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The mind will never become holly

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3 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Thoughts have to become energy 

Prayer has to become your breath

Worship and praise have to become your vision. 

The attitude of giving has to replace self-grasping 

Virtue has to become your garment 

Love needs to be recognized as the only true desire.

Love is the only engine that runs all things in perfect wisdom and harmony. 

Love alone is real, everything else is a projection, a dream, hallucination. 

Seeing perfect sinlessness and holiness in your brothers salvages you from the dream of illusions. 

This is where the loving thoughts and the reality of love become one and the same. 


beautiful that yes i agree, what the ego does is to seek out imperfection wherever it goes and only then does it feel a day is good

what is needed to deal with this is willingness, vigilance, grace

whenever you see something or someone not right in the world, you are the one who has messed up

look around and say, all is godly, and instead treat everyone and everything around you with this understanding

if something or someone seems not right, you messed up and need to forgive yourself as soon as you catch yourself then correct yourself

all is right and fine and okay in the world, all is godly, all is perfect practice for me to achieve awareness of god

all my brothers and sisters need my acceptance so that all the madness i was entrapped in up to this point can similarly be accepted

this brings about holy relationship, needs no words or actions, and ushers in the arrival of heaven on earth

i recognise, on the level of bodies, everything is an asking for love or an action of love ... if an asking then of course i do all i am able to get them the help they need


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15 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

beautiful that yes i agree, what the ego does is to seek out imperfection wherever it goes and only then does it feel a day is good

what is needed to deal with this is willingness, vigilance, grace

whenever you see something or someone not right in the world, you are the one who has messed up

look around and say, all is godly, and instead treat everyone and everything around you with this understanding

if something or someone seems not right, you messed up and need to forgive yourself as soon as you catch yourself then correct yourself

all is right and fine and okay in the world, all is godly, all is perfect practice for me to achieve awareness of god

all my brothers and sisters need my acceptance so that all the madness i was entrapped in up to this point can similarly be accepted

this brings about holy relationship, needs no words or actions, and ushers in the arrival of heaven on earth

i recognise, on the level of bodies, everything is an asking for love or an action of love ... if an asking then of course i do all i am able to get them the help they need




Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 minute ago, Salvijus said:



meant to tell you i love your posts here and thank you for the wisdom you share ❤

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25 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

meant to tell you i love your posts here and thank you for the wisdom you share ❤

🤧 Thank you. It takes one to recognize one 🙏

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Technically you are right. The mental body is a tool, and the soul is supposed to construct the mental body in a way that it can be used as such, for those seeking higher truths. The awakening process is a process of learning to completely control the mental body, and use it as a tool. Essentially anything like 'kindness' 'niceness' etc are ego, and once they are dropped by the ego, they tend to naturally express themselves as its apart of the heart.

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Expressions of love are not ego 

Expressions of fear is ego

A holy mind simply means the mind that is not fragmented but whole. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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2 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Expressions of love are not ego 

Expressions of fear is ego

A holy mind simply means the mind that is not fragmented but whole. 

Expressions of love occur naturally when the mind is silent. 

“We teach love not through actions or through behaviours, but through the queitness in our minds” - Ken Wapnick

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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The silent primordial space of awareness is important because it creates space for a new voice to come. A new voice not of the old fear based ego, but a voice that speaks of love. 

Primordial silent awareness is a requirement but not the end goal in itself. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Emptyness is the soil, flower (love) is the product of the soil. Masculine and feminine. Prepare the soil, make sure to pour some water and on it and give some sunlight (the grace of Yeshua) and the flowers will come. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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When acim says the world is a dream, it doesn't mean the universe will disappear when one awakens. It means all the projections of ego will no longer exist and only perfect sinlessness and glory will be left in one's vision. But the universe is not going anywhere. Only the universe as ego knows it (full of fear, danger, fallacies, unfairness, sense of lack, judgement, guilt etc) vanishes. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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15 hours ago, Salvijus said:

