
5MEO DMT reactivation report

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So I've had a few times where I smoked pot and re entered the 5meo experience. Here's a report/ ramble on my latest one.

I sat outside on my back porch and took a few tokes of pot I had bought earlier that day. My last bit of pot for a while, I'm going to quit for some time and get more stable (I said to myself.) 

I found myself in a state where I was overwhelmed with consciousness of the fact that reality is. 
But what is it? I wondered as I looked to my hand, and other objects around me. 

In this state of consciousness scale, time and 'real-ness' fluctuated. I could more easily split consciousness up into its seven parts. Sight, sound, feelings, mind, smells, tastes and of course, the transcendent 'Reality', or Truth which can be discovered amongst all of them. Part by part I became conscious of each facet and one by one I found the inherent True Nature of each of them. 

Each thing its own enigma, its own mystery. Deep within each, the same insight. I am. Yes! Affirm, Affirm! 

Yet,when a monk asked Joshu if a dog had Buddha nature, Joshu replied NO. What is NO? 

My spacial dimension began to warp around as I stared into a column on the back porch. At some points it presented itself as light years away and others only inches. The spacial dimension of things was fluctuating rapidly. Sometimes it felt as though my entire visual field was spinning and other times it felt as though it were all about to crash against some 'floor' of existence. I tried my best to surrender into each experience as they all eventually led to the same truth. This sense of being 'Okay'.

It is hard to communicate something that neither does or does not exist, something which cannot be seen or experienced but can only be. The mind yearns for some kind of experience of it and so it appears as peace, but since it itself is not an experience the mind is left bewildered even still. Can something be True if it cannot be experienced? What if experience has fuck all to do with the Truth?

Gonna preach for a sec. 

The reflection of the Truth is this deep underlying peace which resides in your belly, just two inches or so below your belly button. It underlies all changes in the facets of human consciousness (the six senses as well as the mind) as well as any other phenomenal experience possible. It is the only sensation you can be aware of that is not limited or produced by something finite. 

When, during my 5meo dmt experience I experienced this same insight, it was because my body had fallen away, my mind had fallen away, things were changing so rapidly that I lost track of any sense of self. When even the last thing disappeared this peace remained. This is because this peace which is hidden in your belly just two inches or so below your belly button is no other than your own face, looking back at you through the waters. The Truth, having nothing at all to do with either side, the seer or the seen, is not changed or bothered by anything manifestation of this process and appears as awareness. But the truth is not awareness. The Truth is prior to even awareness. 

The experience ended rapidly after peaking for about an hour and I was left with a refreshed state of mind. As though I had had a long drink after nearly dying of thirst. 

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