
Men are on average more messy

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Posted (edited)

Men can focus really hard on something and then blend their environment off.

They are also more robust and less sensitive than girls. You as a man gives a fuck if a spider is crawling next to you. Look at the reaction of a girl.

Edited by OBEler

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There are higher social expectations for women than for men.
There are a lot of double standards in society. While messy men are likely to be seen as creative geniuses or unique individuals, snowflakes or at least tend to be more accepted, messy women are seen as bad people, neglectful, unfeminine, bad mothers, etc.

Due to women’s need to survive, they adapt to these expectations, mostly unconsciously.

Men have the privilege not to care and to be self-centered, women don’t. We have to care about everyone and everything and cater to everyone’s needs. If we do not, we are seen as EVIL a threat, BITCHES.

In a patriarchal society ruled by men and masculinity, this is very predictable. Men have higher social status than women merely by being men, and the higher your status, the more things you are allowed to do. It’s like your boss can be late and go home early without asking anyone, and no one cares, but once you do that, you get frowned upon.

Being a woman in a patriarchal society, performing femininity the way the ignorant and the patriarchal society expects women to is exhausting and feels like a prison.

I do not believe that men are inherently messy while women are not.
There are messy and clean people regardless of gender and biological sex.

Messy men are messy because they are allowed to not care about cleanliness and to focus on other things instead. And because there is some mommy around them or poor wife who does the job that they even don’t appreciate because they “don’t see the mess”.


I have noticed that when men really care, they clean like crazy.

Like the lazy and messy husbands in their homes who throw their socks everywhere and “don’t know how to do their laundry” (what’s the problem with pressing a few buttons?) but have a perfectly clean car or anything else that they are invested in.

Many men use the excuse that they don’t know how to clean to get rid of the chore, while this is the most simple and monotonous thing ever. 


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@Alexop Hmm that is a very biased view. I think men can be just as tidy as women lol 

I have known messy women when I lived in student halls 

It’s just a stereotype for the most part 

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The oversimplified evolutionairy psychology answer is: Women were staying in the village preparing the nest, while the guys were out there hunting. 

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Posted (edited)

In my personal experience, I think certain men can care less about tidiness and cleanliness but I've met pig people on both sides of the aisle.

I think a female pig person is almost worse due to all of the discarded hygiene products that ends up piling up around their den. Used tampons and pads give me convulsions.



Edited by Basman

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Men are more messy on the outside while women on the inside.

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Basman said:

In my personal experience, I think certain men can care less about tidiness and cleanliness but I've met pig people on both sides of the aisle.




Pig people xD poor Zhu Bajie? 

Edited by Jehovah increases

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5 hours ago, hyruga said:

Men are more messy on the outside while women on the inside.

Good point 

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Posted (edited)

20 hours ago, Lila9 said:

There are higher social expectations for women than for men.

By whom? Men or women? Do you really want to fit in with such people?

There is a greater social expectation for men to earn higher incomes ironically while more women graduate from post secondary. 

20 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Being a woman in a patriarchal society, performing femininity the way the ignorant and the patriarchal society expects women to is exhausting and feels like a prison.

I think you have great points. You can escape the prison you describe however by shifting your mindset. For example men don't ask women to pluck their eyebrows (Infact men prefer intact eyebrows), wear high heels ( again men prefer shorter women). So women willingly take on alot of problems and then blame men. 

Simply opt-out of the sexiest madness and be a conscious leader. It's the sexiest thing you can be and what the world needs. 

20 hours ago, Lila9 said:

In a patriarchal society ruled by men and masculinity, this is very predictable. Men have higher social status than women merely by being men, and the higher your status, the more things you are allowed to do. It’s like your boss can be late and go home early without asking anyone, and no one cares, but once you do that, you get frowned upon.


This is just your insecurity, this may have been historically true (and in some parts of the world currently) but it's not true anymore in the West. Anyone can feel insecure or go through a "everyone hates me" phase, but when you are a different race or gender you wrongly blame it on those features.

Your boss goes home early cause he earned that right by being the boss. However In most companies the more pay you get the more responsibility and work you have. 

