Merkabah Star

Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Leo Gura why are you not impressed about this miracle (positive or negative).

Life plays out like that all the time.

There was no miracle and no conspriacy. Just life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Life plays out like that all the time.

There was no miracle and no conspriacy. Just life.

Grounded way to see from that perspective.

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On 7/15/2024 at 10:20 PM, Leo Gura said:

No. Most people have weak will to power, which is why they are nobodies.

So we've cleared up that others have the will to power too.

But what exactly are you saying is stronger within the enormously rich and egotistical person? Because the technical definition of "will to power" doesn't support the idea that some are stronger/more successful because that factor is stronger in them. (Wikipedia has it right). Other definitions are almost impossible to assume when someone hears the term.

"Jesus in His love and mercy for me let me know who He really was. He is God who is born to be the Man, Jesus. Jesus was specifically born so that He could die because God is eternal and He cannot die, He had no beginning and He has no end. We have been separated from a relationship with God because of our sin."

This person here is misguided, but at least not a repressed sadistic killer trying to let out his frustrations by attempting murder through psychological torture the way that is characteristic specifically of the decrepit and completely incurable of those who believe in non-duality and Christianity. But don't be fooled, man is sinless by default. You are thrown into this reality without being told anything, that much can never be taken away by any ideologue.

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The evidence of the incompetence of the secret service makes me think there's at least a 50% chance of this being staged. Plus the shooter missing seems off even despite being easily possible.

"Jesus in His love and mercy for me let me know who He really was. He is God who is born to be the Man, Jesus. Jesus was specifically born so that He could die because God is eternal and He cannot die, He had no beginning and He has no end. We have been separated from a relationship with God because of our sin."

This person here is misguided, but at least not a repressed sadistic killer trying to let out his frustrations by attempting murder through psychological torture the way that is characteristic specifically of the decrepit and completely incurable of those who believe in non-duality and Christianity. But don't be fooled, man is sinless by default. You are thrown into this reality without being told anything, that much can never be taken away by any ideologue.

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Posted (edited)

6 minutes ago, numbersinarow said:

But what exactly are you saying is stronger within the enormously rich and egotistical person?

What's stronger is ego, ambition, and the drive to impose one's ego on the world.

This is the key thing that distinguishes rich and powerful people from everyone else. They have insane levels of ambition which 99% of humans do not have. Also insane levels of entitlement. This comes naturally with narcissism and ego.

Stop reading Wikipedia and think for yourself about human behavior.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, OBEler said:

It is a miracle that he survived. That's why I and many could not believe this was happening at the beginning.

It's far too unrealistic for reality to happen. But it happened. 


That is creepy. I guess God wants things to get worst before it can get better…

But that is too short of a vision, we could say that about every little detail that has ever happened.

Edited by Vibes

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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What's stronger is ego, ambition, and the drive to impose one's ego on the world.

This is the key thing that distinguishes rich and powerful people from everyone else. They have insane levels of ambition which 99% of humans do not have. Also insane levels of entitlement. This comes naturally with narcissism and ego.

Stop reading Wikipedia and think for yourself about human behavior.

Hey Leo, not suire if you saw my post, I really think you are panicking more than usual. The way you speak as if the end of America is approaching and if Trump wins it will be the end. First of all there is a lot of empty talks even from media, like there was this talk that he will not leave the office, that he would prolong his stay, but none of it happened, when his time ended he sat on a chopper and left. Honestly there is so much media inflammation that scare the public but we with high consciousness should brush these silly things off.

I cannot imagine how one person can become a dictator in such a high country that has so many branches of government. It clearly shows that you fell into scare tactics that the media propagates. I know that you are a very serious person and I can see based on your text that you are panicking and not as a joke but you are serious about it. Why do you allow yourself to be inhabited with just news outlets that need to sell news to make controversies so they make money. Honestly, most of the stuff is foolish and totally not achievable. I see you are being sucked into it big time.