When acim says the world is a dream, it doesn't mean the universe will disappear when one awakens. It means all the projections of ego will no longer exist and only perfect sinlessness and glory will be left in one's vision. But the universe is not going anywhere. Only the universe as ego knows it (full of fear, danger, fallacies, unfairness, sense of lack, judgement, guilt etc) vanishes. 

my understanding is there is no universe, the universe is the dream of duality, there isn't duality, duality is true false, there isn't false, god cannot know false since god is holy, i dreamed of false like i do when i sleep at night, god keeps on being god and lets me imagine time and space and knows my waking up is at hand, then the universe is gone


D: If the entire universe is of the form of mind, then does it not follow that the universe is an illusion? If that be the case, why is the creation of the universe mentioned in the Veda?

Ramana Maharshi: There is no doubt whatsoever that the universe is the merest illusion. The principal purport of the Veda is to make known the true Brahman, after showing the apparent universe to be false. It is for this purpose that the Vedas admit the creation of the world and not for any other reason. Moreover, for the less qualified persons creation is taught, that is the phased evolution of prakriti (primal nature), mahat-tattva (the great intellect), tanmatras (the subtle essences), bhutas (the gross elements), the world, the body, etc., from Brahman: while for the more qualified simultaneous creation is taught, that is, that this world arose like a dream on account of one's own thoughts induced by the defect of not knowing oneself as the Self. Thus, from the fact that the creation of the world has been described in different ways it is clear that the purport of the Vedas rests only in teaching the true nature of Brahman after showing somehow or other the illusory nature of the universe. That the world is illusory, every one can directly know in the state of realization which is in the form of experience of one's bliss-nature.


Edited by gettoefl

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5 hours ago, gettoefl said:

while for the more qualified simultaneous creation is taught, that is, that this world arose like a dream on account of one's own thoughts induced by the defect of not knowing oneself as the Self

👆That's in alignment with what I'm saying also. He's basically saying the world as we know it as a projection of defiled mind (ego). But a lot more needs to be said about this pain in the ass topic to give it justice imo. 


There are two types of realities.

One that the ego projects, full of strife, suffering, fear, drama and bs. This is referred as a dream or a world of illusions. And the reality of God. Of perfect innocence and beauty and peace. This reality cannot vanish because it is eternal. 

If somebody awakens from the dream of illusions, there is still going to be others who are in a dream, suffering their own hallucinations/projections. That's why those who escaped the dream can come back to help others. 

The world is a dream, yes. But from the practical point of view the dream is as good as real. It's something you can be part of or not. It's something you can manipulate and influence etc. Or you can be uninvolved in it. 

That's why there are some many vedas written that Ramana mentions about this world and how it functions and the Laws that govern it etc. It's not a flimsy hallucination of someone's mind alone. 

Ughh... Honestly this topic is nothing but pain in the ass if you ask me. My usual response is just to roll my eyeballs and stay away from it. Don't know how I got involved in it this time. Remind me not to go anywhere near this topic next time :D



Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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6 hours ago, Salvijus said:

👆That's in alignment with what I'm saying also. He's basically saying the world as we know it as a projection of defiled mind (ego). But a lot more needs to be said about this pain in the ass topic to give it justice imo. 


There are two types of realities.

One that the ego projects, full of strife, suffering, fear, drama and bs. This is referred as a dream or a world of illusions. And the reality of God. Of perfect innocence and beauty and peace. This reality cannot vanish because it is eternal. 

If somebody awakens from the dream of illusions, there is still going to be others who are in a dream, suffering their own hallucinations/projections. That's why those who escaped the dream can come back to help others. 

The world is a dream, yes. But from the practical point of view the dream is as good as real. It's something you can be part of or not. It's something you can manipulate and influence etc. Or you can be uninvolved in it. 

That's why there are some many vedas written that Ramana mentions about this world and how it functions and the Laws that govern it etc. It's not a flimsy hallucination of someone's mind alone. 

