so confident.

I always felt tired and started to loose motivation towards the life I wanted to build for my self.

I felt like I was just existing not living..

I would masturbate several times a week and It was destroying me.

I felt disgusted after watching porn and just wanking off to a screen instead of making love to a real woman.

I knew deep down that it was a soul crushing habbit.

So I got really serious about quitting porn and started researching on how to rewire my brain.

I’m not gonna lie it was the hardest challenge I have ever faced as a man.

I failed many times the first few months but I did not give up…

After 3 months of going strong and not giving up again and again I finally reached my 23 day streak of No Fap.

Look man I want you to remember this !!

Who ever tells you to not be on No Fap and waste your life source your power as a man your happiness your joy to a screen for a 0.2 seconds of fake pleasure dosen’t want to see you win in life... or they are simply not man enough to practice No Fap / Semen Retention.

Run far away from these men who are against no fap… think for yourself.

Now back to that first time I went on a 23 day of my No Fap streak..

I started to experience insanely high energy levels and pure emotions, confidence was just beyond words but there are some things I have experienced and I continue to experience till this day are just almost impossible to imagine but 100% true…

I had two different women approach me at the day of my friends wedding.

and just so you know I have never ever in my life been approached by a woman.

The first woman walked up to me and and said she saw a bright light in my eyes.

There is something about me she couldn’t describe but sensed it..

Your eyes are full of life I just couldn’t stop observing you and had to come say hi! she said..

On the same day later that night when I got back home my room mate had some female friends over at the house which I had never met before.

They were both extremely attractive women

the kind of women I wouldn’t try approaching because they were just too beautiful for me at that time and I believed I simply had no chance..

Later that night those women who were hanging out in our back yard with my roommate saw me from a distance and instantly walked up to me and said “ You have a powerful aura ” and then started thr conversation.

Well I have never heard that one before either so I ended up sitting down with these girls for a short time but during our conversation both of those girls said “ I have a unique energy which is very intriguing and powerful “

I exchanged numbers with one girl that day who was a 12/10.. she told me I made her nervous.

she said I was radiating so much masculinity and good energy that she was drawn towards me..

She also stated that she has never met any man so far in her entire life who was as charming, full of life and extremely masculine as me.. and she was not drunk.

well I knew thats because majority of men jerk off multiple times in a week most of their life and never get to to see the true power they posses.

Its not just about women attraction.

Life becomes 10000x times better after long streaks of No Fap. Its almost impossible to go back to your old self and start masturbating again…

Just recently as I was about to get on a packed train in New York City.. there was a toddler who was crying and screaming and people were not enjoying it..

As soon as the little baby looked into my eyes he stopped crying and people were shocked.

Even his parents told me that their baby has never stopped crying all of a sudden like this so far... they smiled at me and I left.

The baby kept looking into my eyes staring at my soul.

My life has changed and has become million times better than before.

I have more control as a man over my life, I have become insanely charasmatic and confident.

Men respect me everywhere I go. I mean 6.2ft scary looking dudes nod their head when they see me.. its unreal man. The power of it is insane. Feels like a superpower. But it demands alot of dedication. You simply just dont give up. Keep mainting your streaks and avoid sexual content as much as you can.

Sometimes I dont believe the man I have become and I am proud of myself..

Women and Men sense your masculinity and the life force you hold.

Little things make me happy now.. just looking at the sky man. Its unreal.

I use to do cocaine, mdma, weed, alocohal pretty much most of the hardcore drugs and still end up wanting more then sad and depressed.

Now every time I see my dog I become the happiest man on the planet.. I value this one life I have and I am insanely motivated to do better and leave my legacy. I have connected with a woman who also has a powerful aura / high vibration.

She constantly reminds me till this day that how powerful my presence is.. and I met her while I was on No Fap!!

I have made brothers for life, I have become much much more healthier mentally and physically…

NoFap is a superpower 

I wish you Good Luck on this journey if you guys follow it, It will not be an easy battle but you will be rewarded for this dicipline and you will see the true most powerful version of your self.

If I did it. you can definetely do it!


The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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I just feel more grounded and "fulfilled" in a way. Gives me a powerful feeling. It also makes my face look better for some reason. Eyes are more vibrant. I have more energy. It also makes women look more beautiful and since I get more easily horny, I feel like I have more "sexual energy" and I become more flirty, can keep eye contact and feel like approaching girls.

On the other hand if I start fapping and releasing a lot + watch porn, I become more sensitive toward things around me, I also catch a cold more easily and have more anxiety/not the same confidence. My face also start to look tired and dull. 

Placeboe? Perhaps. But the events line up and I've been doing it on and off for more than 7 years. For me the benefits have always worked. And if someone comes along and says "Oh its all BS, there is no scientific study blabla" well... perhaps there isn't, but f*cking try it yourself and see, that's the best study you can get.

Edited by QandC

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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I stopped caring about NoFap when I started talking to real women.

I AM Godzilla

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16 minutes ago, QandC said:

Jag känner mig bara mer jordad och "uppfylld" på ett sätt. Ger mig en kraftfull känsla. Det gör också att mitt ansikte ser bättre ut av någon anledning. Ögon är mer levande. Jag har mer energi. Det gör också att kvinnor ser vackrare ut och eftersom jag blir lättare kåt känner jag att jag har mer "sexuell energi" och jag blir mer flirtig, kan hålla ögonkontakt och känner för att närma mig tjejer.

Å andra sidan, om jag börjar klappa och släppa mycket + titta på porr, blir jag känsligare mot saker runt omkring mig, jag blir också lättare förkyld och har mer ångest/inte samma självförtroende. Mitt ansikte börjar också se trött och matt ut. 

Placebo? Kanske. Men händelserna radas upp och jag har gjort det av och på i mer än 7 år. För mig har fördelarna alltid fungerat. Och om någon kommer och säger "Åh, det är all BS, det finns ingen vetenskaplig studie blabla" ja... kanske det inte är det, men försök fan själv och se, det är den bästa studien du kan få.


18 minutes ago, QandC said:

Jag känner mig bara mer jordad och "uppfylld" på ett sätt. Ger mig en kraftfull känsla. Det gör också att mitt ansikte ser bättre ut av någon anledning. Ögon är mer levande. Jag har mer energi. Det gör också att kvinnor ser vackrare ut och eftersom jag blir lättare kåt känner jag att jag har mer "sexuell energi" och jag blir mer flirtig, kan hålla ögonkontakt och känner för att närma mig tjejer.

Å andra sidan, om jag börjar klappa och släppa mycket + titta på porr, blir jag känsligare mot saker runt omkring mig, jag blir också lättare förkyld och har mer ångest/inte samma självförtroende. Mitt ansikte börjar också se trött och matt ut. 

Placebo? Kanske. Men händelserna radas upp och jag har gjort det av och på i mer än 7 år. För mig har fördelarna alltid fungerat. Och om någon kommer och säger "Åh, det är all BS, det finns ingen vetenskaplig studie blabla" ja... kanske det inte är det, men försök fan själv och se, det är den bästa studien du kan få.


The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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För 32 minuter sedan sa Yimpa:

Jag slutade bry mig om NoFap när jag började prata med riktiga kvinnor.

Let’s go

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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