Merkabah Star

Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Joshe  In fact I did a whole study on Destiny's body language here, among other figures. Check it out, I covered one where in it he was doing lots of manipulations techniques of visuals, presentations, frame controlling, and narrative spinning against one YT, and how he communicated, and vice versa. From the title to the thumbnail, to how they presented, down to their micro expressions, body language, tonality, and word choices.


@Danioover9000 That's interesting! I'll definitely check it out when I get some time. Thanks.

Have you ever watched House, MD? Destiny often mentions it, and you might notice "House, MD" popping up in his Youtube recommendations. This suggests he frequently searches for quotes or scenes from the show. This can answer SOO much about Destiny.

Destiny likes House because House is:

  • super-intelligent
  • inherently curious and loves to solve puzzles, especially puzzles involving people
  • wears his social outcast badge on his sleeve
  • is always right
  • avoids emotion at all costs as a defense mechanism 
  • favorite pastime is to shine a light on mankind's ignorance, evil, and hypocrisy

Who does that sound like? To most people, House appears to be evil but he's actually a greater force for good than the ones around him combined. That's how Destiny sees himself and I think that's how he actually is. I think he's well-intentioned, albeit brash. 

It's like this: If you sit at a poker table for long enough, no matter how good your facade, it will eventually be seen through. It might take time to break through the facade but sooner or later, it always breaks and the true character is revealed. Same thing goes with observing Destiny or anyone else. You simply cannot hide your intentions or who you are over an extended period of time.

Edited by Joshe

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38 minutes ago, gambler said:

When trump comes to power he could annex the Gaza Strip to Israel, just like he made Jerusalem the capital. God knows what’ll be of the refugee situation. 

Yes. But under Trump the attack maybe would not have happened.

Now for Gaza Trump will be worse.

Unsure about Ukraine.

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31 minutes ago, Raze said:

What makes you think Trump will be any different?


At this point, maybe it is better to let Russia have those lands of Ukraine it has and end the war once and for all.

But I am unsure about it.

What do you think about what I wrote?


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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Looking at his face, I do agree with you his eyes seem vacant,

He looks like he would be MAGA.. 😀

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Posted (edited)

32 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Yes. But under Trump the attack maybe would not have happened.

This makes no sense.

The notion that world leaders are afraid of Trump is ridiculous. They view Trump as a useful idiot clown.

Only a self-absorbed American could believe that Trump intimidates world leaders into inaction. As if Putin or some Hamas terrorist gives a damn that Trump exists. All they see is Americans acting like clowns.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This makes no sense.

The notion that world leaders are afraid of Trump is ridiculous. They view Trump as a useful idiot clown.

Only a self-absorbed American could believe that Trump intimidates world leaders into inaction. As if Putin or some Hamas terrorist gives a damn that Trump exists. All they see is Americans acting like clowns.

The argument I heard is that Biden unfroze billions of frozen assets to Iran and overall Iran started to do better under Biden economically.

Under Trump Iran was heavily struggling economically.

And Iran funds Hamas which enables them to do an effective attack.

However, I also heard about another argument.

It says that the main reason that caused to Hamas to attack Israel when they did was because of the Abraham accords which were forged under Trump. Those accords did not take Palestinian statehood into account and therefore they attacked to avoid their signing. Using this argument, Trump is a big factor that the attack happened in the first place.

So, it is a mess. One side blames Biden, another Trump.

Edited by Karmadhi

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

The argument I heard is that Biden unfroze billions of frozen assets to Iran and overall Iran started to do better under Biden economically.

Under Trump Iran was heavily struggling economically.

And Iran funds Hamas which enables them to do an effective attack.


That money belonged to Iran.

I guess if you want the US to steal money then Trump is your man.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

That money belongs to Iran.

You would have the US steal it?

They are doing it with Russia, they froze like 300 billion dollars worth of assets and are using it to fund Ukraine.


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Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

They are doing it with Russia, they froze like 300 billion dollars worth of assets and are using it to fund Ukraine.

That is problematic too.

But Iran did not invade anyone.

And giving its own money back to Iran was part of a larger attempt to make a deal with them. Trump broke the Iran peace deal. So by your loigc Trump is responsible for the Gaza war. And Trump is responsible for the Ukraine war by being soft on Putin.

Two can play such blame games.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

However, I also heard about another argument.

It says that the main reason that caused to Hamas to attack Israel when they did was because of the Abraham accords which were forged under Trump. Those accords did not take Palestinian statehood into account and therefore they attacked to avoid their signing. Using this argument, Trump is a big factor that the attack happened in the first place.

So, it is a mess. One side blames Biden, another Trump

Sorry, this part I posted when you were replying so maybe you did not see it.

2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That is problematic too.

But Iran did not invade anyone.

