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The mind will never become holly

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People on the spiritual path think that improving spiritually means being a better ego — thinking better thoughts, being kind, etc.

 They don’t notice that the same sick mind that is in Trump and Tate is in them now, it’s just pretending to be a good and spiritually superior mind.  
Trump feels superior because of human things, you feel superior because of your seeming spiritual achievements.
it’s easy to trigger spiritual people into their true nature, like Leo calling his students idiots, and so on.  
funny how Leo projects his own devilishness on Trump in his blog. That’s what ego’s do - they hate themselves for what they are, but deny it and project it onto others, who are easy victims - like Trump.  

think about it — why would Leo judge trump if he knows that it’s all just his dream and he created Trump? Something twisted is going on here. He’s the same as Trump and hates it. 
You “spiritual” people have to accept that this mind is and always will be sick and twisted, and kill it through stillness and silence.  

there are no spiritual people, you are either Spirit or a mind, they are mutually exclusive.
This mind has to understand what it is and choose against itself in favour of God. 

that’s how you awaken and make this psycho universe dissapear once and for all. 

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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56 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:



there are no spiritual people, you are either Spirit or a mind, they are mutually exclusive.
This mind has to understand what it is and choose against itself in favour of God. 

that’s how you awaken and make this psycho universe dissapear once and for all. 

Is a good point you are making. However I wouldn´t say is necessary to say mind is sick.

Mind can be more integrated or less integrated depending on the consciousness, on how it is conduced.

At the same level of low consciousness, every being will be compulsive to what the imprints of their minds are.

However, the more consciousness happens, the less impact whatever the mind has, the better it can be conduced.



there are no spiritual people, you are either Spirit or a mind

Nice one. And I don´t see this being said a lot in the forum.



that’s how you awaken and make this psycho universe dissapear once and for all. 

Remember you have the keys though.... everyone can leave at their own pace. 

Edited by Javfly33

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Just now, Lila9 said:

Shadow work comes to mind.

According to Jung, we all have shadows, less light parts of ourselves. And in the way it works, the more awareness we have over our shadows the less controlled we are by them.

The problem with narcissists like Trump and Tate is that they have a delusional self, so chances to achieve sincere self awareness of the shadow and sincere analysis of their ego by themselves in general is pretty low. Same applies to other narcissists who happen to be in the spiritual field. 

Jung didn't understand what is happening here. He uncovered that we have a shadow, but he didn't understand that the whole human mind is a shadow. The good part of the human mind is a mask the shadow puts on, not the other way around.

He also didn't understand that it's unreal, a figment of the imagination, a shadowy identity, made out of nothing and doomed to return to nothingness. 

You can analyze the ego for all of your life and you will find infinite quirks, because it was born out of error and doesn't have a source. It's a bastard child. 

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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@Lila9 whats delusional its working? The only way to Guage whether you are doing something right is if it works and its working for both of them.

Edited by Hojo

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everyone is mortally damaged as they walk this planet towards death

and more problematic is this is unknown and they think this is how life has to be

damaged means you think being a body is your true nature

healed means to realize you are the deathless reality not the dream reality your body perceives

you can keep playing the damaged character as long as you want or you can wake from it any time you choose

awakening is simply to forgive everyone their plight here, you do this by unseeing the body and seeing the holy

i am not a body, i am free, for i am holy as god created me

and you are my only way home so i thank you for reading and thank you for being here

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@gettoefl you can think you are not a body and still remain damaged. 

you dont awaken by being a holly ego, thinking holly thoughts. 

You awaken by forgiveness, which means by being still and slipping past all thoughts into that silent place where God dwells. 

acim gives you, seemingly, thoughts to practice, but the point of acim is to go beyond concepts, as all concepts, even those that say your brothers are holly, are still within the ego framework. 

seeing brothers as holly means overlooking the form alltogether and being silent inside, not saying - oh look, a holly brother. Thats still ego speaking. Spirit and forgiveness is silent.

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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The most hidden of all egoes for someone on the Spiritual path, the spiritual ego.

The ego that believes being spiritual makes me special and intelligent, makes me a powerful god, makes me a good teacher etc. cannot become spiritual.

One of the most important aspect of being spiritual is to  remove the ego 'e' from believe and just be and live.

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8 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

@gettoefl you can think you are not a body and still remain damaged. 

you dont awaken by being a holly ego, thinking holly thoughts. 

