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I Had A Realization

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Well I rolled on some real shit and the universe gave me a clear message,  I decided to write it down so here it is.


You need to chill the fuck out.

I saw the snake in the cage.

There is no rush.

Take your time.


You've been on one ages 18-21.

Quit being cocky thinking you can handle infinity, your probably not ready.

It's easy to get excited about this.

Really pay attention to what the universe is saying to you.

The universe has been hinting that I need to chill, and I haven't been fully aware of it until now


If anyone in my age range can relate to this then realize there is no rush at all, seriously. I've had this sensation that I need to rush the journey and its just not necessary. I saw the snake in the cage and it literally hissed at me... it was a damn monster in there man. Your self is no joke. Take your time and do not take it to seriously. Did pretty much what Leo said everyone does in the Hero's journey video, man I saw that damn snake and retreated right the fuck back, but having that experience was really encouraging! The hero is getting right back on his feet and will keep moving forward.





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Yep. This is right on. Thinking you can control the universe is the illusion. Really you are the universe, so all the knowledge you need is already within you. That's the thing about containing everything: Nothing else is needed.

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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5 hours ago, nightrider1435 said:

You need to chill the fuck out.

I can relate to this.

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@nightrider1435 I had the same realization. I am happy for you that you realized this as well :) 

I think one should be wise enough to take a REAL personal journey, not just theorizing, and thinking he got the Truth. It has to be LIVED. Meditation helped me a lot in overcoming my neurosis, but I am not awakened yet.  

" The longest journey is the journey inward" Rumi 

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@Empty It was a pretty crazy realization, hit me like a rock when it really clicked. I think I can feel my paradigm starting to shift, and again "think", but I'm really trying to stop latching on to thoughts like that, I just want to be. I'm feeling really sensitive to reality right now, the self has been trying to rationalize the fuck out of the experience, like right now I'm just trying to keep my focus on the breathe.

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