And giving its own money back to Iran was part of a larger attempt to make a deal with them.

I am not aware of all the details.

I am writting here the arguments I hear Pro Trump people use a lot.

Even people from the Middle East want him to win because they think he will make the region safe again.

I guess Trump got lucky with no wars starting under him and now he uses that chance to take the merit for it even if it is not his.

I really wonder though how Trump would have reacted if Putin invaded Ukraine under his watch. If he would have pushed Zelensky to accept the peace agreement in Istanbul in 2022 which was mediated by Turkey and Israel. Mearsheimer talks often about it.

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This makes no sense.

The notion that world leaders are afraid of Trump is ridiculous. They view Trump as a useful idiot clown.

Only a self-absorbed American could believe that Trump intimidates world leaders into inaction. As if Putin or some Hamas terrorist gives a damn that Trump exists. All they see is Americans acting like clowns.

Leo no offense to you but you are extremely biased towards Trump. I mean I get your points and a lot of them are correct but you are being severely biased, like you find all faults in him. 

You went as far as saying he will make an authoritarianism but common in USA it’s not even possible not to mention you have 3 branches of government and even the executive branch is divided into many. Let’s be honest, president does not have so much power within US.

And common give a guy at least some credit, praise him in anything. I remember in your trap video you said that he is charismatic (which made me say that hey Leo gives compliment) but then you said only for those who are not bright. 

Look no person is all bad as well as no person is all good.

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Posted (edited)

@Karmadhi The situations in Ukraine and Gaza were and are too serious for Trump to make any positive solution to them. All he can do is blow hot air and spin bullshit, not solve intractable problems.

Trump is too intellectually lazy to even read a book about Ukraine or Gaza. This tells you everything.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:


His father was a libertarian

his mother was a Democrat registered voter

he was registered as a Republican


How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Posted (edited)

2 minutes ago, integral said:

he was registered as a Republican

Liberals often register as Republicans in order to vote against them in their primaries, especially in red states where Dem votes are meaningless.

So this registration doesn't tell us much.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

15 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Leo no offense to you but you are extremely biased towards Trump. I mean I get your points and a lot of them are correct but you are being severely biased, like you find all faults in him. 

You went as far as saying he will make an authoritarianism but common in USA it’s not even possible not to mention you have 3 branches of government and even the executive branch is divided into many. Let’s be honest, president does not have so much power within US.

And common give a guy at least some credit, praise him in anything. I remember in your trap video you said that he is charismatic (which made me say that hey Leo gives compliment) but then you said only for those who are not bright. 

Look no person is all bad as well as no person is all good.

It's not that Trump does not have any positive qualities, it's that they are not relevant to his suitability for public office.

I am biased against devilry, yes.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Look no person is all bad as well as no person is all good.

Come on man. We can look for good qualities in anyone but let's not be naive. Sociopaths are not to be trusted.

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3 hours ago, Raze said:

How many streams of his have you watched in full?

3 hours ago, Raze said:

The point of the video isn’t his belief on that issue, it’s how easily he switches moralities depending on what he’s talking about.

Does he update his moral stance easily or whats happening is that the content of the situation is different compared to the other and thats why his stance on it is different?  Or  another very common explanation is that given that he becomes aware of more information about a given situation, he starts to lean in a different direction. And even this doesn't completely exhaust the possibility space how it could be explained.

 Im surprised you haven't considered those options or if you did considered them, I would ask you to walk me through your thought process how you end up with "he is easily switches moralities" rather than ending up with one of the options from what I listed above.



4 hours ago, Raze said:

In a discussion with Candace Owens she accused him of being a contrarian and he slightly smiled then denied it.

Candace Owens convo was absolutely horrible. Destiny and Candace disagree probably on 99% of the things they have a political stance on, but she characterizing that as Destiny just being contrarian is intellectually lazy and bad faith. Think about how lazy and intellectually bankrupt it is to just throw labels on the person and then not engage with his arguments, just because you two disagree on most things.

This is what Destiny has always been very frustrated about, that the vast majority of  people (including most political commentators) would rather  make a bunch of assumptions  and assertions about why Destiny doesn't believe in  what he states he believes in  and they would rather spend 99% of the time questioning his motivations (making claims what his "true" beliefs are) than actually engaging with the arguments that he is putting out. 

4 hours ago, Raze said:

Rather than developing a good faith position on it through logical discussion he decides his position in advance and forms his moral arguments around what best defends it.

Whats the argument for this?

4 hours ago, Raze said:

What he does is he picks a position that goes against the far right or far left, usually left of center mainstream dem, then starts twisting himself to justify it. That’s not a insightful or good faith strategy, it just appears that way because it’s usually easier to defend establishment positions.

Whats the argument for this?


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I’m also tripping rnw, so… That could be that

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