You give so much lectures on how not to fall into conspiracy trap, but you are falling there yourself, I mean most of the left wing media and so is the right wing media, are playing scare tactics that whoever will be elected will chnage America. 

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Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Hey Leo, not suire if you saw my post, I really think you are panicking more than usual. The way you speak as if the end of America is approaching and if Trump wins it will be the end. First of all there is a lot of empty talks even from media, like there was this talk that he will not leave the office, that he would prolong his stay, but none of it happened, when his time ended he sat on a chopper and left. Honestly there is so much media inflammation that scare the public but we with high consciousness should brush these silly things off.

Leo, myself, and others who are sounding the alarm bells about Project 2025 and a second Trump presidency are treating current events with a level of seriousness that's completely appropriate, given the situation.

America is on the cusp of losing its democracy, with the potential to backslide into the type of authoritarian regime that people have historically immigrated to the United States to escape.

Stop treating this as an abstraction. It's happening, it's real, and it will ruin many lives if it comes to fruition.

Edited by DocWatts

I'm writing a philosophy book! Check it out at :

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1 hour ago, numbersinarow said:

The evidence of the incompetence of the secret service makes me think there's at least a 50% chance of this being staged. Plus the shooter missing seems off even despite being easily possible.

That is a conspiracy. Please be mindful of the standards for this forum.



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@DocWatts I would politely disagree with you. There is a fear mongering from media on both sides. I remember when Obama was running the conservative media scared people that he will make America like a third world country and etc, but none of it happened. And lets be honest, during the 4 years of Trump, if you reside in USA and I assume you do, did your personal life dramatically changed? I would bet it stayed the same, indeed all presidents are just nominal.

As far as project 2025, first there is a lot of misinformation on it, second items that are in the charter most are nonsensical, they will never ban same sex relationships, but third, some points are good, like eliminating FDA, as most regulatory agencies are really covering the manufacturers and not looking for consumers interest. FDA cares more for pharmaceutical interest than ours and so does EPA and FCC, just for your info, so those agencies really need to be cleansed. The rest is just fear porn.

I really thought you guys are higher conscientiousness than this, but you guys have the same fear as conservatives did before Obama.

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One time I had a male therapist gaslight me about how the court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade was not a big deal, and that me being upset about it was unwarranted. 

Humans can be really unintelligent and unkind, even the ones who are well educated and privileged. 

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27 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

Stop treating this as an abstraction.

You are wasting your time. That person definitely  haven't read anything on these topics and he is utterly clueless but he is running around   preaching how everything is relative or that there is nothing serious going on.

Complete lack of epistemic humility, completely being ignorant of the facts, while being in preacher mode while thinking they are highly conscious .

The worst person to waste any time on.

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This Guys want a Wyatt Earp world with all costs. Maybe USA will never lose the Farwest spirit. 

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@Leo Gura

11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You don't even understand that Trump orchestrated a conspiracy to undo Biden's election victory. His administration was actively manipulating and doing everything they could think of to prevent Biden's inaugration. This ended in an insurrection but they did way more stuff behind the scenes than that.

Just because their efforts failed does not mean they didn't try to steal the election for Trump. They did, and they will do it again.

If you don't know this, then it is pointless to discuss politics with you because your reseach is so poor and your grasp of the facts so shallow.

Stop watching Destiny and other social media trash and actually read some news articles by serious people about serious things.

You guys are not actually abreast of serious policy and serious news. You are lost in pop-culture politicial memes, noise, and drama.

1. Which is why I asked 'Conspired to steal an election? Jan 6 insurrection and accusation of electric votes being tampered?' to you, so that you can answer me back right, to give you the chance to help me understand more and enlighten me about that right? You make it sound like any question I give to you is like evil and ignorance, but I am not evil with asking you like that? I am doing some research on my side with my free time, but I give you the courtesy of the opportunity to answer me back, and maybe give me some links to articles or footage showing this orchestration of that event.