You awaken by forgiveness, which means by being still and slipping past all thoughts into that silent place where God dwells. 

acim gives you, seemingly, thoughts to practice, but the point of acim is to go beyond concepts, as all concepts, even those that say your brothers are holly, are still within the ego framework. 

seeing brothers as holly means overlooking the form alltogether and being silent inside, not saying - oh look, a holly brother. Thats still ego speaking. Spirit and forgiveness is silent.

it is not instant but changing your thought system from ego to spirit is the process of moving from fear to love and from body to holy and will fix the damage needed to bring you home

ego will try to co-opt this for itself and will welcome you thinking holy thoughts; the key is that to know yourself as holy you have to know others as holy and this is the sum and substance of the practice

forgiveness means you still see the body but instantly you unsee it and see the holiness, it's a change in thinking not a change in eyesight

your actions behaviours and conversations are less important; what is important is what you think about the other

so the work is in the mind rather the world; you can't not see a body but what you can do is have no interest in a body since it is smoke and mirrors


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10 minutes ago, An young being said:

The most hidden of all egoes for someone on the Spiritual path, the spiritual ego.

The ego that believes being spiritual makes me special and intelligent, makes me a powerful god, makes me a good teacher etc. cannot become spiritual.

One of the most important aspect of being spiritual is to  remove the ego 'e' from believe and just be and live.

the litmus test is believing this world is real or not ... the purpose of the world is the disappearance of the world ... anything else is ego game playing

this world isn't real and there is something far realer and spiritual work is the undoing of all this here

to forgive is first see then unsee namely see what your eyes tell you then engage the spirit's thought system to know reality as beyond

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@gettoefl so you're still confused with the process of forgiveness. You think it's about thinking. 

You probably read DU and not ACIM, hence the confusion. Yes, from Gary's books it seems like you have to think a certain way, but when you read ACIM and understand it, you will see that it's about silencing the mind until it dies and the world dies with it. 

Gary himself recommends Ken Wapnick. Jesus appointed Ken as a man who will explain the course. Listen to Ken's lessons, they will help you understand that it's not about thinking, it's about SILENCE. Listen to A Course in Miracles with Keith on Youtube as well, he is the foremost student of Ken's and preserve's his main teaching - Silence, or the true practice of forgiveness which brings enlightenment. 

Why would Jesus say that forgiveness is still and silently does nothing?

Why would he, in the workbook, say that you must forget everything, including this course, and slip past all thoughts into that silent place inside where God dwells? 

It's the same process Ramana Maharshi recommends, but he calls it self-enquiry.

Just try siting silently for a month and you will see that it's true. I did it and I began visiting the formless realms of heaven, as described in DU.

You don't get it, but you definitely think that you do. Not that I care what a dream character does, but I do like discussing ACIM.

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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17 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

@gettoefl so you're still confused with the process of forgiveness. You think it's about thinking. 

You probably read DU and not ACIM, hence the confusion. Yes, from Gary's books it seems like you have to think a certain way, but when you read ACIM and understand it, you will see that it's about silencing the mind until it dies and the world dies with it. 

Gary himself recommends Ken Wapnick. Jesus appointed Ken as a man who will explain the course. Listen to Ken's lessons, they will help you understand that it's not about thinking, it's about SILENCE. Listen to A Course in Miracles with Keith on Youtube as well, he is the foremost student of Ken's and preserve's his main teaching - Silence, or the true practice of forgiveness which brings enlightenment. 

Why would Jesus say that forgiveness is still and silently does nothing?

Why would he, in the workbook, say that you must forget everything, including this course, and slip past all thoughts into that silent place inside where God dwells? 

It's the same process Ramana Maharshi recommends, but he calls it self-enquiry.

Just try siting silently for a month and you will see that it's true. I did it and I began visiting the formless realms of heaven, as described in DU.

You don't get it, but you definitely think that you do. Not that I care what a dream character does, but I do like discussing ACIM.

forgiveness is the same as insight/vipassana ... it means you see the world as the nothing that it is

in acim, you move from seeing to vision to bring this to fruition. it is about adopting a different thought system, the one diametrically opposed to the ego's ... the ego brings fear, the spirit brings love, the ego brings guilt the spirit brings forgiveness, the ego brings sin the spirit brings holiness, the ego brings judgement the spirit brings innocence

so you use a right thought to correct a wrong thought and this brings you to what is called the real world ... this isn't heaven but this is as far as you can go via effort ... at this point happy dreams replace sad dreams and you are in god's hand to do what it pleases until it takes the final step to bring you home

i am glad to hear you are having divine experiences, just be careful not to get attached, because they are not mandatory and can be dangerous

i am pretty new to the course but it does make crystal clear sense to me


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I see it's not getting through. As expected.

