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Viking Fox

The Warmth

6 posts in this topic

Sometimes I see it. For a few minutes or maybe an hour. But then it goes. That, it's arbitrary for the definition of what I am to stop at the edges of my body and not at the dimensionless totality of all. I don't feel much different. The perception that there is an object in existence that I call "me" seems fanciful and feels like I am chained to a ball. It's humourous when I see through the illusion. But it has always gone, no matter how many times I have seen it. The glueiness and stickiness of the perception of ego grips awareness again soon after. 

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Consider making yourself a journal here for people to read. This post to me, seems better in a journal.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Very interesting! Better leave it in this section, a bit of true spirituality 

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49 minutes ago, Viking Fox said:

Ramana Maharshi didn't experience truth anymore than anyone else. He was happier. But depression is the totality of existence along with bliss and joy,

Yeah the difference is the depth of perception. limited or unlimited depth. but reality is always reality. It's always now, for ever. But the depth can change, can expand. but could be a realization quite strange realizing that it's always this. The same. Always. But then you see the depth, and the depth is absolute. Here, is everything, is the absolute glory of existence, the unfathomable depth thats is. Then you think in it and becomes flat again, like a picture 

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@Viking Fox or, perhaps structure it for a reader. I couldn’t really figure out what you meant and lost interest to be honest. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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It's one in the morning in the center of my city and I see a 6-year-old Arab boy playing by throwing a luminous object with a rubber band into the sky, over and over again. I perceive the depth that he is, the life empty of mental structure that fills him.

Al people around are all alive, moving in the great mystery, flowing in interconnected ways, but locked in a mental bubble. None are free, only children and animals, adults are all trapped in a processing network that creates an artificial reality in which the group moves as a group and advances as a single being. Everyone is alive but structured, limited, living in mental loops, trapped in the meaning 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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