Merkabah Star

Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

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I’m just appalled that people are already creating conspiracy theories. Can we as Americans just fucking take a break from all the delusions! No right wingers, the left did not plot the trump assasination, and no left wingers, this wasn’t trump trying to do some theatrics for votes. Why can’t people see that in this case, a crazy guy (we don’t know if he had a motivation or not) tried to carry out an assassination on a former president? Why all the speculation, and why base facts on speculation. As Americans we need to detach from our emotions a little and actually see the situation for what it is! People are getting led too much by their emotions, and further causing more division. That’s the last thing we need right now. We all need to agree that such violence is horrendous and should not be entertained whatever the reason. I hate it when politicians and influential people make claims based on baseless speculation, they are literally playing off of our division. It’s sad. 

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, nuwu said:

n-not conspiratorial suggestion, but Shooter is reportedly featured in a Black☆Rock ad R R.

Its not even worth sharing information like that on here, because people will spin it and they can't engage responsibly with it.

Some conservative people already using it as a conspiracy theory

Edited by zurew

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@Rafael Thundercat

1 hour ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Danioover9000 have you ever did a reading on Ray Epps? 

   Will do after dinner. Did another reading on another individual that consumed calories from my brain. Gonna rest a bit.

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Some not all empires may eventually come to an end. 

Edited by Jehovah increases

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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, questionreality said:

@Leo Gura @Joshe Destiny is defending the bombing of Hiroshima and Negasaki, while Elon is trying to point to him some common sense right here on their 2 hour debate:


Where is your intelligence now, in seeing Destiny for who he really is? Hilarious how you guys love to put labels on Trump, yet are totally blind to people who are actual psychopaths on your side 

You guys are obessed with Destiny. I don't care about him at all. I don't care what he says. You are acting like Destiny is my teammate or something. Destiny is an internet blowhard. I don't need to answer for his immaturity.

No one is on my side. My side is deep intelligence and understanding of reality. Nobody in the online influencer or political space is doing that.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Posted (edited)

Destiny might be right on this to be fair. He is certainly not wrong on any of the factual or moral analysis, although the no sympathy stuff is a little spicy. 


The problem is, Destiny actually behaves how any sane person would behave. If you were time-teleported from 2010 into 2024 you'd think you live a simulated clown world. Half your country are actual lunatics. This is beyond an existential threat, no matter who becomes president. It's worse than climate change, far worse.


This can lead to the end the US as we know it, the complete epistemic breakdown fueled by conflict-maximizing algorhyms could cause the death of hundreds of millions of people. Destiny is kind of like a vegan realizing how utterly insane everyone is, lol.


And he is right that there is this insanity and it is being masked by civility politics (not it's not even really true considering the republicans are absolutely insane fucking neanderthals who literally justified the murder of most of the government multiple times over considering their pedophile, genocide, world-control conspiracies), and I can see how maybe we need an actual wake up call in the form of someone going unhinged so the other side finally can see what it's like.

But who are we kidding this is just gonna get worse and worse.

Edited by Scholar

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46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


No one is on my side. My side is deep intelligence and understanding of reality. Nobody in the online influencer or political space is doing that.

No your not.

Or prove/explain it virtually, that you never do. Even when you see immaturity everywhere, we have never been able or at least taken the trouble to concretely define it. If you're suffering, you're the one doing something wrong, that's obvious.

The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

So the story is that a bullied boy took his dad's weapon, got into the rally, and almost killed the ex-president and candidate with a big chance to win again. Did he act completely alone? Hmm...

Another point. People in the public were telling the officials that some guy with a weapon was crawling into a roof three minutes before the shooting. I'm not saying they could take the boy that fast, neither that they couldn't, but they certainly could stop the act and protect Trump until the boy was taken. A case of incompetence? That's what we got? Hmm...


