
Start afresh on good foundations

10 posts in this topic

Hello everybody, 
Just wondering how you would do this. 
I have only had negative experiences with women. Rejections, ghosting etc.
Afterwards I don't know if it's huge but from rejections and ghosting I must have had maybe 25 in total. I don't know if that's an insignificant number or if you think it's a lot. So, every time I have the impression that things are going well with a woman I am wary, in my head I say to myself “no, don’t let yourself be fooled, she will reject/ghost you again”
I am defensive with every woman I meet and sometimes I even want to take revenge on women who have done nothing to me for the behavior of previous women. For example, there seemed to be a woman interested in me, I took revenge on her by ghosting her for no reason, just to take out all my accumulated frustrations because of women. 

I would like to start everything from the beginning, have healthy foundations and avoid seeing women as enemies who only seek to harm me by ghosting/rejecting me. 
And I also have the impression that I only interest women who don’t interest me. 

How would you do it?

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Your foundation is feminine so you will again find a way to be bitter towards women,since shes the main focus in your mind.You writing this thread shows how much women bothers you(in your mind).As long you are feminine and as long you dont create your own brand to market yourself to women you will lose.Women ghost because there is nothing about you that entice them to see you.I didnt hear anything about you that would invite women in.Your writing is coming from, im not good enough attitude.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Don’t focus on women, that’s a trap. Focus on yourself and women will come naturally. 

Think of it like getting a job, it’s better to have a great cv than trying to trick the employer you are better than your cv indicates.

Getting in shape and great physical health is a great start.

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I’ve been hard locked in the revenge on women paradigm for years now. It’s so strong I don’t see any possible escape.

Btw, cat fishing or getting a girl wildly in love with you then cheating are much better forms of revenge than ghosting. Not that I’ve ever done those or would recommend them. 

The revenge mindset is extremely difficult to get rid of


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1 hour ago, Emotionalmosquito said:


The revenge mindset is extremely difficult to get rid of


Because you havent found the reasons why you hate who you are,or you probably dont know who you are...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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25 women not answering you is like nothing.

Try 1000.

Women are not seeking to harm you by not responding. They simply aren't attracted and don't even know you exist.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@PRai1ND1A Approaching girls isn't about begging.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 7/19/2024 at 2:58 PM, NoSelfSelf said:

Because you havent found the reasons why you hate who you are,or you probably dont know who you are...

I love myself enough to know I deserve a thousand of the hottest pussies on earth to make up for how badly I’ve been wronged. I love who I am otherwise I wouldn’t feel worthy enough to demand lots of sex.

My contempt for the opposite sex has become so extreme I feel radiant joy and happiness when bad things happen to women. Things such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, getting into severely abusive relationships, miscarriages of babies they wanted dearly, etc. 

How do you even begin to come out of such hatred once it gets this fucking bad?


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@Emotionalmosquito Stop caring about women in a way they are the object of your desires.Stop caring what they do to you and in general.Focus on you and how you need to grow, but you cant do that since you lack game where mind is pushing you towards hate vs towards yourself.When you can do that then you relate to a woman in a way, to what you can do to impact her vs she imapcting you.Since you are on a level of victimhood then you can't go up towards loving yourself.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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