Merkabah Star

Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

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18 minutes ago, Raze said:

The point of the video isn’t his belief on that issue, it’s how easily he switches moralities depending on what he’s talking about.

In a discussion with Candace Owens she accused him of being a contrarian and he slightly smiled then denied it. What he does is he picks a position that goes against the far right or far left, usually left of center mainstream dem, then starts twisting himself to justify it. That’s not a insightful or good faith strategy, it just appears that way because it’s usually easier to defend establishment positions.

Say what you will about Vaush but at least he has something of a moral system he worked out and uses as a lens to view issues and develop arguments based on, as flawed as it can be.

The video is retarded and it takes 5 seconds of thinking to understand why. White nationalists want to preserve the character of the nation because they are delusional racists, while Israeli jewish nationalists seek to preserve the character of the nation because there is a genuine threat that once arabs gain democratic power they would instantly be removed from their nation.

And those are clips that are like years apart. Positions change, even though there is nothing inconsistent about holding these positions.

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Posted (edited)

23 minutes ago, Raze said:

The point of the video isn’t his belief on that issue, it’s how easily he switches moralities depending on what he’s talking about.

In a discussion with Candace Owens she accused him of being a contrarian and he slightly smiled then denied it.

Well, part of being intelligent is being able to see things from multiple perspectives and an appreciation for moral relativity.

But he could also just be playing self-deception games.

Probably both.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Karmadhi Yes, it's real. The politicians don't believe it but the citizens do. lol 

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Just now, Joshe said:

@Karmadhi Yes, it's real. The politicians don't believe it but the citizens do. lol 

That's incorrect. Many of the politicians themselves are strongly religious. It's not just an act they play for the masses, although some may do that.



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@aurum True, true. Many of them are indeed religious. It would be funny if they weren't though. lol They might as well not be. 

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22 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Guys is this for real?

Please some American here explain to me, do american POLITICANS really believe in this shit or it is just being used for political support?

If you are in a life and death situation and you escape by inches you would also think that some divine force saved you. 

They genuinely believe that God saved them, and it's fine. You would too if you were in his shoes.

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32 minutes ago, Joshe said:

@Raze When Destiny says something like "I don't know if there's anything wrong with ethnic cleansing", and stares at the ceiling, this is a mind that is not afraid to actually question things it's never questioned. If you really want to know why ethnic cleansing is bad, you have to see for yourself and try to poke holes in things to see if they're actually bad or not, rather than just claim they are. He makes an earnest attempt to actually consider the idea. You can see it in his movement and hear in his tonality that he's engaging with the question from a place of genuine curiosity because this is how INTPs operate. They question everything. Nothing is off limits.

You can probably find a clip of him saying "IDK, is pedophilia really bad. What's so bad about it"? And the conformist mind will immediately condemn him for wanting to actually identify what is wrong with it. 

   True, in body language analysis and NLP, looking up in general means you are accessing visual parts of brain to see images or movies in thought. Yes sometimes when thinking in visuals you'd see them look up, not on one spot but their eyes may look to their left(accessing images in memory, for example what was your favorite painting, or colour, or movie scene?) or to their right(constructing an image from parts of other memories, re-imagining a scene for example if I asked what if his hat was pitch black, or what if she was wearing X instead of Y). Now sometimes just looking up with some eye movements in upper left or upper right is not limited to that, for instance people with visualize a lot more will also scan the room, sometimes often, for space and direction, or if say you've taken a witness or suspect to a scene of a crime and ask them to describe the events and where is where, they'd tell you their story but they may point to a location where an object was, or illustrate to another place.

   Not sure about what's in his movement or his tone that makes you feel like he's being earnest? Because in some situations Destiny WILL play up emotional cues and sound like he's earnest or does his hand waving with fingers pointing all over and be talking fast LOL. In fact Destiny doing that there's a good chance he's more performing for the audience. I've seen him in his gaming years, seen that whole Kyle Rittenhouse event where Destiny was as you described very tonal and higher in movement, but the statements he was making were VERY loaded, and felt VERY intentional in farming public outrage to draw in viewers and streamers INTO his framing and INTO an environment that HE CAN control. Destiny is very good at least in this aspect of debating and setting the tone of a talk. He did that with the Rittenhouse event, then there was the event were in I think his fourth or fifth time of getting banned by Twitch over a racial joke and racial slur and that whole drama, then there were a few more dramas. IMO the most red flags you'll get from Destiny, if you pay attention, is his time he was making videos and talking to Mr. Girl, definite red flags in how he handled that whole situation. Then we recently have these clips and videos of him dealing with the Israel/Palestine conflict, then his phase of getting podcast interviews and certain podcasts that boil my brain up, and then this joke about the shooting. Sorry but definitely enough red flags to me to conclude that yes, Destiny is a great debater, but he's still got an immature and somewhat manipulative style of talk to him.

   In fact, he sort of self confessed in one of his videos talking to Dr. K, and even to Mr. Girl.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Scholar said:

The video is retarded and it takes 5 seconds of thinking to understand why. White nationalists want to preserve the character of the nation because they are delusional racists, while Israeli jewish nationalists seek to preserve the character of the nation because there is a genuine threat that once arabs gain democratic power they would instantly be removed from their nation.

And those are clips that are like years apart. Positions change, even though there is nothing inconsistent about holding these positions.

