Merkabah Star

Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Official blog post from

"Assassination itself is a devilish act and has no place in a healthy democracy." (I underlined healthy)

I agree 100 percent.

Now, Mr Trump's actions and words have been a major contributor, fanning the flames of hate for the better part of a decade, in this toxic, dysfunctional democracy, so I ask, and you don't have to answer, did he possibly have this coming to him?

Edited by ryandesreu

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Posted (edited)

@gambler I don't doubt Destiny has issues. But I can read people pretty well. Destiny is an INTP, like Leo. He has a high IQ. He's an A-type personality. He's definitely got some trauma and suppresses a lot. He fell into streaming and got lucky. His high IQ combined with his A-type personality and thirst for knowledge makes him a good candidate for debate and he discovered that. Thing about INTPs... they are socially awkward. Every single one of them. So when you say to me that a misunderstood INTP is "not normal in the head", it sounds EXACTLY like something my conformist sister would say... no offense. 

It could be that case that he uses laughter as a defense mechanism to protect himself from pain. Do you really know? I don't get the sense that Destiny is a bad character. Of course he chases attention and tries to be edgy. Mix that with social awkwardness and i think it's easy to get the wrong read, especially when he is being arrogant. It just rubs most people the wrong way but it's an emotional bias against him, not logical. From my view, he's got integrity because people without it don't do some of the things he does. I don't judge him for being fucked up by society. I think his intentions are good. That said, I don't know everything about him but I've watched his content for the past couple of years on YT.


Edited by Joshe

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51 minutes ago, integral said:

AI drones with guns are coming and It’s going to lower the barrier of entry to assassinations even more.

If the assassin was a drone how would They defend against it?

Electronic jamming.

Glory to Israel

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The insane part is how these Christians will spin Trump into a religous martyr.

It's just comically predictable.

It's like, if you shoot the devil in the ear now he becomes an angel. 

This is where the devil really plays his trick.

@Leo Gura This should be obvious to anyone following your teachings. I can see clearly and no devil can fool me.

 I fear where I'd be without you and your videos Leo.


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Today feels like things are more back to normal with all of this lol.  We’ve been brushing so much violence under the rug in America than this is just another one to the pile.

And from the outside looking in, Trump rallies now seem ghetto as hell since he got shot at.  Yuck.  Other than that iconic fist in the air photo, everything else looks like a terrible time 

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Posted (edited)

56 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The really scary thing is not drones with guns, but tiny insect drones who are so small they can poison you without you even seeing them.

Imagine a drone the size of a dragonfly with a poison syringe flying right into your neck during a speech. That is coming.

The best drone is a poison ant that craws up your leg. You won't even know what killed you.

Pretty scary but if you wanna Go full Science fiction release something into the air that alters human DNA that kills off a specific DNA strand. Eventually it will circulate the globe and the unlucky target will die from having their DNA unravelled in their body similar to radiation poisoning. No one would have any idea who the creator was.

but that dragonfly poisoning is scary because it again lowers the barrier of death. The only issue with it is the average person wouldn’t really have access to it, but a drone and a gun and a 3-D printer maybe that’s a little easier to get your hands on for the average Joe or average terrorist.

Edit; oh I just realized when we create something that can target any human on the planet anonymously then Kim Jong-un with his resources would have an incredible advantage. Possibly 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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This was not political….dude was just tryna seek attention. He was bullied, and instead of shooting up his school, he decided to get attention from the world in other ways. This guy was able to get a gun, and hopefully republicans finally wake up to just how bad the gun issue is in this country. 

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and also in the ideia of blazers with Crucifixes. God, this world dream is getting more and more cringe:

Ironic this was relased today after we almost had a Sacrificial Semi-Martyr on America


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

People who cast MAGA as economically motivated have been shown consistently wrong. They misunderstand the nature of this beast. This is A CULTURE WAR, it is not about policy or improvement of government, or a critique of capitalism. The people who support Trump are too ignorant to care about such sophisticated things as proper governance or economics. These people want MORE capitalism! And they will hang socialists like Chris Hedges from a gallows. Because this isn't about improving economics. You could give each MAGA ten million dollars and they would still be MAGA. They don't care about crafting fair economic policy.

Hedges is projecting his socialist agenda onto this CULTURE WAR.

Then why did Obama voters vote for Trump in key swing states?

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32 minutes ago, gambler said:

I thought he was coming at you for that. I don't know anymore. But I stand by what I said.