Ughh... Honestly this topic is nothing but pain in the ass if you ask me. My usual response is just to roll my eyeballs and stay away from it. Don't know how I got involved in it this time. Remind me not to go anywhere near this topic next time :D



there are no others ... there is interconnectedness and oneness ... you project me into your dream since you needed to learn and forgive

the universe is a tiny mad idea that has already been corrected and is playing out as a finished movie before our eyes

god suffers no imperfection so when the son of god wanted to play a different game, god already had the answer and solution to deal with it

you can end this universe right now if you want to but just as likely you will linger for 1000s more lifetimes kicking back and spinning wheels

you are one who will enjoy reading, the disappearance of the universe, by gary renard, which goes into this cleverly and gives an intro taste of the ACIM metaphysics to make sense of the topic

also i'd say you will benefit greatly from going though the whole ACIM text though it is arduous and bloated


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Uh, oh, our little brother Salvijus doesn't even know that it's a solipsistic dream and is already teaching others. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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8 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Uh, oh, our little brother Salvijus doesn't even know that it's a solipsistic dream and is already teaching others. 

he's a heck of a fine teacher actually, you and i are the ones who need a bit more humility

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8 hours ago, gettoefl said:

you project me into your dream since you needed to learn and forgive

If there's a lesson here worth learning is to never get involved in solipsism debates :D

But it's too late guys. I'm pissed. It's a war now! lol. 

First of all, I'm not projecting you into reality. I'm projecting onto you things that make us feel seperate rather than one. These are projections of my ego that I need to learn to forgive and heal. But after doing so, you will remain you, and I will still remain me. Yes we are one in essence. But we are two seperate points of the same essence. If one of us learns to see the union between us. Another one is not going to vanish from existence. Only the sense of seperation is going to vanish. 

At the most I can say, I am attracting/manifesting a learning/healing situation where I would have an opportunity to look at my projections and go beyond them. And you were attracting/wishing for the same thing aswell and that's why the supreme intelligence (God's love) brought us both here for this very purpose of healing. Because we both wanted the same thing. Everyone on this forum is brought by the same impulse. There is no other way to encounter an experience unless you have desired for it. So technically everything is 100% your own manifestation. 

But that doesn't make you a figment of my imagination!!!


One day I'll go mad discussing solipsism, for real... 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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8 hours ago, gettoefl said:

the universe is a tiny mad idea that has already been corrected and is playing out as a finished movie before our eyes

Yes this universe is a product of the tiny mad idea of separation. So this universe got created as a reflection of our beliefs and as curriculum for us to evolve. 

But the universe is not going to disappear as long as there are other souls in it who are under the belief in seperation. For they are in need of physical reality to evolve out of their illusions. 

You're not the only one who is responsible for the manifestion of this 'dream' so to speak. That's why one person's awakening doesn't mean much to the rest of the souls left behind. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Depending on the perspective you look from. 

Reality is both real and unreal at the same time. 

It is dual and non dual at the same time. 

Solipsistic and non solipsistic at the same time. 

You're here alone as one and you're here as an individual among many at the same time. 

You're God and a Child of God at the same time. 

Awakening is absolute and has infinite levels at the same time

There is free will and there isn't free will at the same time. 

Your life is 100% in your control and it is not in your control at all at the same time. 

And both of these seemingly opposite perspectives are simultaneously true at the same time. 

It's like that picture with a vase and a face. This is why this topic is so fucked up and difficult to talk about. 

If you're only defending one side of the perspective, than you're not seeing the full picture of reality. 

One perspective is not more true than the other one. A vase is not more true than the two faces

Only if you add both perceptives into one will you see the full picture. And there will be no contradiction. 

The moment you think you grasped reality, you failed. And the moment you see the incomprehensible nature of reality, you've succeeded 

It defies logic, yet it's perfectly logical that existence has to defy logic to exist. Life makes sense and it doesn't make any sense at the same time. 

It's a paradox, it's a strangeloop, it's a mindfuck and it's total magic at the same time. It's everything, everywhere, all at once. That's reality for you. 


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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9 hours ago, gettoefl said:

also i'd say you will benefit greatly from going though the whole ACIM text though it is arduous and bloated

Bruh, I am acim :D

Joking. I've actually read it multiple times and still benefit from it. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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