The ego doesn't want to learn what will kill him - Silence. 

The ego wants to continue thinking, which is the fuel behind him and this world. 

He's happy thinking "holly" thoughts, as it keeps him intact.

"i am glad to hear you are having divine experiences, just be careful not to get attached, because they are not mandatory and can be dangerous" - Investigate why you aren't having them.

Divine experiences are natural when you become miracle-minded. It's not anything special. When you practice who you truly are - Silence, you experience who you truly are - Heaven. I do, and you do not, because you practice incorrectly. Simple and obvious. 

"The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. " - notice that it doesn't come to a mind that "thinks diametrically opposed thoughts" 

You will be surprised to learn that it's all about silence, when you really do the Course, as now you made things up based on DU and your own misinterpretation. As many do. 


No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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5 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

I see it's not getting through. As expected.

The ego doesn't want to learn what will kill him - Silence. 

The ego wants to continue thinking, which is the fuel behind him and this world. 

He's happy thinking "holly" thoughts, as it keeps him intact.

"i am glad to hear you are having divine experiences, just be careful not to get attached, because they are not mandatory and can be dangerous" - Investigate why you aren't having them.

Divine experiences are natural when you become miracle-minded. It's not anything special. When you practice who you truly are - Silence, you experience who you truly are - Heaven. I do, and you do not, because you practice incorrectly. Simple and obvious. 

"The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. " - notice that it doesn't come to a mind that "thinks diametrically opposed thoughts" 

You will be surprised to learn that it's all about silence, when you really do the Course, as now you made things up based on DU and your own misinterpretation. As many do. 


it's not called right mindedness for nothing, you need something to replace the ego's thought system and that is what acim is about

silence will become fruitful AFTER reaching the real world until then right minded thoughts are very much required and work as instructed

mystical experiences are nothing but mental distractions and detours and not something integral to the course and i never heard Wapnick give them any prominence

miracles on the other hand are inhabiting the holy instant which is where you forgive all illusions and see the world as it and heal the mind back to wholeness ... healing is to do with the quality of your thoughts

thoughts are what the entire course is about, you literally think the world back to where it belongs within, there is no other technique to achieve this, you projected this world out and now you forgive it back in, readying it for its final disappearance at god's choosing

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7 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

thoughts are what the entire course is about, you literally think the world back to where it belongs within, there is no other technique to achieve this, you projected this world out and now you forgive it back in, readying it for its final disappearance at god's choosing


"In quietness are all things answered, and is every problem quietly resolved."

"Be still, and rest in quietness upon your Lord. Leave all your thoughts of the world behind, and come to me with wholly empty hands."

"The memory of God comes to the quiet mind."

"There can be no doubt that if you are willing to rest in quietness upon the Holy Spirit"

"In quietness are all things answered, and is every problem quietly resolved."

"Simply do this: Be still, and lay aside all thoughts of what you are and what God is; all concepts you have learned about the world; all images you hold about yourself. ²Empty your mind of everything it thinks is either true or false, or good or bad, of every thought it judges worthy, and all the ideas of which it is ashamed. ³Hold onto nothing. ⁴Do not bring with you one thought the past has taught, nor one belief you ever learned before from anything. ⁵Forget this world, forget this course, and come with wholly empty hands unto your God. (ACIM, W-189.7:1-5)"

"Forgiveness, on the other hand, is still, and quietly does nothing"

"In quiet I receive God's Word today. 1. 1Let this day be a day of stillness and of quiet listening"

"The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still."

"Let this day be a day of stillness and of quiet listening… His Voice awaits your silence, for His Word can not be heard until your mind is quiet for a while, and meaningless desires have been stilled. Await His Word in quiet. There is peace within you to be called upon today, to help make ready your most holy mind to hear the Voice for its Creator speak. (A Course in Miracles W-pI.125.1:1;6:2-4)"

"Father, I come to You today to seek the peace that You alone can give. ²I come in silence. ³In the quiet of my heart, the deep recesses of my mind, I wait and listen for Your Voice. ⁴⁵I come to hear Your Voice in silence and in certainty and love, sure You will hear my call and answer me."

Now do we wait in quiet. ⁶We wait with one intent; to hear our Father’s answer to our call, to let our thoughts be still." (ACIM, W-221.1:1–2:6)

"The instant’s silence that His Son accepts gives welcome to eternity and Him, and lets Them enter where They would abide. For in that instant does the Son of God do nothing that would make himself afraid.”