You can break out of the social prison very easily especially with Leo's videos. 

Edited by enchanted

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@enchanted I am speaking in general, from my point of view as a woman. I didn't ask for personal advice. You don't know me well enough to give me advice. 

2 hours ago, enchanted said:

There is a greater social expectation for men to earn higher incomes ironically while more women graduate from post secondary. 

Women are expected to both do house work and non-house work. There may be higher pressure on men to earn more, while women face the pressure to work more for lesser value.

2 hours ago, enchanted said:

I think you have great points. 

I agree.

2 hours ago, enchanted said:

This is just your insecurity, this may have been historically true (and in some parts of the world currently) but it's not true anymore in the West. Anyone can feel insecure or go through a "everyone hates me" phase, but when you are a different race or gender you wrongly blame it on those features.

This still exists in the West, but in more sneaky and sophisticated ways. I don't think that everyone hates me, but I am aware of the hatred towards women by men. I have experienced a lot of misogyny merely by being myself, standing up for myself, and not bending to social expectations of women. 

2 hours ago, enchanted said:

Your boss goes home early cause he earned that right by being the boss. However In most companies the more pay you get the more responsibility and work you have. 

Not always does the boss earn the right to do that. Some bosses get to their position through corruption while lacking the intelligence and skills to be a leader. 

2 hours ago, enchanted said:

You can break out of the social prison very easily especially with Leo's videos. 

Again, didn't ask for a personal advice, talked in general.


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Posted (edited)

They say women tend to have messy cars whereas guys keep their cars tidy and then it’s the reverse for your digs. No idea lol

Probs more down to what you value than any inherent quality about being a man or woman

Edited by Chadders

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23 hours ago, Chadders said:

@Alexop Hmm that is a very biased view. I think men can be just as tidy as women lol 

I have known messy women when I lived in student halls 

It’s just a stereotype for the most part 

Of course there are specific men who are tidy, do you understand what a generalization is? 

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5 hours ago, Chadders said:

They say women tend to have messy cars whereas guys keep their cars tidy 

They value their cars more than their girls

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Posted (edited)

@Lila9 Good points. We need more healthy masculinity in the world that will bring life and energy to men, so many men are like zombies from what I notice. Men are like a bicycle, if they don't go forward towards some meaningful goal, they fall. 

Office jobs, bad marriage, no education in healthy maculinity are sucking their energy. I remember asking my grandfather about his job as a teacher, his eyes lighened up when someone asked him what he used to work. Ask now a programmer what he works with.

Edited by Alexop

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Posted (edited)

22 hours ago, Cireeric said:

The oversimplified evolutionairy psychology answer is: Women were staying in the village preparing the nest, while the guys were out there hunting. 

I guess you're still living in the caveman days. C'mon out. There's a whole new world out here where women are out working and men are hunting for pussy.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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22 hours ago, Cireeric said:

The oversimplified evolutionairy psychology answer is: Women were staying in the village preparing the nest, while the guys were out there hunting. 

For whatever it's worth, """Science""" (TM) is moving away from this long-held perspective which has been a sticking point/cornerstone in evo psych. (That it wasn't common for women to hunt big game.)     

spoiler alert: people of all genders who could things, often did it. 

Anyway, specialization is more typically a feature of modernizing societies (more people, non-nomadic lifestyle), is it not?

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Women are generally more restricted by society to act a certain way or they are considered not so lady like, maybe because of that. A man being rowdy is often seen as a sign of his charisma. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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On 2024-07-17 at 3:51 AM, OBEler said:

Men can focus really hard on something and then blend their environment off.


20 hours ago, hyruga said:

Men are more messy on the outside while women on the inside.

Not sure how much of this is my own neurodivergence, but personally I find this super relatable.

I also have happened to think for a lot of my life that tasks and expectations that are dumped on women/ girls are beneath me.... so there is that too.

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Posted (edited)

God made man but he wasnt doing anything, so he made a woman and a woman convinced him of being scared and here we are. The only thing men care about are their fears. And then doing nothing. Being messy is not scary having to be clean is.

Edited by Hojo

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