Merkabah Star

Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

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3 hours ago, ryandesreu said:

I just saw the director of Secret Service use the excuse that the roof that the gunman shot from wasn't occupied buy Secret Service or police because it was a sloped roof therefore it was a safety issue.

A 2 year old could stand on that roof, the slope was minimal. That was weird for her to say that. 😳

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4 hours ago, Joshe said:

Why is danioover not banned or at least warned for these behaviors?

Calling for people to be banned is childish. Put him/her on ignore if your feelings are hurt. 

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5 hours ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

@DocWatts I would politely disagree with you. There is a fear mongering from media on both sides. I remember when Obama was running the conservative media scared people that he will make America like a third world country and etc, but none of it happened. And lets be honest, during the 4 years of Trump, if you reside in USA and I assume you do, did your personal life dramatically changed? I would bet it stayed the same, indeed all presidents are just nominal.

As far as project 2025, first there is a lot of misinformation on it, second items that are in the charter most are nonsensical, they will never ban same sex relationships, but third, some points are good, like eliminating FDA, as most regulatory agencies are really covering the manufacturers and not looking for consumers interest. FDA cares more for pharmaceutical interest than ours and so does EPA and FCC, just for your info, so those agencies really need to be cleansed. The rest is just fear porn.

I really thought you guys are higher conscientiousness than this, but you guys have the same fear as conservatives did before Obama.

Everything I understand tells me the situation is very serious. It's not a 100% chance of losing our democracy but something like a 25% chance.

You guys who downplay it with rationalizations, excuses, and false equivalencies are not helping.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Posted (edited)

@Leo Gura

1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Everything I understand tells me the situation is very serious. It's not a 100% chance of losing our democracy but something like a 25% chance.

You guys who downplay it with rationalizations, excuses, and false equivalencies are not helping.

   You mean 100% chance of losing our democracy instead of 25%? Because if we're losing democracy at 25%, that means we have a 75% of not losing democracy right?

Edited by Danioover9000

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, StaraX said:

@Leo Gura But Leo, not too long ago you said something like, 'Trump will lose badly again,' and now you actually see a chance for him to win? Why the switch?

I keep underestimating the ignorance and selfishness of the American people.

But also, Biden's health has deteriorated a lot and he is not performing well as a speaker or campaigner.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Merkabah Star

11 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

Calling for people to be banned is childish. Put him/her on ignore if your feelings are hurt. 


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14 minutes ago, mrPixel said:

Disagreements about polarized topics are almost always hopeless. You see it out in the real world but you see plenty of it on this forum as well. 


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Posted (edited)

51 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

like eliminating FDA, as most regulatory agencies are really covering the manufacturers and not looking for consumers interest. FDA cares more for pharmaceutical interest than ours and so does EPA and FCC

Banning the FDA? The FDA is what keeps pharmaceutical companies in line. pharmaceutical companies pay tens of millions of dollars for rigorously testing each drug before it is accepted by the FDA. A lot of times this money goes down the sink because of rigorous testing.

Ban the FDA and Trump will start selling bleach for curing cancer, lol.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

I'm a clueless idiot, sure, like the MAGA and 40% of American conservatives which you're insinuating BTW right?

You are not an idiot, you just don't know the surrounding facts on this  specific topic and you seem to be downplaying Trump's rhetoric. Read the this

and watch this and see his "peaceful" rhetoric


Edited by zurew

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On 7/16/2024 at 0:44 PM, Danioover9000 said:

I will say sorry in advance right? Because I have joined like in April 2019, and you joined like in October 2018, so you 1 year my senior in this forum by digital clock right? However you got like about 66 counts in posts, 3 shy away from being pervy, but I have like 12,336 in total posts and counting, been more active in this forum than you, have participated in all sub forums than you, survived dramas here and there than you, so in engagement and activity I am the senior and you the junior. If I hurt yo feelings I do apologies because I like having a healthy debate and back in forth, nothing personal yeah? If you too triggered I will official drop this and agree to disagree right?

@Merkabah Star I am childish. I will admit. Please don't make fun of me for it. I was thinking there might be some kind of mechanism in place to prevent people from going unhinged AF for no reason and seemingly, intentionally being antagonistic and annoying and communicating in bad faith for the sheer fun of it. But I gotcha, that's not a thing and I should rely on the ignore feature. Thanks!

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Posted (edited)

How much Relativism, is too much relativism? There are spectrums to everything, but at one point we will need to dicern a cup of poison from a cup of medicine.