“Salvation is undoing in the sense that it does nothing, failing to support the world of dreams and malice. Thus it lets illusions go. By not supporting them, it merely lets them quietly go down to dust. And what they hid is now revealed; an altar to the holy Name of God whereon His Word is written, with the gifts of your forgiveness laid before it, and the memory of God not far behind”

“He brings the ending of the world with Him. It is His Call God’s teachers answer, turning to Him in silence to receive His Word. The world will end when all things in it have been rightly judged by His judgment. The world will end with the benediction of holiness upon it. When not one thought of sin remains, the world is over. It will not be destroyed nor attacked nor even touched. It will merely cease to seem to be.”

“The Voice for God is always quiet, because It speaks of peace.”

“His quiet children are His blessed Sons.”

“God is very quiet, for there is no conflict in Him.”

“Only God’s Comforter can comfort you. In the quiet of His temple, He waits to give you the peace that is yours.”

“In perfect peace He waits for you at His Father’s altar, holding out the Father’s Love to you in the quiet light of the Holy Spirit’s blessing.”

“He lives within you in the quiet present, and waits for you to leave the past behind and enter into the world He holds out to you in love.”

“Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time? Yet that is what time is for; to learn just that and nothing more.”

“God rests with you in quiet, undefended and wholly undefending, for in this quiet state alone is strength and power. Here can no weakness enter, for here is no attack and therefore no illusions.”

“The memory of God comes to the quiet mind.”

“Let all this madness be undone for you, and turn in peace to the rememberance of God, still shining in your quiet mind.”

“Forget not that the motivation for this course is the attainment and the keeping of the state of peace. Given this state the mind is quiet, and the condition in which God is remembered is attained. It is not necessary to tell Him what to do. He will not fail.”

“The still infinity of endless peace surrounds you gently in its soft embrace, so strong and quiet, tranquil in the might of its Creator, nothing can intrude upon the sacred Son of God within”

“The quiet that surrounds you dwells in him, and from this quiet come the happy dreams in which your hands are joined in innocence.”

“Judge not except in quietness which is not of you.”

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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good to see someone making use of the search function and sharing a rich collection of quotes

are you aware that acim is about relationships and you need your brother if you want to get home?

are you familiar with the thoughts that turn the special relationship into a holy relationship?

can this be done through silence and stillness or do you actually have to do something and think right-mindedly?

can you sit in a cave, block out the world and achieve the goals of acim?

do you understand that summoning forgiveness thoughts without ceasing is how to experience the peace of god?

are you open to the idea that awakening lies in recognising you and your brother's shared divinity?

do you know what the healing of sickness means and the thought system that accomplishes this?

what does gratitude and appreciation mean outside of thinking well of another?

how will you be a teacher of god if you don't communicate the purpose and the process of forgiving illusions?




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.... :D

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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Thoughts have to become energy 

Prayer has to become your breath

Worship and praise have to become your vision. 

The attitude of giving has to replace self-grasping 

Virtue has to become your garment 

Love needs to be recognized as the only true desire.

Love is the only engine that runs all things in perfect wisdom and harmony. 

Love alone is real, everything else is a projection, a dream, hallucination. 

Seeing perfect sinlessness and holiness in your brothers salvages you from the dream of illusions. 

This is where the loving thoughts and the reality of love become one and the same. 


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On 18. 07. 2024. at 0:10 AM, CoolDreamThanks said:

People on the spiritual path think that improving spiritually means being a better ego — thinking better thoughts, being kind, etc.

 They don’t notice that the same sick mind that is in Trump and Tate is in them now, it’s just pretending to be a good and spiritually superior mind.  
Trump feels superior because of human things, you feel superior because of your seeming spiritual achievements.
it’s easy to trigger spiritual people into their true nature, like Leo calling his students idiots, and so on.  
funny how Leo projects his own devilishness on Trump in his blog. That’s what ego’s do - they hate themselves for what they are, but deny it and project it onto others, who are easy victims - like Trump.  

think about it — why would Leo judge trump if he knows that it’s all just his dream and he created Trump? Something twisted is going on here. He’s the same as Trump and hates it. 
You “spiritual” people have to accept that this mind is and always will be sick and twisted, and kill it through stillness and silence.  

there are no spiritual people, you are either Spirit or a mind, they are mutually exclusive.
This mind has to understand what it is and choose against itself in favour of God. 

that’s how you awaken and make this psycho universe dissapear once and for all. 

Best post i've seen in a while, i've been thinking about the exact same thing, beautifully written.

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