As opposed to Israelis being granted nationhood and Ben Gurion sending the order to the IDF to “sabotage” Arab villages in order to get them to leave “Jewish land”; all the while finding ways to hush it all up, including massacres? But this is fine because we can use Palestinian Arabs aren’t civilized (tm) card to hide from the fact that we are tribal and just want the land to be Jewish majority for the simple fact that’s “it’s our land”. And you can never disprove that we would’ve otherwise kept them as part of our state and so that’s that for this discussion. Cool. 

You guys got your playbook down neatly. Crafty playbook. 

The fact of the matter is that Palestinians are kept from being majority (and hence expelled) because the land was given to Jews by the United Nations for Jews. There can never be a majority Arab nation because the land “isn’t theirs”. Don’t gaslight us on that Jewish propaganda that it’s because of a threat. As if when they partitioned the land to the Jews, if the Arabs never made any resistance they would’ve all been part of the state. Don’t insult us with that.  

Lastly, let’s not kid ourselves that Israel doesn’t want so called Judea and Samaria restored as their own land inhabited by its’ people. And to have the Palestinians, as a population, to be practically erased within the state. Why? Because it’s an ethnostate. It all boils down to “our land”, and not to some threat. 

Edited by gambler

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@Joshe  In fact I did a whole study on Destiny's body language here, among other figures. Check it out, I covered one where in it he was doing lots of manipulations techniques of visuals, presentations, frame controlling, and narrative spinning against one YT, and how he communicated, and vice versa. From the title to the thumbnail, to how they presented, down to their micro expressions, body language, tonality, and word choices.


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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

The fact that during his term no wars started (factual) and under Biden tons of shit happened, is the proof they use.

Remember when everyone was crying Trump would cause ww3 and now we are actually pretty close to it under Biden. 

Which goes on to show that being a weak senile pushover does not make you any less capable of sheer destruction than a brutal monster like Trump.

But I am a little concerned giving this situation in the hands of Trump. It's already out of hand in an escalation spiral. Trump could definitely make it worse. Hope the situation cools down even before November.

Edited by Bobby_2021

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The thing some people need to understand os that the devil have no preferece to what dogma or philosophy the host adopt, the devil can adapt anything to its ends. Zendevil,Buddistdevil,Christiandevil and so fort. The Book ScrewTape by C.S Lewis touch in this point. Is even better to the devil that the person is attached to a self-rigtheous phylosophy. 


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What’s a worse outcome:

Trump as a martyr, or Trump as a president?

I’m glad he’s neither right now.

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This is kinda nuts, my twitter is filled with pro trump material and I don’t follow anything political. I have a theory that Musk is tweaking it massively, like ZuckerFuck did with FB , you know social media basically won Trump his first campaign. 

This whole Musk Trump alliance reeks of shit 

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3 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

This is kinda nuts, my twitter is filled with pro trump material and I don’t follow anything political. I have a theory that Musk is tweaking it massively, like ZuckerFuck did with FB , you know social media basically won Trump his first campaign. 

This whole Musk Trump alliance reeks of shit 

Not even opening 😂

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Posted (edited)

Be careful of power-hungry myrmidons
for they become puppets of even bigger more power-hungry Agendas.

Who will hold the power after trump is gone or even as President?
for they become puppets of even bigger more power-hungry Agendas.

If you believe America is a Democracy then you are all deluded.  

power begets Power.


Edited by Jehovah increases

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12 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

This is kinda nuts, my twitter is filled with pro trump material and I don’t follow anything political. I have a theory that Musk is tweaking it massively, like ZuckerFuck did with FB , you know social media basically won Trump his first campaign. 

This whole Musk Trump alliance reeks of shit 

My whole feed is filled with anti Arab racism, demonization and vilification of Muslims, and pro Israel death campaign.  I’ve blocked over 50 accounts on my timeline but when I refresh i still gotta get to blocking. It’s weird, I haven’t posted under any pro Israel tweets other than once or twice the past week. 

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Posted (edited)

43 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Remember when everyone was crying Trump would cause ww3 and now we are actually pretty close to it under Biden. 

Which goes on to show that being a weak senile pushover does not make you any less capable of sheer destruction than a brutal monster like Trump.

But I am a little concerned giving this situation in the hands of Trump. It's already out of hand in an escalation spiral. Trump could definitely make it worse. Hope the situation cools down even before November.

To be honest Biden handling of both Ukraine and Gaza war has been absolutely horrible.

With Gaza he has supported mass murder of civilians and with Ukraine has damaged with relations with Russia to 1960s levels risking a war with Russia, not to count prolonging a war that is killing endless.


Edited by Karmadhi

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

To be honest Biden handling of both Ukraine and Gaza war has been absolutely horrible.

With Gaza he has supported mass murder of civilians and with Ukraine has damaged with relations with Russia to 1960s levels risking a war with Russia, not to count prolonging a war that is killing endless.


When trump comes to power he could annex the Gaza Strip to Israel, just like he made Jerusalem the capital. God knows what’ll be of the refugee situation. 

Edited by gambler

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Posted (edited)

11 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

To be honest Biden handling of both Ukraine and Gaza war has been absolutely horrible.

With Gaza he has supported mass murder of civilians and with Ukraine has damaged with relations with Russia to 1960s levels risking a war with Russia, not to count prolonging a war that is killing endless.


What makes you think Trump will be any different?

Edited by Raze

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