   Oh he was coming at me for another post. Lemme see, I was just saying to @Yimpa , because he made a post linking us that blog, most of us always be checking Leo's blog so you don't really need to announce it to us right? And that @joshua guy said something, and he I think even posted earlier my take on @zazen's post, which isn't attacking him, I was just asking the question to Zazen and just pointing out that Chris Hegens guy's thoguths, and @joshua gave a more extreme take and I was like man, not all Christians are like that, it's mainly a religious dogma problem mixed with Neoliberalism and being alt right, and @joshua then acted a bit offended and I was OK, you've name called and insulted me, seems you salty, ok Imma drop the debate and take the W. And that was that, and you hit me up with that Destiny post. Yeah he was coming at me but it was for something else...but thanks anyways for responding for me!😁👍

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

This video documents the Devil's sick game very well:


It still baffles me how anyone with any sense could support this guy.

"He's leading us to the brink of WW3. He's the most corrupt president in American history and it's not even close"

This guy will say ANYTHING to "win".

@Leo Gura Do you think he believes his own bullshit?

Edited by Yali

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18 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Electronic jamming.

WAT I thought that was science fiction, but can you have an electric jam running in the background? I think you would have to activate it when you see a threat?

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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19 minutes ago, Joshe said:

@gambler I don't doubt Destiny has issues. But I can read people pretty well. Destiny is an INTP, like Leo. He has a high IQ. He's an A-type personality. He's definitely got some trauma and suppresses a lot. He fell into streaming and got lucky. His high IQ combined with his A-type personality and thirst for knowledge makes him a good candidate for debate and he discovered that. Thing about INTPs... they are socially awkward. Every single one of them. So when you say to me that a misunderstood INTP is "not normal in the head", it sounds EXACTLY like something my conformist sister would say... no offense. 

It could be that case that he uses laughter as a defense mechanism to protect himself from pain. Do you really know? I don't get the sense that Destiny is a bad character. Of course he chases attention and tries to be edgy. Mix that with social awkwardness and i think it's easy to get the wrong read, especially when he is being arrogant. It just rubs most people the wrong way but it's an emotional bias against him, not logical. From my view, he's got integrity because people without integrity do not do some of the things he does. I don't judge him for being fucked up by society. I think his intentions are good. That said, I don't know everything about him but I've watched his content for the past couple of years on YT.


   There's no shot Leo is like Destiny. In fact if you're not aware, if you hate Leo this is the kind of comparison that person would make because if you know what I know of Destiny, then comparing Destiny to any person would be an insult to that person. And while I may have differences to Leo, I respect Leo enough to not compare him to Destiny. Just no.

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Posted (edited)

2 minutes ago, Yali said:

It still baffles me how anyone with any sense could support this guy.

"He's leading us to the brink of WW3. He's the most corrupt president in American history and it's not even close"

This guy will say ANYTHING to "win".

@Leo Gura Do you think he believes his own bullshit?

Trump doesn't have the self-awareness to even to reflect on what comes out of his mouth.

Edited by mrPixel

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Let's let this be the last we engage each other. I prefer more open-minded, good faith engagement. I actually am all for the original high teachings of Christ and all the major religions but you incorrectly assumed I was oblivious to those things and decided to be condescending to me and then others. You've done this at least 3 times today on this thread. Maybe take a break from the body language practice and look into power dynamics. It seems you like to scold others. I'll just go be salty and let you take the W. Let's end it now. No more juvenile argumentation. I won't respond. You got the W.  

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10 minutes ago, integral said:

WAT I thought that was science fiction, but can you have an electric jam running in the background? I think you would have to activate it when you see a threat?

Well you'd have it running the whole time, that's what they use in Ukraine. They are heavy to carry and can compromise your location though, and you have to jam all the signal frequencies.

Glory to Israel

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Posted (edited)

38 minutes ago, Raze said:

Then why did Obama voters vote for Trump in key swing states?

They were radicalized with culture war issues.

Of course the electorate is large so some people are voting for economic or policy reasons. I was speaking more generally.

35 minutes ago, Yali said:

This guy will say ANYTHING to "win".

@Leo Gura Do you think he believes his own bullshit?

He's a cynical con-artist so he knows he's running a con on his followers. He thinks of his own followers as suckers who will buy anything.

But also he's an egomaniac so he will believe whatever juices up his ego. I'm sure his ego gets juiced up from thinking of himself as savior of America from woke Communists or some such fantasy.

So it's a combination of pure cynical Machiavellianism plus the delusions of grandiose narcissism.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Posted (edited)

Coming from that gamer culture background Destiny is just immature.

Destiny can make a lot of sense at times, and he is skilled at debate, but at the core of his psyche is still that gamer boy who yells racist slurs while playing multiplayer Halo. That limits Destiny's development. He's kinda stuck in that role. This shows you the problemic influence of toxic gamer culture on young men in general.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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