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Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

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It’s like people are just totally forgetting how much of a narcissistic, lunatic, asshole Trump is just because of this. It is what it is. I don’t react anymore to peoples stupidity and lack of wisdom, which is rampant in America. Just hard to see sometimes, going to stay away from it. Also twitter is def rigged for Trump

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At this point of time, one can say that gun violence in the U.S has become a threat to the  democratic process itself.  Two American presidents have been gunned down in the past.

It is high time legislation is created to ensure hard controls on possession of guns.

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Karmadhi The situations in Ukraine and Gaza were and are too serious for Trump to make any positive solution to them. All he can do is blow hot air and spin bullshit, not solve intractable problems.

Trump is too intellectually lazy to even read a book about Ukraine or Gaza. This tells you everything.

What intellectual complications are you talking about? They had to restrain themselves from expanding like crazy all the way into Putin's ass. 

This is the point of conservatism or any conservative leader. It is to bring back attention to matters at home and not expand the circle of concern above and beyond your stretch. The correct thing to do was to be friendly with Russia and not overthrow the democratically elected Ukrainian govt in 2014.

Monsters like Trump are to be expected as a natural balancing act by nature for all the monstrosity liberalism is causing elsewhere in the world. You are forced to confront the monster you are.

Gaza situation was indeed complicated, but no one could have done anything about it anyway.

Edited by Bobby_2021

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Posted (edited)

42 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

This is the point of conservatism or any conservative leader. It is to bring back attention to matters at home and not expand the circle of concern above and beyond your stretch. The correct thing to do was to be friendly with Russia and not overthrow the democratically elected Ukrainian govt in 2014.

There is truth and wisdom in a policy of reigning in NATO. I just don't entrust Trump with such a sensitive and nuanced matter. He will find some way to clown it up.

I also doubt to what extent Trump could actually alter or undo NATO expansion.

But even if he could do all that it is not worth the cost of losing our democracy at home. I'm not going to support a corrupt authoritarian just because he might have a few good "anti-war" policies. Because authoritarians are not known to be peaceful people.

Maybe Trump starts a war with Iran. You don't know. He's an agent of chaos.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

People who cast MAGA as economically motivated have been shown consistently wrong. They misunderstand the nature of this beast. This is A CULTURE WAR, it is not about policy or improvement of government, or a critique of capitalism. The people who support Trump are too ignorant to care about such sophisticated things as proper governance or economics. These people want MORE capitalism! And they will hang socialists like Chris Hedges from a gallows. Because this isn't about improving economics. You could give each MAGA ten million dollars and they would still be MAGA. They don't care about crafting fair economic policy.

Hedges is projecting his socialist agenda onto this CULTURE WAR.

True, it isn’t purely economic but taps into a few currents. Politics is downstream from culture, and economics plays a part in shifting culture too. Urbanisation concentrates and creates wealth (with inequalities), which also shifts attitudes with education and cosmopolitanism. A lot of different effects take hold in urban vs rural environments. Exposure to more diversity naturally makes you more open towards it, up to a point.

Besides economics, it’s a cultural crusade against a culture (liberal) they view as too different to their own. Liberal attitudes are incubated in urban centres, which they find foreign from where they stand in rural or suburban environments. 

MAGA is the mutant child of cultural resentment and economic dispossession. They don’t care for capitalism or want to dismantle capitalism, they just want to be on top of it.

We could say it’s not just economic dislocation, but the threat of cultural extinction in a globalising world of blurry homogeneity and gentrification. In their minds, the trans movement of blurring man and woman embodies this to which they lash out subconsciously - it’s an attack on identity and belonging. From India to Brazil, America to mainland Europe - people are looking at their societies and feeling like strangers in their own land. I 

The movement right is a wish to build a cultural bomb shelter from the onslaught of globalisation and to snap back from the excesses of liberal cities which hold disproportionate power and dictate to suburban / urban heartlands.  Nothing embodies this excess like the emoji of a pregnant man on what’s app - a messaging app 2 billion people or 20% of the world use, including the more traditionally minded who are pressured to use it due to its wide use.

Edited by zazen

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46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Maybe Trump starts a war with Iran. You don't know. He's an agent of chaos

Maybe? Biden is already at war with Iran. 

New age wars do not have direct confrontations anymore. It's all proxy wars. US is at war already at war with Iran and Russia. Now they are trying their best to provoke China into a war too. 

This is what I do not think you get, nor appreciate it enough, if you do get.