2. I didn't assumed that logic that because they failed/=/they didn't steal the election, in that point I'm addressing the probability field from which you base your prediction, and in some logic form it'll be like this: where is the P(prediction)you just made, like a conclusion right, and from which you derive from pp(your premises and patterns in the past)? It's like in another context you are losing your marbles in some bag, and complaining about how dangerous if you lost all the marbles right. OK I then ask OK, have you experienced this before, have you got some data to show me a pattern of losing marbles or events of all marbles lost, and I am questioning your assumption and prediction and where that's coming from right, just a bit? That's all I'm asking, give me an answer with some evidence just either confirming or denying my question, with a link or 2 and I'll do that research, meanwhile I am doing my own research which IMHO you assuming I didn't was mean.

3. Stop watching Destiny and other social media trash??? Have you been paying attention to what I have posted here??? I said I was an ex fan of Destiny and in other threads you know I have more of a anti social media position, that strongly implies what? That I have stopped watching Destiny for the most part and that I don't engage with those Tik Toks and most social media, like 80% of his content isn't in my feed anymore. It's also mean you assume I don't read serious works or serious articles on politics.

4. Can't speak to that group of people you generalize as lost in memes, political memes, pop-culture memes, and drama. But I can speak for myself in that I am not that lost with them and I can think for myself despite my craziness. Again assuming I'm part of that group like that is mean...which is strange because you made a past video titled 'Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups.', so given how many assumptions that are mean which you did to me, can you not see the fuck up you might be doing to me right now in assuming all that? Just from me asking simple clarity seeking questions?

   Look, if you're going through something very stressful other than this political situation, let us know then. I won't press any further if you're going through something dark alright? Hate to do that if you're going through something, and yes I am assuming maybe this part and am fucking up but like I said I am a nice person, don't want to step harshly just in case right?

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Posted (edited)

Why is danioover not banned or at least warned for these behaviors?

  • They constantly argue for argument sake with the goal of being superior
  • It's clear they don't engage in good faith 
  • Their rhetoric verges on combative by saying things like "I'm not gonna hurt you, don't run", at the end of unhinged, incoherent rants.
  • They profile stalk in hopes of finding character attacks
  • They are juvenile, comparing their post count to others as a metric to demonstrate their superiority
  • And lots more. 

Maybe there are circumstances about this character I'm not aware of that makes it best they don't be banned, but if not, it seems at the least, a warning should be in order. 

Edited by Joshe

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3 minutes ago, Joshe said:

Why is danioover not banned or at least warned for these behaviors?

 Because she is admirer of Saint George the dragon slayer.

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Posting this here, since I am becoming more aware of the need to have clarity in communication. Most of what we are facing in the Social world today is due the the use or misuse of comunication, the use of Sophistry, Subversion and Covert. 

Let at least us be aware of it in our daily lifes and in our online life. 

Lets be the difference. 


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5 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Most of what we are facing in the Social world today is due the the use or misuse of comunication, the use of Sophistry, Subversion and Covert. 

Communication and tact are highly important but the very ignorance that allows for the corruption in the first place, seems to me, of higher importance. As long as the average person doesn't understand basic psychological principles and does nothing to acquire any knowledge of the psyche and the traps it can so easily fall into, it's impossible for them to guard themselves against these "evil factions" that seek to pull their puppet strings. 

Also, it seems that no amount of good or tactful communication can penetrate some psyches. 

Maybe we need not only tactful communication, but extreme patience, along with making sure we know what we're talking about. But that is a lot of work. How much of ourselves should we sacrifice trying to contribute to the fixing of our world? I want to answer 100% but it's not that simple. 

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I just saw the director of Secret Service use the excuse that the roof that the gunman shot from wasn't occupied buy Secret Service or police because it was a sloped roof therefore it was a safety issue.

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