
Men are on average more messy

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@Lila9 There’s a lot more social norms to navigate now in being a ‘modern man’ so having to be emotionally sensitive but also strong and confident. What a man can and can’t do. What a man can and can’t say it’s more complicated now creating a kind of mental burden rather than going with the flow of your emotions

Of course a lot of this is ultimately to do with sex and relationships. Men are told one thing but then when faced with reality they must do another. I feel that a lot of the language and social norms have emasculated men. Some of that is fair game, but much of it has over compensated and inhibited direct intent 

In addition men are deeply disconnected from spirit. Women have more of that emotional connectivity that men need also

The final thing actually is that modern capitalism sells us junk and men like women consume that junk effecting performance 

Edited by Chadders

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Posted (edited)

11 hours ago, Lila9 said:

@Alexop Thank you. I have noticed the zombie pattern in many men too, and it’s disturbing, the passivity and lack of vitality. 
Yes, there is definitely a collective crisis of masculinity. Men are confused. Hopefully, it's solvable.

We have an over reaction against masculinity because of the horrors men did in the past. Healhy masculinity is also harder to pull out, it is a balance walk between empathy and cutting the bullshit. I was thinking about this when I saw Leo deciding who deserves a ban and who deserves another chance. 

Edited by Alexop

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On 15/07/2024 at 9:54 AM, Alexop said:

If you want to rent a room in a collective or to live in someone's house, you are much more likely to get accepted as a girl. Why are men cleaning less, caring less about the environment they live in? I have answers but I am curious of yours.

I know some very dirty messy girls. maily if they are Potheads

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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, Lila9 said:

A lot of questions to unpack but good ones

Who is the one who tells men how to be and how not to be? Who are they looking up too?

it’s not about any one person telling men what they should or shouldn’t do it’s just general trends and social norms that are changing. I can tell you one such example from a PUA in London who was big time. In the late 90s he was on mainstream TV and there was no finger wagging it was just tell us about what you do. That would never fucking happen now yet he was teaching guys how to be more attractive. The skills that men need to develop and the manner in which they need to develop them is a taboo. Like what Leo talks about with pick up is not acceptable mainstream stuff and has become even less acceptable as time has moved on



Who dictates what masculinity is?

The divine masculine I see as combining the masculine and the feminine. On the masculine side it is to be self reliant, strong, confident and independent

What are the things men are told that aren’t correct when men face reality?
What languages and social norms emasculate men?

Men need to be more honest and in the flow with their emotions uninhibited. To fuck off some of those social norms that create resistance. You are a man so be a man and don’t be afraid to express your sexual desires

What are the obstacles preventing men from connecting to spirit? What should it take for a man to connect to spirit?

Societal alignment so how we are very rational and logically orientated for the most part. There’s nothing promoting spirituality you just kinda fall into it. This affects all humanity but for men they are more disconnected mostly through how men are raised compared with women though this is changing

Men like women can connect with the divine through the usual stuff. It’s no different than with women eg mindfulness, psychedelics etc


Edited by Chadders

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@Lila9 true there is toxic shit with some PUA but then it could be argued is that actually PUA? The PUA I see from Leo and Richard La Ruina is not toxic in the slightest but people would say that it is  

You can only do an actual pick up if you do it right and bring your masculine energy to the table in a confident and highly calibrated manner. If you aren’t doing that then you’re not really doing PUA 

What you need to realise is that PUA as a blanket thing is considered toxic. It does not matter if it actually is or not, society says that it is and that’s the way it is but this is not right actually. Men need those skills and this is why many men feel disenfranchised especially young men who are starting out in the world and not getting love

saying all of the above spirituality is ultimately the cornerstone of your entire life. Men need to connect with the divine as an essential part of their life 

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