Whatever the worst fears you had from Trump are already here even before he took office, including a dangerous nuclear escalation spiral with Russia pushing us to the brink of  WW3.  But you will probably not attribute it to Biden or democrats because he is not a fascist lol. 

It may not be authoritarians who start wars all the time. Sometimes the weak liberals are the ones who start wars.  But somehow you will always find a way to blame it on authoritarians and people will believe you because of the optics.   

49 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I also doubt to what extent Trump could actually alter or undo NATO expansion.

NATO Expansion is the agenda of the deep state to sell more weapons and arms to broke countries. This is literally how you earn hundreds of billions while contributing nothing in value while making weapons to kill poor children abroad. 

This sort of corruption is so deep rooted into American politics. I like to see someone countering it rather than giving it a blank check. One man cannot counter it nor stop it. 

I would prefer a saner man to be the republican leader more than the orange man. But I do prefer the orange man instead of any democrat being in power. It is what it is. 

I am not shunning any morals by supporting the orange man. Just that I do not want to see situations like this: 


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4 hours ago, mrPixel said:

Come on man. We can look for good qualities in anyone but let's not be naive. Sociopaths are not to be trusted.

There are books about what we can learn from psycopats and sociopaths. But to deal with one is different than study them. Trusting a sociopath is like a sheap trusting the wolf have good qualities.

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3 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

It’s like people are just totally forgetting how much of a narcissistic, lunatic, asshole Trump is just because of this. It is what it is. I don’t react anymore to peoples stupidity and lack of wisdom, which is rampant in America. Just hard to see sometimes, going to stay away from it. Also twitter is def rigged for Trump

Is pure peer group pressure. Is like people in the story about the naked King that was tricked to think he had new clothes. Nobody in the village would risk say something contrary to the peer group pressure because it they would be ostracized. Only the child was able  to say the king was naked. And we never heard about what happened with the honest child. Maybe an outcast. People are Monkeys with lymbic system operating as the main source of truth. 

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10 hours ago, Yali said:

Do you think Trump believes his own bullshit?

Like a fly having lunch

9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

So it's a combination of pure cynical Machiavellianism plus the delusions of grandiose narcissism.

Good clinical analysis.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Maybe? Biden is already at war with Iran.

There is no real war with Iran. I mean a serious direct war.


Whatever the worst fears you had from Trump are already here even before he took office

You underestimate how bad things can get in the hands of a corrupt, ignorant, asshole.


But you will probably not attribute it to Biden or democrats because he is not a fascist lol. 

If nukes start flying under Biden I would certainly attribute that to Biden. I just don't see that happening.


It may not be authoritarians who start wars all the time.

That is true.


Sometimes the weak liberals are the ones who start wars.

Trump is the weak one in this case.

Backing off with NATO is the "weak" position.


 NATO Expansion is the agenda of the deep state to sell more weapons and arms to broke countries. This is literally how you earn hundreds of billions while contributing nothing in value while making weapons to kill poor children abroad. 

It's much more complicated than that, but I agree NATO has gone too far.


This sort of corruption is so deep rooted into American politics.

I agree that the US deep state has some bad ideas that need to be reversed, but I will not vote for a corrupt devil to do that job.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I was not aware of Trump Mockery of Pelosi Husband Hammer Attack. 

God sake, Trump sounds like a Drunk. 

Maybe Trump is good to be a dude talking shit in a Pub. But for President he is a no go. 


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After all, is democracy all that good?

I'm getting a bit skeptic with the whole system. I'm trying to think it from above, not bellow.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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27 minutes ago, Davino said:

After all, is democracy all that good?

I'm getting a bit skeptic with the whole system. I'm trying to think it from above, not bellow.

I dont know. How long are thing specie of monkeys trying this governance system? It is even functioning as the founders of this system intended? What are the gaps, the unseen consequeces. Even the most perfect car can have some failures, some irrevelant like the CdPlayer not working and others more serious like the breaks fail when you need them.

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42 minutes ago, Davino said:

After all, is democracy all that good?

I'm getting a bit skeptic with the whole system. I'm trying to think it from above, not bellow.

Take a trip to Russia or China and find out for yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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President Biden Oval Office Address:



أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Take a trip to Russia or China and find out for yourself.

USA is a republic not a democracy. Taat is is why many people support Trump. It is their only chance to get democracy.



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1 hour ago, Davino said:

After all, is democracy all that good?

I'm getting a bit skeptic with the whole system. I'm trying to think it from above, not bellow.

It's the best we came up with so far.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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