Merkabah Star

Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

920 posts in this topic

Posted (edited)

7 hours ago, numbersinarow said:

The will to power is an alleged force which is more fundamental than the will to live, so everyone would share that,

No. Most people have weak will to power, which is why they are nobodies.

Edited by Leo Gura

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53 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:



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Imagine if that experience changes Trump for the better. Having flirted with death he becomes more relaxed and appreciative of the little things in life. 

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7 minutes ago, martin_malin said:

Imagine if that experience changes Trump for the better. Having flirted with death he becomes more relaxed and appreciative of the little things in life. 


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Posted (edited)

If Trump campaigned to legalize all psychedelics would you vote for him?

Edited by Paradoxed

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4 hours ago, questionreality said:

@Leo Gura I find Owen's take to be a lot more deep, balanced and objective than yours on this one. I doubt that you watched his videos, because in them he actually does state that Trump has all hallmarks of NPD and he is no saint, etc.

Not to mention that he has a lot of connections with people who have high positions in the government (his claim) and he also networks in their circles.

Why don't you actually watch this and tell us what you think? This one was released few hours ago.



The best thing he said was that there are inherent tradeoffs between individualism and collectivism. That is a valid insight you can keep with you. But there’s so much nonsense and rationalizations in here it’s not even worth sifting through.

It’s a good idea to discern between a genuine balanced perspective and “both-sideism”. Owen is doing a lot of the latter here.



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17 minutes ago, Paradoxed said:

If Trump campaigned to legalize all psychedelics would you vote for him?

Campaign promises are irrelevant when you have someone who wants to overthrow democracy. That should be the end of discussion right there.

It’s also a laughable hypothetical considering we know what the conservative agenda is. Legalize all psychedelics? Project 2025 doesn’t even want legal porn.



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The “everyone that doesn’t agree with me is biased” comment, which is popular here, is a deflection tactic. 

Edited by Merkabah Star

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Posted (edited)

40 minutes ago, Yimpa said:


He chose JD Vance? (Im just eating breakfast in my Timezone) 

that was my top pick for Veep. He called trump hitler, previously. 

American politics are so entertaining. 

Edited by Merkabah Star

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3 hours ago, abundance said:

Thank God you're not an American voter. The fewer misinformed people we have deciding the fate of our country the better.


2 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Donald trump is a great leader, i would vote for him if i a were American.

That was one of my points, you don't have to be American to vote... how people are not in jail after allowing mass murderers and terrorists into the country is beyond me.

Trump will win the election, get over it.

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

I am not sure why he picked Vance. He's not just another white christian man. He's even more of an extreme right-winger than Mike Pence was.

Perhaps, because they felt like they needed to make sure they win Ohio for the electoral college and help Sherrod Brown's GOP opponent win for the US Senate race in Ohio.

It's also probably because of how much more extreme to the far-right the entire Republican/conservative in the US has gotten.

He already has Ohio on lock.

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52 minutes ago, Yimpa said:



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Conspiracy mind is coming back. 

Why can't they find anything on the shooter? Or if they have found it, is it normal for them to withhold it for this long? It seems that if they found something, they might throw at least a bone to the media but nothing of substance has came out. 

Anyone got any knowledge in this area? 

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6 minutes ago, Joshe said:

Anyone got any knowledge in this area? 

I have no idea.

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I think we should close this thread.

Move on humans, that's it.

Back to self-actualization.

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Posted (edited)

43 minutes ago, aurum said:

Campaign promises are irrelevant when you have someone who wants to overthrow democracy. That should be the end of discussion right there.

It’s also a laughable hypothetical considering we know what the conservative agenda is. Legalize all psychedelics? Project 2025 doesn’t even want legal porn.

 Yeah, its a laughable hypothetical, its called a joke.

The fact that Trump would never do this is the joke itself

Edited by Paradoxed

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8 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Merkabah Star

   Don't like that YT guy. Lame and panders too much, don't suggest watching a lot from him.

He is creepy and shouts and screams, major turn off, buy Ana is cool. Cenk does grow on you.


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5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


1. Just because a person uses a word another person also uses, is not justifiable claim that person A is parroting person B. If that's the case then I can claim you've been parroting me for using English words I was also using too. Just because words like 'devil' or 'devilry' are used, does not mean it's parroting as 100,000s to 1,000,000 of Christians or others do use those words.

2. Because @Joshe and @Leo Gura are biased against Trump, and attention is limited and finite resource. Yes in an ideal world we'd like for each person to list good and bad things about the person they're addressing, but in Trump's case they think they cannot play fence sitter or both side him,, that they have to take a moral absolutist stance against Trump. Some people like them proclaim they're moral relativists but in practice it's morally right for me and not for thee and what suits me and not you, basically speaking. For example the few goods I saw Trump did is that he did reform part of the prison system, made it more cheaper, and he also gave back to the black community and increased certain job opportunities in those communities. That's why some street or people from the ghetto do like Trump and what he did, albeit you can argue it's more rhetoric than policy but Trump did benefit them to some degree.

3. Just because those people failed to list some good things Trump did, and are displaying all kinds of hate towards him, that doesn't mean they're brainwashed into hating Trump. It just means they're biased against Trump, his Rhetoric, and recently because of Leo's blog posts and his takes on Trump in his videos, these people now feel they're more justified in hating Trump. But that doesn't mean they're brainwashed into the hate. Again, their energy, time, attention is limited, they got biases, and have to select for certain biases to be for or against, that's all. Why I am against this brainwashing angle is that Actualized is not a cult group, you can have your own thoughts, and you can come and go from this place. Saying these people are brainwashed implies they're a cult following trapped here, which isn't the case.

Sorry, this was clearly the wrong word to use. I should have used a different word other than "brainwashed", because I did not mean brainwashed in a classical sense. Let's use the word blind instead. Any one of us can be blind on any particular thing, while not be blind in general (as in classic sense with a cult). I was trying to say that the sources from which these people get information from and feeds certain narratives played the role in the forming of the biases that cloud their vision- not actualized forum itself, because this is a place where we discuss things and I seen people share different points of views.

Also, don't forget that I mentioned that the same goes for Trump supporters, who cannot list any good things that Biden has done.

If brainwashed is not the right word, then being blind due to being clouded by super bias is. This applies to both sides of the spectrum.


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39 minutes ago, Yimpa said:


Omg.. lol.. 😂

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