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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35 minutes ago, Joshe said:

@Merkabah Star I am childish. I will admit. Please don't make fun of me for it.

Ok. 😀

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42 minutes ago, Joshe said:

@Merkabah Star I am childish. I will admit. Please don't make fun of me for it. I was thinking there might be some kind of mechanism in place to prevent people from going unhinged AF for no reason and seemingly, intentionally being antagonistic and annoying and communicating in bad faith for the sheer fun of it. But I gotcha, that's not a thing and I should rely on the ignore feature. Thanks!

   I agree, and I was joking a bit, but like I said no hard feelings OK? You in ignore land and I in yours too.👍

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50 minutes ago, zurew said:

You are not an idiot, you just don't know the surrounding facts on this  specific topic and you seem to be downplaying Trump's rhetoric. Read the this

and watch this and see his "peaceful" rhetoric


   Again, I didn't claim Trump had 'peaceful' rhetoric, nor downplayed it. Stop assuming stuff. If you're basing all this from me and @DocWatts, I was giving him a simplified take of what @Gennadiy1981 was meaning. You did this to me years ago when we had that debate, and it's a bad habit. And you still mad when I did that diss track at you. Chill down a bit.

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Posted (edited)

This is interesting! Trump actually reads a poem that ends in "You knew I was a snake before you let me in". 😂


Edited by Joshe

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Come on! Even if I have disagreements with @Gennadiy1981 with some topics, straight out calling him the worst person, utterly useless, clueless, and a preacher are all character assassination attempts which is fallacious. At least have a back and forth a few times with that person and hash out his reasonings before calling him all that, or don't call him all that because that's insulting and name calling which is against forum guidelines. You have been here like me years in this forum, please show some decorum and restraint at least.

Thank you for defending me. And I do have severe agreements with you but on this I will defend you and I am with you, they bluntly try to cancel you, with very poor reasoning. Its like Trump is some kind of plague to them and they loose reasoning here, like its the end of the world if he will win, basing on some extreme poor arguments and bunch of media fear porn that it makes it ridiculous, like you cant even argue with them or try to debate, its like their way or the highway.

You know what I realize, besides that each of us has ego, most people have one topic, that is so dear to them, that they will defend it no matter what and will blindly close eyes to nay arguments or reasoning, like a speciif topic would define who they are and any attempt to make them think is triggering a defense mechanism. Lets admit we all have it, and @Danioover9000 you know I have my own topic that i will defend to the tooth. I believe none of us are really spare from that ego defense mechanism.

Also @Danioover9000 someone called you "she" I always thought you were a male, are you a female? If you are then my apologies for referring to you as he.

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In their case, the way they relate and behave tells how they're going to use power. It seems people judge a book by its cover when it suits them.

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20 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

OK Trump incited the insurrection, but he didn't directly call for the storming of the Capitol, just incited it. It was the proud boys and other far right groups in military get up that led the crowd in

That above and your ramblings about points against trump just being "fearmongering" while again being clueless about the facts.

So yes, you did downplay Trumps rhetoric and I didnt just assume it

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2 hours ago, mrPixel said:

This video addresses the subject: 

Dr. Tali Sharot is the author of The Influential Mind (2017) and The Optimism Bias (2012). She is an Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, and the founder and director of the Affective Brain Lab, at University College London. Her papers on decision making, emotion, and influence have been published in Nature, Science, Nature Neuroscience, Psychological Science, and many others. She has been featured in numerous outlets and written for The New York Times, Time Magazine, Washington Post, CNN, BBC, and more.

   I actually liked the video you shared here. Based on her body language and tonality she's mostly right, although interesting moments of 'tutting'(tutting is strong verbal disagreement) may anaylize her body language further or check out other videos featuring her.

   I do mostly agree with her take and that it's more persuasion rhetoric and not 'facts' or information that wins debates. However last portion of the video, when she gave that example of convincing parents to give vaccines to their child and they refused because maybe link to autism and they don't want their child to become autistic or MORE autistic, that fear isn't entirely unfounded when you do some research and check out the older versions of what they put into vaccines then. One example:

   IMHO there's more to autism development, besides genetics and environmental. As much as science likes to pretend it's mostly correlation that vaccines and autism are related, a bit of mercury at it's base is already a pretty worrying thing. I don't think it's just a natural happening that we have a large population of those in autism spectrum, but rather we are having more within autism but anyways Imma drop it it's getting a bit big.

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