Edited by Hatfort

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Interesting: former US military and former CIA discuss the assassination 


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@Leo Gura

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You guys are obessed with Destiny. I don't care about him at all. I don't care what he says. You are acting like Destiny is my teammate or something. Destiny is an internet blowhard. I don't need to answer for his immaturity.

No one is on my side. My side is deep intelligence and understanding of reality. Nobody in the online influencer or political space is doing that.

   Yes, and in the past I was as I was an ex-fan, but let me differentiate myself from some of these users who maybe are still fans because I am not obsessed with Destiny, I'm not assuming you care about him, am not claiming you care, am not acting like Destiny's your teammate or assuming Destiny is on your side. Also good that right now and in this thread you've finally given a balanced take on Destiny, not yet on Lex Fridman, the good and the bad, at least right now. Main issue was back then way back then couple of years ago, when I brought up some issues with Destiny and even Lex Fridman, back then whenever you've mentioned them 2 it was mostly positive and not a word of their bad or the weaknesses they have, it was all clean from you and one of the mods then. But when I tried to bring up those issues I got flake for it! And yes I'll admit I was being heavy handed with how I brought them 2 up then in those locked and deleted threads, it didn't help that there wasn't enough engagement or discussion going on about them 2. Like IMHO especially to Lex Fridman I found it frustrating that you just didn't notice what I was noticing when I was viewing some of their content and just claiming I was too biased about it.

   But you know what, I am grateful that you maybe have changed your mind, and maybe changed how you viewed Destiny right now and maybe Lex Fridman because it took more than me bringing it up, it took several other users bringing it up recently and especially in here, even though I was the one bringing it up in this forum in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Scholar said:

Destiny might be right on this to be fair. He is certainly not wrong on any of the factual or moral analysis, although the no sympathy stuff is a little spicy. 


The problem is, Destiny actually behaves how any sane person would behave. If you were time-teleported from 2010 into 2024 you'd think you live a simulated clown world. Half your country are actual lunatics. This is beyond an existential threat, no matter who becomes president. It's worse than climate change, far worse.


This can lead to the end the US as we know it, the complete epistemic breakdown fueled by conflict-maximizing algorhyms could cause the death of hundreds of millions of people. Destiny is kind of like a vegan realizing how utterly insane everyone is, lol.


And he is right that there is this insanity and it is being masked by civility politics (not it's not even really true considering the republicans are absolutely insane fucking neanderthals who literally justified the murder of most of the government multiple times over considering their pedophile, genocide, world-control conspiracies), and I can see how maybe we need an actual wake up call in the form of someone going unhinged so the other side finally can see what it's like.

But who are we kidding this is just gonna get worse and worse.

   I partly agree but let me say that I was an ex fan of his for a decade, and I have seen a lot of his content and the drama he gets involved in. His specific take on having no sympathy for that shooter, is actually Destiny IMO he's actually being honest which is rare. For those years he's been a very good actor and performer, really good playing up his character and got good ways to control narratives and frame conversations. This lack of empathy from him, even though he's very good in understanding logically other situations, comes from him being a sociopath as he kind of confessed in that Dr. K video with him. Also Mr. Girl interacted with him, and he gave his take on Destiny which was actually decent and I found truthful...despite his narcissism and strange way of speaking, but doing some body language analysis on him and the other and also from past viewings of him, I know the other guy was correct in some of his  takes with Destiny despite the bias against him.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Scholar said:

The problem is, Destiny actually behaves how any sane person would behave. If you were time-teleported from 2010 into 2024 you'd think you live a simulated clown world. Half your country are actual lunatics. This is beyond an existential threat, no matter who becomes president. It's worse than climate change, far worse.

I don't have strong opinions one way or the other on Destiny, but hard agree on this point.

I read a book earlier this year about preventing 'moderate apocalypses', and the author aptly described what were living through now as a  'stupid, mundane version of a societal collapse'.

