Rafael Thundercat

Why The Renaissance Is The Philosophical Revolution Behind The West's Decline

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When the Metaphisics change there is a change in everything. This video about a perspective vision that West Decline can have connections on the change in the way Philosophers changed the ways we see the world, from Spiritual to Materialistic

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Of course, what the woman in the video intent is not to preach a Atavistic vibe that the past was amazing and Renaissance ruined everything, but that there are evidences that  shift happened. In her case she use Art to explain how the shift happened.

Renaissance - 


Is about a disconnection with the Sacred and Divine. Man become the MEASURE of all things. 


Although the art produced in the Byzantine Empire was marked by periodic revivals of a classical aesthetic, it was above all marked by the development of a new aesthetic defined by its salient "abstract", or anti-naturalistic character. If classical art was marked by the attempt to create representations that mimicked reality as closely as possible, Byzantine art seems to have abandoned this attempt in favor of a more symbolic approach.


Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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