Edited by DocWatts

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9 hours ago, Joshe said:

@lostingenosmaze In poker, fish have a hard time reading reality accurately. It's not possible to tell a fish how to read reality accurately but it is possible for some fish to have it dawn on them that there is something the winning players can see that they can't, which is GREAT because now the fish can grow.

How would I begin to communicate the totality of the vast body of occurrences that, when looked at as a whole by an intelligent person, reveals that Trump is possibly the strongest force for evil currently on the planet?

Bringing you specific occurrences doesn't work. It goes something like this: first, you try to pick it apart with logic and reason and when that doesn't work, your mind quickly searches for a both-sides or whataboutism argument and when I deflect those by pointing out fallacy or incomplete information, you start the cycle over again, and so it continues. The end result is usually you become more entrenched in your position. 

For you or anyone trying to understand what all the fuss is and why intelligent people harp on Trump, it's because, there is something you are not seeing. I'm not using "intelligent" here as a flex or a way to demean but rather, a hint. Why is it that many highly intelligent people consider Trump as dangerous as they do?

They might see something you can't, which means it's possible for you to discover what that is... if you try.


You really have no argument. All you are saying is - intelligent people don't like Trump and if you are not seeing why he is evil, then you can't be helped.

I can use the same argument against you - and can find intelligent people who support Trump and don't like Biden.

Why do you think that you are smarter than people who hold a political position different from you?

So far, you could not state a single devilish thing that Trump has done in his 4 years of presidency. You became a parrot for Leo and for Mods.

People like you actually scare me on both sides - when you lose to critically think and become the parrot npc is quite scary.

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But what did Trump do that is similar to Hitler? It seems like you guys just keep saying that "he will" do something when he is elected. How do you know he will do the bad things?

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Posted (edited)

15 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

But what did Trump do that is similar to Hitler? It seems like you guys just keep saying that "he will" do something when he is elected. How do you know he will do the bad things?

For starters, the parallels between Trump's coup attempt on Jan 6 and Hitler's Beerhall Putsch are fairly obvious to anyone who's studied the history of Nazi Germany.

Edited by DocWatts

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56 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I partly agree but let me say that I was an ex fan of his for a decade, and I have seen a lot of his content and the drama he gets involved in. His specific take on having no sympathy for that shooter, is actually Destiny IMO he's actually being honest which is rare. For those years he's been a very good actor and performer, really good playing up his character and got good ways to control narratives and frame conversations. This lack of empathy from him, even though he's very good in understanding logically other situations, comes from him being a sociopath as he kind of confessed in that Dr. K video with him. Also Mr. Girl interacted with him, and he gave his take on Destiny which was actually decent and I found truthful...despite his narcissism and strange way of speaking, but doing some body language analysis on him and the other and also from past viewings of him, I know the other guy was correct in some of his  takes with Destiny despite the bias against him.

Well it should be apparent that Destiny is a sociopath based on his takes on animal rights. He thinks it's okay to skin animals alive for fun because he knows if he were to extend care to animals he'd have to be vegan, and he doesn't want to be, so he just bites the bullet on animals being objects and nothing else.

That's a sociopath move.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Twentyfirst said:

But what did Trump do that is similar to Hitler? It seems like you guys just keep saying that "he will" do something when he is elected. How do you know he will do the bad things?

Trump did many things and he promised to do many more:

  • He conspired to steal an election and not leave office
  • He incited a violent insurrection that lead to the deaths of people
  • He undermined faith in the American election system
  • He appointed many corrupt judges to important and crucial positions
  • He staffed his adminisation with grifters and criminals
  • He engaged in crimes to win an election
  • He engaged in further crimes beyond that
  • He promised to be dicator on day one
  • He has no intention of leaving office or respecting any election results
  • He is guaranteed to commit more crimes if elected and abuse his office
  • His radical rhetoric has caused much domestic terrorism and violence, including his own assassination
  • The people he will appoint in his admininsration will be radicals and criminals hell-bent on undermining the government from within. This is by their own words.
Edited by Leo Gura

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